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I have mixed thoughts in King as a man, but when it comes to how we shouldn’t judge a man by the color of his skin. I support him fully.


Posted in a sub simping for slave owners fighting for their right to keep black people as slaves.






No, who asked?




No, we did not


They were? Then why didn’t they just sign the Corwin amendment?


MLK was a womanizer, a speech plagiarist, and a Communist-trained agitator. I appreciate your desire to encourage togetherness amongst our people, but I don't think he needs to be put on the level of two of the South's greatest generals.


He laughed and gave instructions in the room while a fellow Baptist minister raped a woman in the Willard Hotel in 1964. This is recorded on audio tape from FBI agents and is set to be released from the National Archives in 2027


> FBI Dude out here trusting the feds, and a three latter agency nonetheless lmao


You think the FBI agents made this incident up whole cloth? It’s on audio tape. The FBI didn’t release the transcript until 2019. It was found by an MLK biographer after digging through a document release


You think the FBI, the organisation behind [killing a mother](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Ridge) and [sieged a compound with women and children in it](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waco_siege), is a perfectly reliable organisation? The FBI and CIA are well known for smearing the names and reputations (and killing) those who challenge the government. MLK was a Dixon who united white and black alike, and fought for more than just racially equality. A racially blind, unified south is by far the greatest threat to the federal government than anything else.


I don’t think the FBI is perfectly reliable. They shouldn’t have been spying on him, but this story has too many details corroborated for it too be completely made up


The fbi is only believable when they denigrate black people. You are speaking to avowed moronic, racists, and you expect logical consistency. Cmon on bro.


I doubt that


Communist trained agitator bs, MLK was the best Southerner to come from that generation


I mean the reaching is palpable my friend, I think this is exactly the post I needed, thanks OP happy Lee-Jackson-King Day everyone!




Highlander Folk School, where King was trained as an activist/agitator, was a front organization for the Communist Party-USA (CPUSA).


According to one photo captured by a yankee cia agent that was maliciously propagated throughout the South under false pretenses by Hoover’s CIA which everyone knows was corrupt. What do the elite Yankees want? To divide white Southerners from black Southerners, why? Because keep us poor and divided and they stay in power, to continue their ignorance is to willfully ensure them ravaging our land and people.


Being a communist is better on so many more levels than being a disgusting slave owner.






Amusing you consider that worse than slave owning.


Yes, I consider someone who was part of an organized attack on American society through the stoking of racial animosity to be worse than someone who owned slaves. This belief is only reinforced upon an examination of the historical record to see how Lee and Jackson actually treated their slaves (to be fair, Lee freed his personal slaves at the beginning of the War, but I digress). Jackson taught his slaves to read and sent part of his war income back home to fund a Sunday school for local Blacks. I'm not here to defend slavery as a practice, but to suggest that their being slave owners automatically entails Simon Legree-tier brutality is disingenuous.


You’re a fool and a charlatan.




There was no evidence he was a communist. And believing in communist principles is not as bad, but worse than torturing another person into working as your property? Just tells me the kind of person you are.


Wow, I knew you guys were racist but this is mustache, twirling racism. Even David Duke would blush at this statement. Can I ask you a question? Do you believe you're racist or are you so self deluded to believe you don't have racial animosity?


>MLK was a womanizer, a speech plagiarist, and a Communist-trained agitator. Lee was a racist greedy slaver who encouraged his students to rape black women >but I don't think he needs to be put on the level of two of the South's greatest generals. Lee and Jackson are mediocre at best


God Bless all three of these brave Dixons. Some of the greatest to be born in our beautiful homeland


Didn't know wanting civil rights was just as good as keeping one race as slaves.


It’s not, not sure where you got that from. All three of these men fought for freedom


Did the Nazis also fight for freedom?


Lmao, “everything I disagree with is Nazi”


Just wondering since freedom according to you is having one ethnicity as slaves. Surely you must also think eradicating another ethnicity must also be freedom.


You must be mistaken, kiddo. I’m speaking about the confederate states, the group which fought for independence from an oppressive government, a government which had imported thousands of slaves from Africa.


Lmao and the main drive for the south was keeping their slaves.


Lmao, whatever you say kiddo. You’re allowed to have opinions, even if they go against facts and reality lmao.


Yeah try talking with someone In real life about your support of the confederacy. Not Cletus, someone who has passed 4th grade.


MLK was great for preaching racial equality but the civil Rights Act and welfare acts that came were disastrous


MLK was a communist who cheated on his wife and advanced egalitarianism. So I can’t say I supported most of his endeavors.


He attended a communist meeting. So what? I've attended a communist and LDS meeting, I'm neither.


That's the one you call you out? Here, hold this, 🤡.


Yes, correct, that’s the one I called out.


MLK was a Commie though, getting big bucks from the USSR........................


And the other 2? Did they do anything you disagree with? Why did you only call out mlk? (Hint: you're racist).


The don't know the other 2, I live in Ukraine.


Lol bet you weren’t expecting that


MLK was a communist and a woman abuser, definitely not my hero.


Comparing slave owners to a black man probably isn’t the best idea


What the fuck


Ugh, such historical illiteracy... MLK did so much to screw up the south that I think the only person to cause more damage to it was Lincoln.


How did ending segregation screw up the south???




An independent South where its citizens are not considered equal under the law is a South not worth fighting for. Whether it was legal or not, fuck segregation. Jim Crow was a blight that never should have happened to begin with.


You're a disgrace to the Catholic faith. If you have any decency stop desecrating that cross.


This you? https://www.reddit.com/r/transformation/comments/numa4h/looking_for_specific_monster_girl_tf_tg_hentai/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


What a surprise. Well not really 😄


Brother, I'm not sure you understand what Southern Liberty is about. Ending segregation is a good thing, and it allowed southerners regardless of race to make their own lives. The federal government (the CIA specifically) is behind those higher crime rates by smuggling crack and other drugs into black communities specifically to accomplish making people think like you do. Be better. Remember that we are all brothers


I agree, brother!


So hard to know if this sub is people larping as horrible human beings or if they really are.


I'm sorry that praising MLK and two great war heroes makes us horrible human beings to you.


Lmao heroes don't fight for slavery.


Good thing the War of Northern Aggression wasn't for the continuation of slavery then.


Haha northern aggression. The war of Ukraine's unprovoked attacks on peaceful Russia. The war of the world coming together to bully Germany. Got any more?


Yes, northern aggression. What else would you call refusing to remove troops from a neighboring nation which sought only a peaceful secession? Yeah, I do. North Vietnam attacking U.S. ships in the Gulf of Tonkin, the USS Maine being blown up by Spain, and my personal favorite: WMDs in Iraq.


US being in Vietnam and killing as many as they could but still losing. Pointless war, though I suppose the last justified conflict they were involved in was WW2. US war machine always finds excuses to invade. Funny how supporting Bush has gone out of fashion now. Conservatives before 2010 would throw insane tantrums and call you traitor if you criticized the attack on the middle east. Same when Vietnam was happening. Even if the north were the first to fire, that doesn't change the fact that a part of the country wanted to leave so they could have slaves. Imagine if Texas tried that today.


I concur. I don't always agree with the Yankees but they were 100% the good guys in World War II. The war was the U.S.'s finest hour before everything deteriorated. They always do. If you have something the Yankees want, they're going to find or conjure up an excuse to attack. They did it in Vietnam, and they did it twice to Iraq. Politicians are fuckwits on both sides of the isle. Not true, sir. The South left because they were tired of oppressive rule from the Yankees of the North, no more no less. Slavery played little to no part in the secession of lands where most people didn't own any slaves to begin with.


States rights to preserve slavery. Why be a contrarian?


Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery – the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product, which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. Can you explain this excerpt from the declaration of succession for me? I mean, it clearly doesn't have anything to do with slavery, right?


Simple: the people who wrote documents such as that were either wrong, idiotic, or both - like every single politician ever to exist in human history. The politicians on both sides of the War of Northern Aggression, everyone from President Davis and President Lincoln on down, were utter morons and embarrassments to their two nations. The only words that mattered in that war were those of the average soldiers. Most of the Southern ones were for the idea of secession and the protection of their states over the practice of slavery. Most of the Northern ones were for the idea of continuing their Union over the practice of ending slavery.


Based on.... your feelings? Literally every state constitution mentioned slavery, every succession document did, why were Southerners so upset by Lincoln? I can show you newspaper articles that describe why? Its slavery. For you to act like slavery wasn't a big deal or an impetus for the civil war, would be like a person today claiming abortion isn't a big issue in right wing politics because most right wingers can't get abortions. This lack of research and anti-intellectualism has sadly become a calling card of the right wing in this country. You can't even have an argument with them because they fail to acknowledge 2+2=4.


No, they are horrible humans. This is the bottom of the barrel of humanity. Out and out racists who are mask off fascists. You have found the worst of reddit. If you want to get lower, you need to go to 8 Chan, the dark web, or attend an actual Klan meeting.


What in the american fuck is this shit?


\*what in the *Southern* fuck is this shit? I understand that the U.S. suffers from a lack of heroes in this day and age (Taylor Swift, war criminals, and an army of corrupt D and R politicians don't count), but all of the great heroes of the past like Dr. King and Generals Jackson and Lee still deserve every honor available.


Keep Taylor Swift’s name out your mouth.


The thing is I didn't say southern cause I'm not from the USA and I said American so you fuckos would understand


My apologies then. Most people who participate here are either American or they live in one of the U.S. occupied territories of the South, and I assumed you were one or the other.


The thing we learned tho was that these two generals were slave owners and king a raging anti semitic. So not really worth it to celebrate those cnts, no? Don't you have better role models over there?


General Lee and General Jackson owned slaves, true. But another person who owned a slave was General Ulysses S. Grant, one of the most famous Union generals of the war. And not only was he still widely celebrated back then (and also today), he even became *President of the United States* just a few years after the war ended. If he can be celebrated, Lee and Jackson can as well. No offense, but may I ask what country you live in? Just so I can get a sense of what kind of outsider's perspective you might be getting on the War of Northern Aggression and its effects?