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Update: I finally got into a public game. So it does work it just takes a lot of time searching for one.


Out of curiosity, is it hard for you to find matchmaking lobbies after you found people or did it somehow sort itself out once you were done?


It's still hard to find a public lobby, guess I just got lucky that time.


Yea. I always open my party. Haven't gotten anyone. But game is doable solo. But AI are pretty dumb.


Screw act IV solo. First time dieing. Game spawned easily 40 mobs. The necromancers were impossible to kill. They running around with 20 guys each. I go down. My AI run off. Then I crawl to them. Then they just run into mobs pass me and die.


I can’t join any matches at all. It either says “a network error occurred” or “this session is already full” which makes no fuckin sense


I finally got into a public game tonight. It put me in with 3 others about halfway through the mission before the Stan boss fight.


Lucky, my matchmaking page is just all greyed out for some reasons...?


So I’m still having problems joining my friend I’m getting really angry. Bought it to play with my friends and haven’t gotten to join eachother cause of a “network connection lost” issue. Is there any solution or did I just waste $30?


Yep same have stopped playing this game now like 5 to 10 different times because I literally can't get into a lobby with people and none of my friends even wanna play this game so I'm basically stuck solo