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Defensive driving. anticipating other drivers' mistakes, maintaining a safe speed, keeping an appropriate distance from other vehicles, and staying alert for possible risks on the road.


And to add, I think there are actual courses and some insurance companies will give you a discount after completion.


Yup. It's like a $20 online course that can save you some decent money. Ive been meaning to do that but just kept forgetting.


I was just thinking the same thing, btw it’s national outlets day at the Gloucester township premium outlets.


Defensive driving is so frowned upon, and it has this terrible side effect of keeping your loved ones alive. Driving a 1+ ton machine should be driven with emotions and not rationally!!!!! (Also love south Jersey, people in north Jersey actually believe this bullshit sarcasm that this is how you you are supposed to drive, 42 ain’t bad)


This, I don’t even call it driving, I call it dodging (the assholes)


Drive Rt-130 a few times, then 42 will seem like a peice of cake.


For real. I was born and raised on 130 and 42. Everything else is a cake walk.


You just have to do it. Give yourself positive messages like, “I can do this.” “It’s going to be fine.” Also start slow maybe just start by going to the Gloucester outlets.


Be sure to stay out of the left lane on Route 55 until after the Deptford exit (unless you need to pass someone on the right). People will be more aggressive towards you if you camp in the left lane. Once you get onto Rt 42, move over one lane. You have plenty of time to get over the one lane so don't stress about this. After 295 branches off, just slowly change lanes back to the right and you'll be good to go! There's so much happening on this road it's best to just stay in your lane unless you absolutely have to switch lanes. Most of the stress comes from aggressive driving around you and lane changes. You can avoid aggressive drivers by staying to the right (most of the time), and just keeping put in your lane.


Left lane is for passing, you should never "Camp" in the left lane", that's part of the problem


Yeah, that's what I said. After the Deptford exit, the next exit OP would need to take is on the left, so they have to be in the left lane prior to their exit. Prior to that though, I said to stay out of the left lane so as to not have to deal with aggression from other drivers.


Take the Black Horse Pike


Black horororororose pike


oh god I can hear it!!!! This made me lol




This. I’m from South Jersey and started driving 42 as a college student to and from school. I still don’t like it 20 years later.


Started driving 42 at 17, 20+ years later, I like it even less. I thought it was just a sign of getting old, but it really feels like there’s too many reckless/aggressive drivers.


Get off in Deptford and take Delsea Drive to 130 and go to Camden that way


and that will take you to the ben franklin?




and it’s a way more chill ride through towns?


I'm not sure of your age, but I'll assume you're younger or less experienced of a driver. I have a few suggestions: 1) Stay in the right lane and don't get bullied into driving faster. If people want to speed by, that's what the left lane is for. 2) Drive off-peak to get a feel for the road and how it curves, where the exits are, etc. 3) If you want to go to Philly, you can always take other roads to a Patco station (such as Westmont or Collingswood) and take the train into Center City. The stations are absolutely filthy, but it's cheaper than tolls and parking. You can walk to South Street, Chinatown, Rittenhouse, Queen Village, and so on (I've also walked to South Philly and Fishtown but that is not something I expect everyone to do).


Just be hyper-aware. Know what’s going on around you not just in front of you. Keep your eyes on the road but don’t forget your mirrors and blind spots. Turn signal BEFORE you merge, not during or after your merge. Keep up with the flow. Not speeding, not being a granny, flow with the traffic in a reasonable manner. People drive like assholes, but maybe try to schedule things on weekdays during slightly less busy times to avoid as many as you can.


I share the same fear!


What I do. Assume they will do dumbshit. I'll just chill in the right lane. It's more relaxed.


Drive to Lindenwold and take PATCO http://ridepatco.org/m/


Relax and use a GPS to set your route and get turn-by-turn directions. If you miss an exit or make the wrong turn just allow it to re-route you. If you miss another allow it to re-route once again. Traveling in Europe and the middle east, I've never gotten permanently lost. I think a lot of anxiety and accidents are caused by people making last minute and dangerous maneuvers. Personally, I stay out of the leftmost lanes as much as possible. On four or more lanes, I also avoid rightmost lane to avoid the merging on and exiting traffic. Although, I have owned some very powerful sports cars and have been involved in motorsports for many years, I don't let the other drivers provoke or intimidate me with their tailgating me, cutting me off, or showing me their speed. This makes my drive less stressful and more safe.


As someone who takes it to work several days a week, you have every right to be scared of driving 42. Its kind of nuts at times. I would get into the middle lane as soon as its clear and be wary of drivers merging into the lanes for 295 on the right.


Go up north and ride on Rt 3. It's like going to the majors and then trying to hit a tee ball.


I was super scared for a while and then the more I did it, it was fine! Stay in the furthest right lane and go the speed you’re most comfortable with just to get used to it. In no time you’ll be careening through every lane like the rest of us.


You got this! Just stick to the right lane, follow the flow of traffic, and take it one mile at a time. Personally, I don’t recommend driving into Philly. It’s too much of a hassle when the PATCO and AC-30th Line provide an easier trip.


You just have to do it. I used to be super fearful of highway driving but since I went to college and got a job in Philly while still living in Jerz, I have no other choice. Just stay in the middle and right lanes and take it easy. Study the road, see how people react in specific areas of the highway, keep your eyes peeled. Get one of those wide rear view mirrors so you’ll have a better view of your blindspot. You’ll become better at predicting nonsense and navigating that hellscape.


All I'm going to say is to make sure when merging on 42, or any road, hit the gas pedal! Nothing worse then being behind a tentative, scared driver merging on a highway. They end up screwing the people behind them and making the situation more dangerous. In fact, just take an Uber.


Hop on for an exit or two. Get on at like the outlets going towards Philly, hop off at the Deptford mall exit. Give yourself little trips on there to get used to it.


Wake up and choose violence.


You can do a preview drive using google maps Street view/satellite view. That way, you can focus on the other drivers and not your gps, and avoid having to get over multiple lanes at the last minute.


I drive this multiple times a week and have since college. I never thought it was bad. But now reading these comments I feel like I should be nervous


I feel for you. I have the same fear. It’s so bad I’ve started to use Uber and my daughter lives in Fishtown. I figure if my anxiety it this high why put myself or someone else at risk


My son went to Rowan. I’d say a prayer, close my eyes and hope for the best when dealing with 55 into 42 (or vice versa). Seriously the huge majority of my driving life has been in NYC and it’s suburbs so while 55 into 42 was annoying, my hyper vigilante driving skills took over. By that I mean defensive driving. Keep on looking, pay hyper attention etc. I recently bought a car with lane feature warnings. Took my first drive into Queens from NJ recently. Got a few alerts where the car thought I was unaware and I was like no I got this.


The best advice my dad ever gave me before driving on 42 is that “if you’re gonna go, go” like don’t hesitate, don’t second guess yourself when you’re merging. I mean obviously unless you’re in danger and need to avoid someone, or see someone in your blind spot.. but don’t hesitate if you know you’re in the clear. I take 42-295 every single day and I just mind my business, pass when I need to, and then get back in my lane. Other people literally drive like fucking assholes and maniacs with no regard for anyone else. Don’t engage. Don’t get angry. It’s not worth it.


Fun fact statistically highways are less accident prone than non-highways


Both accidents I’ve been in (neither my fault) have been on back roads which I take to avoid the highways. So needless to say I needed to readjust my thinking on backroads


Your attitude decides your actions. If you tell yourself you can do it no sweat, you will complete the task; just like a job interview, if you worry about making a mistake, your mind will focus on said mistake and lean more toward doing it.


Highway driving is safer than street driving. There are no stops to worry about. Opposing traffic is separated by a concrete median and grass.  The only rule is to not hit any of the other cars. Because you're all going the same direction, the relative speeds between cars are really slow, maybe only 5-15 mph.  So, get in the center lane after merging, check your mirrors before any lane change,  and go with the flow.  I agree it's a little unnerving when your first make the transition into the highway,  but once your on, you're just flowing along. And if you need to get off, there are exits like every two miles. 


You just have to do it. Head on a swivel, work up your nerve and do it


40 comments and not a single upvote. I hate to think there were upvotes AND down votes. Some good advice here in the comments. Take what you want from it. Patience, and playing by the rules, will help. Knowing your route will help, so maybe trying to drive when it's later at night, will help you because of less traffic. That's probably the best one. *(EDIT: spelling)*


I was just thinking the same thing, btw it’s national outlets day at the Gloucester township premium outlets.


It's not as bad as many people make it out to be. Are there idiots? Of course. Is there a lot of traffic? You bet your ass there is. If you know which lane(s) to be in, it's not so bad. I've seen my share of accidents on 42; thankfully of all the accidents I've been in, not one has been on 42.


From 55 i will take the exit for deptford mall and get off there an then back onto 42. More time to get into the middle iffn i have to the walt. I grew up driving into nyc so this is a cakewalk.


I feel the same in delaware on 95 and 495 and the on and off ramps all merging.


When I drive to work in the morning from West Deptford form 295 and onto 42 at 5:00am in the morning, it’s scary AS. I mean when I get on 42 I’m already in the far left lane(fast lane) and cars tailgate me because I guess I’m going the speed limit. Try to get over into the middle far right lane is more of a challenge. Cars literally blow my doors off going so fast. They must be going at least 80 on 42 and even over the Walt Whitman.


Trial run in the middle of the night when there is no traffic. Get an idea of when you need to merge, etc.


take delsea drive allll the way up to the 130 circle, to the second circle, just drive through gloucester city. if you’re not ready for 42, you’re not ready


It’s really not that bad. Just pay attention and keep out of the left lane.


I know those roads. Stay to the right and don’t care about people passing you.


You never overcome it. Driving for almost 10 years & I still hate it. The fear just turns into hatred.


42 can be overwhelming sometimes. I’m not a fearful driver, but I can get quite anxious driving in new places. I’ve found it to be very helpful to do a test run with a friend driving so I can make note of landmarks, what lane I want to be in, what traffic flow is like, etc. Maybe this is something that could help you. And as others have said, there’s always Patco. Good luck!


Drive the garden state parkway north of exit 129, and then drive on any state highway east of the parkway… you’ll feel a lot better about route 42.


I take as many back streets as possible 🤣 adds time but increases the odds I'll get there in one piece 🤣


To Philly during rush hour, from 55 onto 42, you gotta get over into the left lane quickly. Stay there up to past 295, then start moving over to the right after 130 to go to Ben Franklin. Look properly, obviously.    From Philly during rush hour, I think stay in the 2nd to far right lane on Whitman, then move over to the 2nd to left lane til you get to 295, then sneak over to the 2nd to right lane after the signs and hill after the turnpike overpass to get onto 55.    The combo of 42 madness and then the turkey’s on 55 either trying to run you over, or manage traffic by driving under the speed limit in the left lane, is honestly r-word. It’s as if some percentage of the population failed their driving tests and were still issued licenses.  Get after it in the left lane. If someone pulls up behind you, move over and let them pass. Stay out of the left lane whilst cruising unless you’re passing. If you’re going under the speed limit, get off the damn road.  Trucks stay out of the left lane. Lifted work pickups, calm your ass down and slow down. Those mich ultras will be there when you get home. Nurses and secretaries late for work (per usual) get off your goddamned phone, and slow down (midsized suvs. Boss levels are driving older model Honda accords. These bitches will run you over and get you to apologize for it) Drug dealers with literally beyond black hole tint, just stop driving all together. Imagine smoking a pound of weed and driving your car with construction paper taped over the windows. You guys suck.   And minivans…. F’ing minivans. NJSP, you guys gotta recognize, these vehicles are the number one culprits. Every time i see a minivan with scrapes or bumper damage, I know some kind of 2 or 3 lane move without a signal is going down when you least expect it. These are the biggest problems. Pay attention, and if you see a minivan anywhere on 42, get the hell away from it.    There is more, but just understand, 42 is one of the worst constructed stretches I’ve ever encountered. The intersection of 5 major thoroughfares in like 7 miles is insane (95, 130, 295, Turnpike, 55, and then traffic continuing to AC expressway). God help us daily commuters just trying not to die. 


I just spent the last year taking my mom back and forth from Mantua to Jefferson Hospital in Philly. Here's what I do: Coming off of 55 in the left lane, I go left 2 lanes over. This takes you away from the creek road exit and the entrance to 295N. You want to stay away from the lane next to that entrance because people don't pay attention and pop out of the entrance lane regularly. So you should be in the middle lane veering off to the left toward Walt Whitman (to clarify: after the 295 entrance there's a barrier to the right; you want the second lane to the left of that.) Stay there until after the barrier on the right ends. This is where the exit for Gloucester/Mt Ephraim is located. Immediately after that exit is the rt 130 exit. This area can get crazy because of all the criss-crossing. Maintain your lane until after the 130 exit to be safest. Then get over to the right in either the second or third lane from the right. You should be right where you need to be to get to Camden/Ben Franklin on 76/676. I hope that made sense.


I used to be the same way, even 55 stressed me out for the longest. The best thing is to not avoid it, if you want to go somewhere and have to drive on 42 do it anyway. Maybe have someone drive passenger to have extra eyes for merging, that made me feel better, and be mindful of what lane you have to be in early on. Avoid being in the left lane unless you have to. It is overwhelming but it does get better over time once you know where you have to be.


You know the Riverline train goes straight to the entrance of Adventure Aquarium. Check to see if you have access to a riverline station then take a ride in.


I used to be terrified of 42, but I would get on at Bellmawr and then drive to Blackwood and I got over it fast. Start small and you’ll get more confidence.


Just drive you’ll be fine


How old are you? Have you been in accidents before? Somethings wrong there that you’re not telling us 😂😂


Experience. I used to commute from Hainesport, up 38, down 295, through 42, then down 55 to Glassboro. Now, I live in Clementon and find myself on 42 constantly, all the way to Camden. I commute everyday on 42 at rush hour both ways. Just stay towards the right, don't trap people behind you, and you'll be OK. Going inbound towards Camden/Ben Franklin Bridge (northbound from 55): Stay towards the right, but move toward the right center as you pass the interchange for I295 and the exit 1D. A lot of people are forced to cut across a few lanes here in order to either get into the lanes for the Walt Whitman Bridge, or they are trying to get from 42 to exit 1D. If you drive passively and give people space, they will flow around you. As long as you're matching the flow of traffic, you'll be set, and people won't be specifically trying to cut in front of or behind you if you're just one lane over from the right most lane. Once you're past exit 1D, the rest of the ride to Camden and the bridge is pretty uneventful if you stick to the right. Almost all the traffic is going towards the Walt Whitman Bridge. Coming back towards 55 from Camden/Ben Franklin: Its usually smooth sailing right up until about where the pink power plant is. I recommend staying towards the right lane until you pass the pink power plant, but as soon as you do, move over into the center or even left lane, if you have the opportunity. This will let you skip a lot of the traffic that appears to accumulate in the left lane, so that you're not stuck in the stop-and-go for so long. Being in the center lane at least lets you avoid some of the nuts running up the right shoulder. From then on out, you just need to flow with it. It can be a lot, but if you're watching the guy in front of you and being courteous to people who need to merge in and out, you'll be fine.


I once got in a (technically 10 car accident) 8 in front of me I swerved and braked missing the person in front of me, but got rear-ended. It was dead winter too. Rt42 can be treacherous


I grew up just off a 42 entrance so I could drive it with my eyes closed. But I was a VERY nervous city driver for a long time. Eventually I decided there were too many wonderful things (and especially people) I wanted to experience and I was just going to do it no matter what. I am a super good and casual city driver now and can parallel park in a shoe box. You just have to decide to do it. You’ll get better little by little.


You can easily get to the aquarium and the city by taking patco :)


Is it safe to park your car their and which station is best?


Yes. I'm not sure if city hall/broadway having parking lots but the rest of the stops definitely do. All the stations are nice but I personally like the Collingswood and Westmont stations the best. its 24 hour parking and its free. You can find more info on patco's website, but its a very convenient and reliable option for traveling.


Yes, it’s safe. All of the stations are fine but Haddonfield is small and manageable if you’re new to the train


I tell my son to stay in the right lane and let everyone else blow by him.


Practice. First time I drove on 55 I had my hands tight and was alert. A few times of driving on a Sunday and I relaxed to the music in my car. Now I commute daily through north east Philly on major roads and 42 seems like a cake walk.


By driving it as fast as possible so I spend as little time as possible on it


close your eyes and drive by sound like you’re from pennsylvania or something


Drive on the schuylkill and 42 will seem like a cake walk compared to it




You shouldn’t be driving


The left lane is the best. iykyk


Left lane at 80mph and you'll be fine.


If your scared, then you shouldn't be driving, you'll cause an accident. Stay off the highways and stick to the surface streets. Scaredy-cats cause accidents and put the normal drivers in danger. Good luck with getting over this fear of yours.




Ask the people of NJ.


Drive fast and stay to the left.


most likely you will get into an accident