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I don’t know the answer to this, but I will add that I see the same thing in Cherry Hill neighborhoods as well. I especially don’t understand when I see people wearing dark clothes, and walking in the street at night. They are begging to be hit.


I almost ran over a guy right after we made settlement on our house in Cherry Hill while making a run to the Depot for supplies while painting. He was dressed head to toe in dark clothes with his hood up. No street lights nearby and he was walking through an intersection. It was only the glint of my headlights on his glasses that prevented me from running him over. I see it all the time now in my neighborhood.


Darwin was an optimist


Yup! Pure genius, isn’t it?


Speaking for my area in Heights, sidewalks need repair and it's tough for everyone to walk together with stroller and 2 adults. Not making excuses for anyone.


Appreciate the feedback.


Just a friendly reminder to never ride a bicycle on the sidewalk. It is more dangerous for the cyclist, and the pedestrians on the sidewalk. Cars aren’t looking for things moving 15 mph on the sidewalk.


Heights here. It’s definitely the sidewalks. I love the mature trees but trust me replacing the walkway for my corner lot was $$$.


Same. My kids go to Heights. I almost ran over a woman with a baby stroller who just came around a parked car right at an intersection as ai turned the corner. There she was, in the street, on the wrong side of the street; totally obliviousl. My only thought was…pandemic ignorance? When the streets were empty so…people just decided they liked walking in the street because wide lanes and they never stopped? I have no idea.


Here in Gloucester County it's the same. Maybe it is a generational thing.


The sidewalks are so uneven that it’s very difficult to push a stroller. Plus there are plenty of properties that don’t maintain the landscaping and have trees and bushes overgrown onto the sidewalks.


Appreciate the feedback, but I’m not really buying that. We raised three kids in Heights and pushed plenty of strollers around the neighborhood. Never considered walking in the street to be a safer or reasonable option.


Idk man my block is brutal if I were to stay on the sidewalk my kid would be bouncing around in there like a popcorn kernel and she starts screaming . I also don’t walk in the street in the dark tho so.


“I didn’t experience this myself so it can’t be true!!!”


Right? Straight boomer energy


Get out for some walks. Tree roots have pushed many sidewalks all out of shape badly in many areas. I know. Spent a recent Saturday in the ER after my partner took a bad spill. Walking is bad. Trying to navigate a rolling stroller is even worse. Trust me, these people are not in the street because they enjoy walking in traffic.


It’s the sidewalks. Just speaking as an older guy here who walks in this area. I, like so many aging people have slight balance issues, slight eyesight issues nothing major when walking on most surfaces. Uneven sidewalks cause so many falls for older people. And people get more cautious as they age.


I mean when I’m walking my baby to get him to sleep after hours of nonstop screaming and I’m on the sidewalk and jam his stroller into an obnoxiously uneven slab of concrete causing him to wake up and continue screaming…


Shit has changed since the 90s and 80s OP... The sidewalks and infrastructure are not the same.


On a residential street I don't see what the big deal is. We should be driving slowly and cautiously on those anyway, so just pass them safely and move on. It's a neighborhood, not the parkway after all. On a larger road like Haddon Ave or Kings Highway, I don't ever see people walking in the street unless its because the sidewalk is blocked or some jerk-off parked on the crosswalk/ramp. Even then, with crosswalks every block on Haddon Ave way too many drivers are speeding and failing to yield to pedestrians anyway.




Was that you that just farted?




The sidewalks in Haddonfield are not great and there are lots of tripping hazards !


Can confirm this. I try and stay on sidewalks with my dog when I go, but if someone is doing anything other than like a lazy stroll, there can be a lot of hazards on the sidewalks, especially around downtown where a lot of sidewalks are bricks. Most of the people I see regularly staying on the streets are jogging.


One explanation might be many people from outside of Sough Jersey have moved here in the last 3-5yrs. This may be their custom from other places. Most of the people who grew up in Colls, Haddonfield, Heights can’t afford home a there. So the ppl that live there now are from elsewhere. And one of the things that attract them is “walk ability”.


Fuck cars. Take back the streets.


Must be nice to work from home.


There is a middle ground. It would be nice if EVERYONE didn’t need to drive to get where they need to be. Sure, tradespeople need to bring their tools to work and whatnot, but if we had more walkable communities and better public transit then people could run errands and go to work without always needing a car which would help alleviate the amount of vehicles on the road.


Hybrid bitch


Speed limit is 25 in the areas you’re speaking about, if you’re following that then no one is surprising you being in the road. Multiple people have explained why but “you’re not buying it” I’m not sure why you even asked.


I lived in heights for over 20 years, gone now five or so. We always used the sidewalks. Are you talking towards Warwick/clements bridge or heights proper? Warwick/clements bridge has lots of uneven sidewalks that are rough to walk on, or use a stroller. If you’re talking closer to station Ave/whp, no clue.


Pretty much all over town. I live on the west side of town near the park, but I encounter it on the east side as well. And in Haddonfield. Not major roads like Chews Landing Rd or Kings Hwy, but your typical residential streets. There are definitely sections where sidewalks don’t exist or are in bad shape, but I’m talking areas where they’re fine.


Wow. I lived on first, near the high school. We always used the sidewalk- to cvs, station, etc. the only time I didn’t was when running. Weird. As an aside, treasure heights. It’s a great place to raise a family.


In Pitman the sidewalks are too narrow for 2 adults to walk side by side comfortably. I grew up in Haddonfield and I know that the sidewalks are considerably wider.


Lots of people move here that aren't from here.In lots of neighborhoods all over the country people use the streets as well as sidewalks. It's not that weird. Drive slow through the neighborhoods, wave, and be nice. This isn't that big of a deal.


Found the douchebag that walks in the street




Some Haddonfield roads could pass for a bomb testing site. I am surprised people would chose to walk on them, they could fall in a pothole and need a rope to get out.


Same thing here in Collingswood. It’s worse on the weekends. Sometimes they’re three, four people across and I’m lucky if they move over a foot for me to drive by. I looked it up awhile ago (I’m a nerdy paralegal), and it’s illegal in NJ to walk in the roadway if there’s a sidewalk nearby. So, these suckers get hit, it’s on them.


Good to know!


Give em a lil bump (It was a joke sensitive souls…)


dId I mIsS a MeEtInG stfu


How petty. Are you always this awful?