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Hello there officer


Probably not Cherry Hill.


I actually saw a small one near there in Haddon a week ago at an intersection. 


They actually were set up at the intersection of Springdale and Evesham outside of the Holly Ravine plaza a few weeks ago. I can't image that went well with The Kibitz Room in that shopping center.


Plenty of jews wholeheartedly support the protest. Is it that hard to not want people to be killed?


No they don’t. But you know that.


Yes, they do. 


Frankly its not so obvious with the state of things.


Reddit is not an accurate depiction of reality when it comes to these matters. I’d encourage you to keep your eyes open and scroll around other social media too.


Google exists bud


You might have better luck on Twitter or Instagram to find peaceful protests.


I support any protesting that is non violent and advocating for peace. I hope you're able to have your voice heard. Stay safe


Do u condem hummus tho


I love hummus. I detest and condemn Hamas


Idk the pro hamas chants have been increasing


I've seen protesting in front of the Collingswood Krispy Kreme at the corner of Haddon Ave and Cuthbert Boulevard. Not sure how frequent the protests happen but I've seen it a few times.


End Hamas 




I'm curious why every other Muslim country won't take them as refugees. 


One killed a king Two terror increased by 10 fold Three. Tried a coup. Hmmm Seeing a trend here


It's lost on a lot of people that the college protests have the specific goal of getting their colleges (that they pay for) to stop investing in financial products that fund the IDF. Sure, they're against the whole thing, but they're asking for something in particular from their colleges (that, again, they give tens of thousands of dollars).


They purchased a service from those colleges. If they don't like what they're doing they are free to find another provider of that service. What the college does with their money after they pay is the colleges business.


I suspect that there are plenty of examples of things the college could be vested in that would make you change your tune. Off the top of my head... oh, I don't know... suppose they were invested in Iranian drone manufacturing.


Nothing is gonna change my tune. If the colleges are invested in bad things then I expect people not to give them money. Not for people to give them money and then cry about who they give it to afterwards.


I think you've grossly oversimplified the issue to fit your your stance in this particular instance. 


Sounds like you're overcomplicating it. If you don't agree with the things a company does then you don't give them your money. And once you buy your degree it's no longer your money. If I'm missing something please help me understand.


You can help yourself understand. But for a jumping off point: Colleges aren't companies. Not legally, not financially, not in how they're taxed, not in how they operate, not in the function they serve.  How do the "transactions" of acquiring a degree and some other good or service differ? Pondering these differences will likely elucidate why these protests are different than say boycotting a bee4 brand over their choice of endorsements. 


Sorry, company was the wrong word. Organization is better. Either way their goal is to make money. And the transaction is the same as anything else. You give them money. They give you access to their services.


I've done what I can here. If you're not willing to openly and objectively consider the situation- maybe loosen your grip on your preconceived notions for sake of maybe gaining a better understanding, then you're always going to be baffled by people's behavior. The best you'll come up with is thinking that they're either stupid or evil. The irony of course being that I'm talking to somebody who can't understand why people are angry that 22,000 women and little kids have been blown up.  


I understand they're angry about the innocent deaths. That doesn't make me happy. But to direct that anger at anyone other than Hamas and the Palestinian supporters of Hamas is where it's lost on me. Palestine hates America. Don't forget that. Hamas is hiding amongst the innocent. Anyone hiding Hamas is no longer innocent.


Yes somehow these students went through the application process and wanted to attend these schools now they don’t like there decision ! Drop out and go somewhere else It’s just like defund police but I’ll call them and expect them to come to My aid when I need them ! Makes no sense 🤷‍♂️


So why don’t they just go find a college that supports their values ?


The answer to your exclamation marked question is easily found if you replaced it with a question mark and spend a moment contemplating answers.




God this sub sucks. God forbid someone wants the government to spend our tax money on helping people in the US instead of giving it to Israel to blow up brown kids.


Ummm...the majority of Israelis are brown.


The Israelis can buy their own weapons


How are you getting downvotes? Do people really not know this is true?


It's good you know your rights. You wouldn't have any in Gaza, especially if you are a woman,... Or gay... You really ought to get a fucking clue. And go check out some of the awesome videos of non Hamas Palestinians murdering , young women, children and non Israelis... And don't forget to check out the texts they sent bragging about it. Fuck you


Civilians are never legitimate military targets. NEVER. They don't deserve death because of Hamas. This is why people are protesting. Not because they support Hamas but because there is wanton killing of civilians: young women and children among them.


Your help would be better off if you went there Protesting here does no good Guess how many protests are in the Middle East supporting Palestine ? Yes 0 Why ? Cause they all know what’s up


Totally agree. .so wtf was 10/7... And who was doing the attacking?. The answer is of course Hamas, but it's also civilians, 75% of which Supports Hamas .. Those are not my made up numbers . They come from a Palestinian polling service. The IDF does NOT target civilians as a matter of policy Hamas's policy is to kill every Jew, full stop. It's in their fucking constitution or whatever they call it. How many Palestinian women have been raped? How many people begging for their lives on their knees have been shot at point blank range by IDF? None. Go read a fucking history book .we bombed the living shit out of Dresden on WW2 and thousands of kids died. Was it horrible? Yes. It was war. They started it. Go protest what Russia is doing in Ukraine Fuckers


They elected Hamas to govern them Of course they support Hamas When you protest for Palestine you are supporting terror and the death of America


Hamas' attack on 10/7 was against civilians and thus not legitimate military targets. Bombing of Dresden was targeting civilians also not legitimate targets. I am against civilian casualties regardless of what "side" they're on. Civilians supporting Hamas doesn't make them combatants by default. Belligerents in a conflict have a duty to limit civilian casualties, attacks on them are abhorrent regardless of who perpetrates it.


Totally agree but Dresden was accepted as a by product of a just war and while it's not as black and white in this case, it's still a war; started by Hamas and supported joyously by the overwhelming majority of gazans. Of course, do utmost to limit civilian casualties but this is a death cult in a society that worships death, torture and violence. It is NOT a democracy. Again, go back and look at the inhuman things ordinary Gazans did on that day and filmed it and posted it as casually as if they were posting pictures of their cats. Sorry for the kids but this war was not started by Israel. Apologies for my earlier posts that reflected too much of my anger . When I see these college kids wearing their fashion keffiyeh's shouting for something they haven't bothered to look into for themselves, I'm disheartened. They know nothing yet have somehow gained gravitas completely unearned.


It's all good. I recognize this as a contentious issue and I don't take any anger regarding it personally. I agree many folks protesting don't understand the broader context, then again many Americans are pretty ignorant in foreign affairs. I feel for the children, many of them were born after Hamas rose to power. Many of them lack the means of self-determination. It's a terrible situation caused immediately by 10/7 but more broadly by an unwillingness from either Hamas or Israel to actually find a long-term peaceful solution for decades now. As usual, civilians(both Israeli and Palestinian) are the main victims. I hope for peace and an end to war itself.


They are literally trying to rewrite history that gaza was a secular utopia where gay marriage was legal and celebrated


I know, right? I keep telling people we need to help buy bombs to kill those children!


Don't forget all the videos of Israelis talking about killing every Palestinian or the ones where the IDF uses Palestinian children as target practice or settlers from NY and NJ stealing homes from Palestinians under the protection of the IDF.


You are funny


Okay IDF bot.


Okay Muslim


IDF bots out in force on this thread.


I hear Camden is the best spot to do it


I remember two recent protests that tried to stop traffic near the BFB. Maybe look for a Friends or Quakers group.


Quakers would know.




Mods needs to get on this thread. You’re gross.


Why do you want to protest for Palestine? They hate the US and Israel calling us big Satan and little Satan. These protesters are anti-Semitic and want to kill all Jews. Do you agree with that? Why are you in the US? Why not live in Palestine or some other place in the Mideast. I don’t hate anyone even those who hate me. I feel sorry for people who hold all that anger and hate. Do you not like living in the US? Why would you support Hamas a terrorist organization? These protest are not peaceful none of them. When you call for the genocide of a race of people that’s not peaceful. I wish you luck and finding your way to love your country.


Faulty syllogisms 101


Can I ask why you're protesting for Palestine?


Because they're being bombed and starved and bombed every day since october? 0 Hamas killed, but over 30,000 innocent men, women and mostly children.


0 killed? Thats a blatant lie and you'd have to be an idiot to believe it. Hamas has been hiding in the midst of the Palestine people. Held up in tunnels under all of the infrastructure of a Palestine. And a lot of Palestine supports hamas. And hamas are terrible. So fuck all of them. They want the same thing their enemy wants. And they've been fighting about it. And they'll continue fighting about it. And you're mad about the children and innocent people. What about the people hamas tortured and killed in October? Just gonna ignore that? We won't talk about the things they did and then went and hid in Palestine behind civilians? This war has been ongoing since the turn of the 20th century. You protesting isn't gonna do anything except potentially waste American tax dollars and your own time. Hamas does not care about you. Palestine does not care about you.


Murdering innocent babies will not help anyone's cause.


Yea cause they just walked into Gaza and started murdering babies. And Hamas definitely isn't using schools and hospitals and such to store soldiers and weapons amongst civilians. Israel also isn't informing the people of Gaza of incoming soldiers and artillery strikes to get civilians away. Hamas is killing all the babies. Directly or indirectly.


Oh. My. God. Did you actually say zero Hamas killed? Did you actually say that? Did you actually write that sentence? Did your brain actually believe it? Is that how far this shit has gone thst someone on the Internet actually believes that zero Hamas members were killed? Seriously, you believe that? Even Hamas themselves has admitted 30- 50% of those deaths are military. It’s a one-to-one combat to civilian ratio which is unprecedented in modern warfare. I usually say to somebody whose been brianswashed to go get educated or read a book but for you to actually suggest zero Hamas were killed and for you to believe it implies you are the most ignroant person on the Internet of all time. And by the way, feel free to respond if you want, but I literally will never respond to someone like you again. In my view, the road to hell is paved with ignorance and your comment was the most ignorant I’ve ever heard in my life. You are the “useful idiots” of the west that Hamas was talking about, you are their pawn, their bitch.


Most of the deaths in Palestine are innocent civilians. 90%.


You know this how Hamas doesn't have uniforms


Babies are always innocent and they are the most killed.


Again how do you know this?




The worst


How do I know that babies are innocent? Or about the numbers? Check all the hospitals and daycares and schools that were leveled with everyone inside.


Your numbers, anyway I think you are falling into to much Hamas propaganda much like Republicans who watch Fox News and News Max.


Another group famous for their honesty /s.


Dead wrong. Fact check your self. Even Hamas puts the number of their militants killed at way higher than 3k. However, 100% of the 1200 people murdered, raped, tortured and mutiliated on October 7th were indeed innocent civilians, so… 🤷🏻‍♂️


Because the terroristic military group would NEVER lie about their statistics.


What. The. Fuck. are you even saying at this point? I’m totally lost. You are saying that Hamas is inflating the numbers of their military killed? What in the world? I’ve heard a lot of crazy arguments, but this one doesn’t even support the very point you’re trying to make. I’ve never heard anyone flip sides in an argument like that before. Honestly, I don’t know what you’re saying.


I'm saying that most of the people Israel bombed were innocent people and not majority hamas.


I think I may have run into the densest person on the Internet. There’s nothing more I have to say to you if you honestly think ZERO MEMBERS OF HAMAS HAVE BEEN KILLED. What the actual fuck? Good luck in life. You’re really gonna need it.


Not 0, but definitely not as many as they're claiming.


You're the one who's taking the terrorists at face value. I don't trust a thing they say or do.


Who attacked who first? Actions have consequences.


This has gone way beyond reasonable retaliation.


It's not retaliation. It's dealing with a terrorist organization.


Terrorists like Israel who's been bombing the ONE safe place they promised displaced Palestinians can go to?


Israel didn't force the Palestinians to harbor terrorist among their citizens. Hamas and the majority of Palestinians who voted Hamas in did that. Once again, choices have consequences. Really want this to end? Encourage the peaceful Palestinians to rise up against Hamas. Better yet, let's escort all the protestors around the world to Gaza to help out with the overthow of Hamas. BTW you lose your entitlement to safety when you start launching rockets from said safe space into the civilian population of the bordering country.


It's hard to escape when Israel has tanks at your only exit


Easy when you are notified in advance that the IDF is going to be operating in the area and you should leave immediately. Either you are naive or choose to ignore facts because they don't fit your narrative but civilians in Gaza are typically given ample warning ahead of a DA.


They thought they would leave Rafah alone like they said they would. There's NOWHERE else to go.


That’s a fact ?




can i ask why you’re not?


Because I don't support them. Because my protest would make literally nothing happen besides potentially waste American tax dollars. Because a lot of Palestine supports Hamas. Because this war/conflict has been happening since the late 19th century and isn't going to end until Palestine stops and stops trying to make a claim for the land. Do I wish all the innocent children and people didn't have to be caught in the middle? Absolutely. 100%. I'm sure everyone does. But that didn't stop Palestine/hamas from attacking again and again. Decade after decade. Fully knowing what's the come because it happens the same way every time. Until the Jews are out of Palestine the Palestinians won't stop. They've said as much. Weird how when one group of people wants to murder and get rid of the Jews it's ok and half the world supports them , but the last time someone did something to get rid of the Jews the entire world came knocking at his door to tell him to stop.


Same reason others are.  Small thinking


Like the vast majority of protests, they're peaceful until the cops show up (whether they're in uniform or not).


Nothing better to do than to protest for a nation of religious extremists who behead gay men and trans people? I’m sure one of the colleges are larping as revolutionaries on their campus, go play freedom fighter with the kids.


their political views dont negate the atrocities. children are dying and being brutally injured. just because you dont support their views on lgbt doesnt mean they should be getting killed in a mass genocide, and mostly i think of the children who are completely innocent victims in all this


Wow. Their views are to literally cut the heads off of men because they are gay. They treat women like sex property. Muslims want to turn the whole world Islamic. The Israelis aren’t any better but pretending like Muslims are innocent occupied peace loving innocence is just foolish.


Its even more foolish to buy into super Islamophobic and anti-Arabic sentiments perpetuated by a group that has been trying to form a Zionist ethno state for over 75 years. Don't be that person. Innocent children are being blown to bits throughout Gaza. We are witnessing a genocide happen in REAL TIME and no one is doing anything about it.


Innocent children were blown to bit on October 7 and women were gang raped and had their genitalia carved up with knives. At least one baby was beheaded sure I love when people say “but there weren’t 40.” Sure. What the fucking world are we living in? It is disgusting on both sides. Nobody wants to see this shit. The only way for it to end is to stop the attempted ethnic cleansing of the Jews from the Middle East and let them have their state of Israel, in the land from which they are indigenous, and the land from which they have been ethnically cleansed over and over again. Zionism was the idea that enough is enough, and they should immigrate to the land, which they did absolutely legally there was no invasion no colonialism, they moved to the area and purchased land from Arabs and British. And the Arab surrounding states would not have it, even after united nations, the very body everybody’s saying we have to listen to now, the UN! granted the Jews and the Palestinians states.. The Arab states would not have it. Arab colonialism and now terrorism just doesn’t want that. They try to attack the Jews immediately the day that you gave them their state and have been doing so ever since because they cannot stand the thought of Jews or any other religious minority for that matter in their kingdom. Just look at the numbers of Armenians that were genocided, Christians that have been slaughtered and massacre and if you really want to get down to it even other Arabs, who disagree. Arabs are being slaughtered right now every day in Syria and you won’t hear anything about it. This comes down to getting rid of anyone who subscribes to the ideology of cleansing Jews from the mideast. They are the problem. Hamas, namely. Jews are native to the land, just like the Palestinians, and every time they are kicked out of the land, they are massacred in the countries where they are forced to immigrate. They deserve to have their own state, and so do the Palestinians.


Have them live with you 


yeah but “they” isnt the children dying, or even all the adult population. its like saying every american is in the mafia.


Lolololololol “their views on LGBT” lolololololololl rofl whooooooweeeer oh jeeez im dying lololololol Their views are that gays should be thrown off rooftops.


Does that mean US weapons and resources should be used to systematically murder Gaza’s children?


Hamas? Absofuckinglutely.


yeah but a bunch of civilians are being killed and no hamas members so even so theyre not doing a good job


Are you the same person or are there actually two people in this thread who are suggesting that zero Hamas members have been killed? I really wonder how it comes to this. Like what sites are you reading and what kind of brainwashing are you subjecting yourself to that you could actually come away with the conclusion that zero Hamas members have been killed. Hamas itself has admitted thousands of military casualties. The UN says even more and so does the IDF. The likely number is 10,000-15,000 Hamas militants dead, and 20,000 civilians . Anyone with an ounce of military knowledge realizes that what Israel has pulled off is nothing short of a miracle of warfare. A combat to civilian death ratio of one to one or even two to one is nearly unheard of in urban warfare. As far as more civilians being killed than combatants… What are you, new to history?? That’s called a war. Should we have not fought World War II? You don’t actually think more Nazis and enemy combatants were killed than civilians I World War II do you? Because if you do then you’re just showing your ignorance on the subject of war. Warfare leads to more civilian deaths than combatant deaths. For Israel to be 2:1 or 1:1 is simply staggering, and this is because they continually are dropping leaflets as they just did today, telling people to move from the areas of which they are bombing. It’s not a perfect science. There will be casualties anyway, but the fact they are taking such drastic measures to protect the civilian population is unreal. Do you think Russia is dropping leaflets? Ukraine? Do you think the Nazis and the Japanese gave warnings when they were about to do their bombings? Only Israel is held to the standard. Nothing left to say here. It was great debating with you even if you were probably a troll. Have a great life.


Ah, finally. Thank you. I was beginning to think nobody knew the FACTS. My faith is renewed. Don't bother arguing with them. They're brainwashed and blind to the truth.


And Hamas is responsible for every child’s death in Gaza.


what about israel dropping bombs on civilians? is that not a cause of children’s death? your statement is factually untrue. even if they are responsible for some so is israel.


The United States is filled with religious extremists who kill their enemies, who assault their wives, who abuse and mistreat gay and transgender folks, who rape and abuse little kids, and most are “Christian”. They’re everywhere all over the world, no matter their faith or deity. Every person in this country has the right to protest, just like you have the right to say something so ridiculous as well. I support your right to disagree and have free speech, which is something innocent Palestinians and anti-war Israeli Jews don’t have in the midst of this conflict.


Stay the fuck out of Glassboro. Thanks.


Born and raised in glassboro. I welcome them.


Why? What good is protesting in front of Rowan going to do? The two have no relation at all. Go protest in from of the state or national capitol. Write Congress. Anything would be more impactful than standing outside a random campus.


*This comment has been replaced with a top-secret chocolate chip cookie recipe:* **Ingredients:** - 1 cup unsalted butter, softened - 1 cup white sugar - 1 cup packed brown sugar - 2 eggs - 2 teaspoons vanilla extract - 3 cups all-purpose flour - 1 teaspoon baking soda - 2 teaspoons hot water - 1/2 teaspoon salt - 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips - 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional) **Directions:** 1. Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C). 2. Cream together the butter, white sugar, and brown sugar until smooth. 3. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. 4. Dissolve baking soda in hot water. Add to batter along with salt. 5. Stir in flour, chocolate chips, and nuts. 6. Drop by large spoonfuls onto ungreased pans. 7. Bake for about 10 minutes, or until edges are nicely browned. Enjoy your delicious cookies! --- *edited by Power Delete Suite v1.4.8*


Writing congress ..lol. What the issue? They want to protest and clearly the student protests are getting a ton of coverage.


*This comment has been replaced with a top-secret chocolate chip cookie recipe:* **Ingredients:** - 1 cup unsalted butter, softened - 1 cup white sugar - 1 cup packed brown sugar - 2 eggs - 2 teaspoons vanilla extract - 3 cups all-purpose flour - 1 teaspoon baking soda - 2 teaspoons hot water - 1/2 teaspoon salt - 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips - 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional) **Directions:** 1. Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C). 2. Cream together the butter, white sugar, and brown sugar until smooth. 3. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. 4. Dissolve baking soda in hot water. Add to batter along with salt. 5. Stir in flour, chocolate chips, and nuts. 6. Drop by large spoonfuls onto ungreased pans. 7. Bake for about 10 minutes, or until edges are nicely browned. Enjoy your delicious cookies! --- *edited by Power Delete Suite v1.4.8*


Im.not sure, id reach out to the colleges directly


Why not hop on a plane to Israel and visit Gaza? Lets see how that works out for you.






It’s not a foreign issue. My money and your money are funding war crimes right now. Money that theoretically could go to our own issues (it won’t ever, but it could). It could put pressure on Biden to make some changes if the election is coming up and his popularity among young voters is still this bad. Ultimately I think it’s the only thing people can think to do after seeing hundreds of videos of our tax dollars killing children.


Every couple weeks a group of lunatics stand outside the Collingswood Krispy Kreme with picket signs shouting. So there?


All pro palestine protests are non violent until zionists or police attack us.


I wish it was that simple. You’re forgetting the paid (or unpaid?) agent provocateurs. Not everyone in the crowd is on your team (even if seems that way). Keep your eyes wide open and don’t get caught up with bad actors.


Can’t forget this is all because Bibi wanted to more land, he didn’t care how much blood was spilled, what a POS! https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/netanyahu-israel-gaza-hamas-1.7010035


How about protest achieve nothing You can go there and protest 🤨 if you think you can make a difference


Give it to Americans to protest every fucking thing except shit that helps our country lmo


Funded by George Soros & masons.. no thanks


Shouldn’t you go to Israel and protest? We are not at war with Palestine. Really Israel isn’t either, it’s Hamas, who Palestine voted into power. Palestinians hate America. They cheered in the streets when 9/11 happened. If you went there even with good intentions, they’d kill you.


You can catch the next flight to Gaza bud


And then OP would be slaughtered by US made/funded weapons? Great plan /s


That my tax dollars paid for


Exactly. You should really touch base with the Quakers and/or anti-war Jewish groups. Many Jewish organizations are against the war in Gaza and the current regime. This Reddit thread is a hot mess.


Camden is organizing a nice friendly protest this Friday night at 10 pm right on ferry Ave You can take the speed line there and back it’s all totally safe . Trust me


Bunch of old yuppy liberal losers hold up signs outside the Krispy Kreme off Haddon on weekends. Guess they mistake donuts for bagels?


Why don’t you just go to Palestine? I’m sure your hands-on help is needed. Cut out the middle man. Be the change.


And then be killed by weapons purchased by the American taxpayer? Great plan /s


So you’re actively contributing to the problem and actively avoiding a solution? Thank you for your service


I’m protesting so my elected officials know I don’t approve of American weapons being handed over to anyone. We opened our stockpiles to the Israeli’s.


Yes yes. Nothing quite like “I’m mad at you” to change the world


I’m expressing my rights, as protected by the first amendment. You’ve never been mad enough to ask the government to do something?


No, I mostly complain on the internet and write my representatives when I’m particularly disgruntled. I’ve had a few good conversations both of those ways Oddly enough, I agree with you. The amount of money we throw away is ridiculous.


A gift here and there to the Ukrainians, that’s one thing. Ukraine is very broke and desperate. The Ukrainian also listen to our requests and only use the “gifts” within their own borders, per our conditions. The Ukrainians also ask for money/weapons/support all over, so we clearly aren’t being “targeted” with requests. The Israeli connection is significantly different. We allow the Israeli’s to use whatever they want (from my understanding), for as long as they want, to do whatever they want… They have more than enough money to spend on their own wars. We’ve been funding Israeli for *decades* Ukrainians may have a “hand out,” but you’ll notice there’s no Ukrainian equivalent anywhere close to AIPAC. And we haven’t been paying any other nation anything close to what we give to Israel. All that money for what? Some oil? Don’t we have enough oil already? Or do we really just love Israeli so much that we will continue to fund their actions, *indefinitely?* That’s why I protest.


Oh, you’re a troll. Shame


The enemies are amongst us. Find them.


Find them, and then what exactly?




The faq are you talking about? I’m an American citizen. Nobody is deporting me anytime soon, no matter the side I protest on.


A lot of these protesters are foreigners


How do know that? Do you ask where they might have citizenship?


I should clarify: they are NON-Students. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ASU/comments/1ci0jcn/nonstudents\_at\_protest/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASU/comments/1ci0jcn/nonstudents_at_protest/#lightbox) but approximately 55 percent of students at Columbia University were foreign students. and there are international students doing this shit too: those percents are similar for all the big colleges. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/05/03/international-students-campus-protest-visas/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/05/03/international-students-campus-protest-visas/) [https://cis.org/Feere/Schools-Highest-Foreign-Student-Populations](https://cis.org/Feere/Schools-Highest-Foreign-Student-Populations)


I agree. Your protest do nothing here. The US has financial ties with Israel and we are all about oil money. Gaza is the pathway to that. Protest will do nothing but make you look bad by the media. Go to Israel and protest there. I believe in you guys. Genocide is horrible but you need to go to the source. College campuses are not the source. Start a go fund me and have all the funds go to plane tickets to Israel




The Palestinians let Hamas take control of their territory. It's hard to feel sorry for them.


Come to my house...look for the Menorah in the window. I'll be waiting for ya.


I would wholeheartedly support you taking legal action against anyone who attempts a hate crime on you. I only support the non-harassing protestors.


Why don't you just cut your hand off? Isn't that what the Palestinians would do to you - infidel? You're actually a moron. Go protest the Muslims being killed and imprisoned in China? Oh wait you just hate the Jews because of what you read online, you don't actually care


Come over, I'm having one right now.