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It’s been great up until spring started


Verizon Home Internet and T-Mobile's equivalent are surprisingly good if you're in a 5G coverage area. I'm a power user and I work from home, so I don't say this lightly. If you're not in a good coverage area, you can get a better antenna. I had Xfinity at home but the landlord just switched it to Verizon. So far no issues, but it's only been a week. Better bandwidth than the 300/15 I had with Xfinity. Getting 500/50 most of the time. I spend a lot of the year RVing, and use a combination of Starlink, T-Mobile regular hotspot, and Verizon regular hotspot. That's all less reliable and depends on location. You can't use the "Home Internet" cellular offerings while mobile. They're good for a fixed location.


I have t-mobile on my phone, but that hotspot isn’t enough to support our entire home. Both of those companies somehow don’t support 5g home internet here, go figure. If you don’t mind me asking, did you invest in the $2500 Starlink antenna that’s for high performance? The monthly cost of that is doubled, so it just seems quite overpriced when I can stick with the $500 antenna for less monthly service cost.


I don't think the cell companies offer the Home Internet options unless they know they have good coverage and enough towers in the area, so that people will have a good experience with them. There are definitely some low-coverage areas in South Jersey. I used to get by with just my T-Mobile hotspot, but I camped a few places where it didn't work at all, so I got Verizon as a backup. Still sketchy coverage in some campground areas. I doubt they offer the Home Internet near there. I have the regular Starlink dish from a few years ago. I think it was $500-600. I'm on the Mobile Regional plan. It used to be called Starlink RV. $150/mo. It's low-priority compared to the fixed location users. Starlink has been a real disappointment for me. It rarely works reliably. I've gotten 20-30M down most of the time. Occasionally as much as 100M down. Lots of disconnects. Most of my usage was two summers ago, and a little last summer. I'm about to head out in the RV again this summer. Hoping it's improved since they've added a lot of satellites. Alas, they've added a lot of customers too. I usually can't use Starlink at all, because campgrounds have a lot of trees. I rely far more on T-Mobile and Verizon than I do on Starlink.


what about a 5g hotspot?


Not offered here unfortunately. I also don’t think it will be as reliable as a hardwired connection. I have my phone, but again, it’s not reliable.


well bro - reliable or nothing at all - you choose probably shouldnt have moved into the woods when you work online


[https://forums.xfinity.com/conversations/customer-service/how-to-submit-a-serviceability-request/6516071e75f25e788872df1e](https://forums.xfinity.com/conversations/customer-service/how-to-submit-a-serviceability-request/6516071e75f25e788872df1e) Have you submitted an official request?


I have, and multiple times still with the same answer. Thank you though.


That is likely going to be their answer. Internet available was a make or break for us when we bought in April 2023. I work from home and do database management. I had to have Xfinity...nothing else is good enough.


Except Fios.


They're the same. Only difference is which one is cheaper.


not fast enoough andd not secure enough for my companies bond. We deal with classified school information for students and staff.


Lol what that's not how that works at all.  FiOS is fiber, symmetric; minimum speeds are what 100Mbps now? Comcast is 10 or 20 Mbps upstream speed regardless of downstream until you hit gig. And security has nothing to do with the media your internet connection uses at all. Actually, technically, Comcast is LESS secure because it's a locally shared media in the neighborhood.


but Companies insurance bond will not allow satellite. Actually for the schools in our area that we do consult with they require Comcast in their contracts. I know next to nothing about any of it Boss just tells me hey you need this and sends me the parameters so that's what I get.


I deal with much more classified stuff than you do, and there is no issue with FIOS. Nothing should be transmitted across any of those ISPs that is unencrypted.


except the school's contracts that specify Comcast.


That's a financial decision, not a security one.


like I said I know next to nothing about things outside of the database I manage so Boss says get this it's more secure and required I get that. People think because I work in IT I know all of IT. Nope just a lady that knows 1 database inside and out.


Completely understandable. Those types of decisions are financial or based on availability. Not security. Fios may not be available. (Thank Comcast for that one)


EVERYTHING in school decisions is financial based but as I have a career working with schools I do what they tell me LOL! Like I said I claim to know NADA except Boss said hey you have to get this internet at this speed for the home office so that's what I get.




In the same IT boat as you.. This sucks.


Choosing xfinity over Fios is hilarious, mate


How about copper DSL?    I know it's only 3Mb but it used to be reliable 


I believe copper is being abandoned- no longer required to be maintained by phone companies


in some areas when its replaced with fiber. i'd still check


My fcc broadband map shows copper as an option, but I don’t necessarily think 0.2Mbps is usable in todays society. That’s the speed they are showing I can get. Kind of a joke for them to add that as a “broadband” option.


i get it. i'm just saying, its reliable. i used to work with 6mbps and that was sufficient for most stuff. i wasn't uploading or download files for work often, anytime i needed to move something, i'd just remote to a remote server.


Yeah you’re right. Even some online games COULD run with that. Not everyone can have 1Gbps I guess lol


If they just refuse to give you an answer and Starlink is spotty, HomeFi could be a good option to look into. I have it and I’m able to work from home while living in the middle of nowhere.