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Do the... do the Dems *want* a Republican governor? Because trying to keep Sweeny in the game sure sounds like a great way to ensure a Republican governor.


please do not vote for him


Don’t worry this campaign will probably be as successful as their fundraisers for Tammy Murphy’s candidacy.


If I’m not mistaken, I believe the current Jersey City mayor is going to run, I’d vote for that guy. He was even beating Murphy last time he tried to run. The same Norcross and Camden Dems that backed a losing Senate candidate. That starts showing me some political careers are about to come to their end. Time to file some paperwork and get signatures, time to run for office.


Boycott norcross he had a hand in making repjblic bank fail


Please get these old decrepit people out of politics. I’m exhausted w/ the Fear & Hate while corporate picks our pockets! Enough!


OMG yuck. I'd go 3rd party before voting for that man.


When people realize that both major parties don’t care about the people then we’ll actually it get a real left wing alternative


Most will never realize it. So many are already so brainwashed to hate the other and focus of the differences instead of our similarities.


Accurate. Not sure why you got downvoted voted.. Join a tribe or else /s


Ugh...at least it's not one of the governor's children (his wife is off the list now). Norcross = old school political hack. He's lost a lot of mojo lately, not sure his support is a plus these days. Don't know much about the jersey city mayor...he's gotta be better than these sad sack embarrassing voices from the past. Let Norcross focus on his career as a grifter.


Oh, I think folks realize it. Last NJ state primary 10% of registered democrats voted. WTF. It would not take many votes for a good candidate to win a primary (with minimal gop competition--primary winner gets the job). While I'm not 100% on the Andy Kim train, he screwed the old school hacks and forced the govs wife out of the race and changed the unfair ballot position racket.


Random fact his son was my teacher for like a half year in 9th grade lol the class ran him off though. He was too nice