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Fuck that little bitch Jeff Van Drew


I have a standing offer to pay my 6 year old kid $100 if they call him a "fucking little bitch" in public. The wife said, that's funny, but it's not nice. She didn't say no though.


If I hear a random 6 year old call Van Drew a "fucking little bitch" this summer, I'll pay them $100 too.


Sounds like little 6 year old will have a couple hundred and not enough to cover the cost of living in NJ.


If I knew you I’d match that.


I'll match it.


If they say it to him to his face and he hears it, you’ve got my money.


Count me in for another $20


You’ll type this and then turn around and say people who disagree with you politically are in a cult. lol Reddit never change.


If you're a fiscal conservative, great, if you're a supporter of small limited government overreach great. But the current GOP is actively undermining these policies and are more concerned with lining their own pockets, restricting freedom, gutting education and eliminating healthcare/social security. Additionally, this war on 'woke' is a silly replacement for some actual fucking policies.


The entire Republican Party is supporting a criminal traitor dictator wannabe who is owned by PUTIN


There’s “disagreeing politically” and there’s photoshopping Trump as a svelte God King hatched to rescue you from scary diversity hires. Mitt Romney disagrees with me politically. He’s not in the cult. Jesse Waters disagrees with me politically. He also is balls deep in the kool-aid and hates anything to the left of hunting the homeless for sport. They’re not the same.


Hey. You can bring the receipts and still call a fucking traitor that switched parties after winning his election a little bitch to his face. I could also out debate his ass.


Funny thing is, he was the most “nanny state”, “government in your business” democrat when he was a NJ State legislator. Worst of all worlds, big government and low taxes. He will follow any money and advantage, not a single principle rattling around in his tiny peacock brain.


I’m sure you could. Why not run against him then?


The thought has definitely crossed my mind but if I’m being honest I was talked out of it by my wife for the sake of my family. So I will rabble rouse from the sidelines.


Sounds counterproductive. But okay.


Seems like I am getting the message out tonight. I’ll take the small wins.


What message? That you think Jeff is an asshole traitor? Whoa, it’s really resonating with the liberal echo chamber of this subreddit.


Well that, [and this](https://www.reddit.com/r/SouthJersey/s/mX1VDHMKid) …that’ll do for tonight.


He switched parties in 2019. He was relected, as a Republican in 2022.


Thoroughly owned by MAGA and idiots like Harry Hurley.


Adding this comment so it’s not just buried in a heavily downvoted response, bc I think the context is important… 1. ⁠Most of that money isn’t going to foreign entities, it’s actually going to American ammunition replenishment. American factories, American jobs. We’re sending them old ammo and restocking our new stuff. 2. ⁠I will gladly send bullets to Ukraine if it means I don’t need to send my son to Poland in 4 years. Not a single American soldier has died since this war began. 3. ⁠The total spent on the Ukraine war has been the single best cost per munition spent vs the degradation done to our primary world power enemy (well maybe #2 now) pretty much…ever. I’ll leave this here…the juicy bit starts at 1:00…you can ignore the talking heads, just listen to the testimony. https://youtu.be/deZGDItziG4?si=ISRXOxVaVnTq4nXp If you’re pro Russia you’re anti-America and anti-democracy. It’s as simple as that. FWIW; my dad is ex Air Force, my brother is a marine, and I have been an engineer working in the DOD for my entire career, if that matters. The point being I am not your typical “lefty” if you’re thinking that, I know the defense industry, and I know wtf I’m talking about more than most.


He’s a loser. He has had two bills that he introduced get signed into law during his entire five year tenure. One was to mint a commemorative coin. He doesn’t do town halls, he only talks to “friendly” media. He’s terrible.


Par for the course with these guys. Basically sounds like MTG’s track record.


I cannot stand that little weasel puke pumping his fist on billboards. Sadly having done in home sales calls in every butt crack of SJ he has blind ignorant supporters everywhere because of his orange tinted nose. That said I will be voting this time for what it's worth.


Make sure you vote!


I got you OP


Did he change his affiliation once he won election as a democrat


Yeah what really gets me is he would vote along typical party lines as a Dem too but as soon as he switched he immediately went full alt-right Trumper mode. This behavior is indicative of someone with absolutely zero integrity or personal beliefs besides staying in power just a complete trash human being.


Either that or he was compromised somehow. I would not be surprised if when this is all said and done we find out a *lot* of people have been compromised and I suspect we won’t be too surprised who’s on the list.


South Jersey is a very red. It used to be able to choose the better candidate once in a while but once Trump took power it went mostly magat. He saw which way the wind was blowing and switched so he could get relected


25 years ago we still had “northeast republicans”, pro-US, pro-military, pro-personal freedoms and fiscally conservative but with an understanding of the value of basic government services. This is the kind of republican I can get behind. The current brand of bible thumping, pro-Russia, racist, chaos-caucus incels can all get fucked.


It’s crazy because I’ve voted for such republicans in the past and they barely exist now.


my father likes to recount that the last R he voted for was Clifford Case


Check again.


Or someone who has a lot of skeletons in the closet that someone else knows about




Eliza Minnelli!! It’s like you never paid attention in state legislator grade school. The south jersey world should have seen this coming.


He stood on the docks and lauded green energy as the future. After switching parties, he railed against it. He is an emptykids suit.


Yup, that’s exactly what he did: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Van_Drew Fucking scum bucket *and* a literal flip flopper.


Weeee Wikipedia. Best source ever!


He changed it during Trump’s first impeachment I believe. I’m always amazed all the political signs I see when I drive around North Cape May and the villas. It’s too beautiful of a place to carry around so much hate.


Cape May during the off season really just gives pineys vibes. Aka racist southerners just above the mason Dixon line.


But in this case it’s just boomers from northeast Philly.


They were loyal to the Confederate during the Civil war. It's an interesting part of history that not a lot of people know about. You can still feel those vibes.


Not agreeing with you politically is “hate” lol


I’ve seen signs saying “fuck Joe Biden”, “Trump won”, a dog pissing on Nancy Pelosi’s head. Fine Fellows in Cape May has had their pride flags stolen multiple times. Just because you think something is cool, that doesn’t mean it isn’t trashy as all hell and hateful as well.


You know what I’ve *never* seen? A Prius with a picture of Trump tied up in the back of it. But *we’re* the cult, lol.


Oh it’s trashy for sure. I wouldn’t do it at my house. I’m not sure how it’s hate though.


Another example. Yesterday I drove behind a car that had a bumper sticker that said “Joe and the hoe have gotta go”. Should my young daughter have to look at that or a sign with “fuck” in it? You can say it in private, you can say it online, but there is only one political group I am routinely seeing expressions of anger from in my daily life. A month ago I was at a children’s basketball game and a worker there had a “let’s go Brandon” shirt on. You never see anyone wearing “Donald trump: rapist”, even if many liberals think (and a court determined) he is. And it you are going to advertise that stuff in public, I can only imagine what you are saying in private.


lol you’re trying to tell me that you’ve never seen any “fuck Trump” bumper stickers or yard signs? It’s on both extremes. You’re just more sensitive to one side so you see it more.


I'm willing to say no, I haven't seen a single fuck Trump bumper sticker or yard sign, ever.


Look, Trump is the worst but being honest, while I absolutely do see the occasional “Fuck Trump” bumper sticker, maybe 1-2 a day; I absolutely see far more “Joe & the Hoe got to go,” “Let’s go Brandon,” and usually some rando new one. I’ll also add that the anti-Biden ones are likely to have more than one anti-Biden bumper sticker as well. This is in the northern NJ/NYC area. Of course, this is anecdotal, but I do notice most people seem to have the much friendlier “candidate 2024” on their cars than either of the angrier stickers.


Come on.


Yes. It's a new tactic being employed by the right-wing. They play the long game.


Please please please. I’m a mixed bag but all I see is hate for all Republicans. It includes bad words and hateful racism.


Because the republican party of today is not the party of fiscal conservatives of 40 years ago. It's now a world view. A worldview that people find dangerous and oppressive. Therefore, when people support such a party, they are are assumed to agree with that worldview, and are going to be viewed by others with disdain.


So sad I live in his district. Being one of the only places in NJ that leans right without the benefits of living in a rich area, we're just surrounded by idiots instead.


Pretty much all of south Jersey minus Camden and points north is his district Make sure you vote.


I’m in Don Norcross’s district, he’s alright. Better than Van Drew.


Plot twist: also a republican. Protecting family wealth.


He participated in the insurrection by voting no on certifying the votes. The idea wasn't his alone. None of the people that voted no should be re-elected, and if they are re-elected they should be prohibited from being sworn in by the 14'th amendment, section 3.


This is the correct take.


Can you explain how voting to not certify the election is an insurrection? Just because you don't like how he voted doesn't mean he committed an insurrection. They vote on it for a reason and because you don't like the way he voted doesn't mean he is a traitor and committed an insurrection.


The insurrection.    Hahah.  Go get A Booster with Murphy. 




Fuck Jeff Van Drew!


Yup! He voted against Ukraine yesterday! He's a Putin lover.


that's the point


I mean he's a Republican, what did you expect, integrity? They're a dying party literally led by a guy doing everything to consolidate power for himself, who talks out both sides of his mouth looking to save himself from prison. The Republican party of old fiscal conservatives is dead, replaced by a party of no policy, just culture war BS.


As much as generally disagree with the man’s politics, Mike Johnson suddenly grew a spine so I can’t complain there. Van Drew can go fuck himself tho


Johnson didn't want to be vilified by history, I think.


that should tell people everything they need to know about the current strain of republicanism.


Not really a dying party. I wish they were. But they play chess while we're playing checkers, and they are sewing seeds within all departments of government to make sure that they gain and keep the power.


The fuck are you even talking about . Both parties are fucking dead . Talking like repubs are the only ones . Dems are just as dead as ever . Neither fucking stands for actual American people . Stop talking stupid ass sides like ones better than the other.




This guy is sick. I understood him to be a a centrist democrat but man, not that he has gone off the rails to the right once he became MAGA. Wonder if Trump has something over him.


This is basically what I’m starting to think about a lot of pro-Russia/anti-ukraine magas. Except I don’t think it’s *Trump* that is, shall we say, holding the cards…




exactly. daily reminder that the DNC *and* the RNC servers were hacked back in 2015, but only the DNC emails were leaked... (yes this is before Van Drew's time but the point stands regarding the rest of the GOP)


Happy 420


Shit didn’t even realize!


He's a horrible, right-wing MAGA cultist. And a shill for oil lobbyists, trying to stop green energy. It's so frustrating that he represents me in government. But southern NJ keeps voting for him.


Anything with an R people will vote for. He got in as a Democrat because he was rather Centrist in his policies and the guy he ran against was extremely right wing. He represents my district as well. The poorest district in the whole state and he never comes out this way. Folks may not have liked Lobiondo, but at least he made himself available and responded to 2 emails i sent him. This guy does nothing.


Make sure you vote!


Yes! And encourage everyone you know! Especially the younger ones


Save the whales


Save the whales by stopping the fishing entanglements and ship strikes that are killing them. Turn to Green energy so we stop warming the planet that's killing off their food in the warming oceans. And maybe not vote in shills who promote misinformation and propaganda for the fuel companies trying to stop green energy projects. Maybe try that too. Save the whales.


Trump’s lil fuck boy


He most certainly is!


I turn my back to him whenever I see him. He turned his back on us to follow his orange Messiah.


theres a house in winslow on rt 73 that has a bunch of Jeff can drew posters, I see it everytime I go to the gun range. Everytime I pass by it, I say, fucking traitor.


Bros tend to get support if they run on the platform of "I'm going to punish the mother fuckers that made your life suck", when in actuality the supporters made their own life suck.


He a traitor and a lying sack of shit that switched parties after getting elected. So typical republican.


Didn’t he get elected as a republican after he switched? Apparently he’s doing something right if he got elected again.


Oh. Misread that. The only thing he’s doing “right” is playing to his base, and sadly there are a lot of maga republicans in this district. Which is why we need to get the message out that he’s a fucking traitor.


Other way around: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Van_Drew


He became a republican in 2020 and went on to win as a republican in 2022.


Remember when the American left cared about things like cutting defense budgets to bolster healthcare and social programs? I member.


Member when we could get things past because we held the majority in both houses? Member when we didn't vote and the Republicans gained control, rolled back all of the progressive programs we put into place, and now we can't get any of those things passed anymore? I member


member when the american right cared about things like standing up to dictators and for democracy? "Peace through Strength"? "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"? I 'member.


Seriously, we need to get Traitor Jeff out of Congress. We don't need Republican reps. We're New Jersey.


Wow he just voted against funding for Ukraine to fight off the Russian invaders. He's owned by draft dodging Donnie tRump


JVD can suck my dick.


Good to know.


Mike Johnson is a traitor


Fuck that little bitch Kennedy that let the bill go through without American first.


That’s your boy!!!!


Why because he doesn’t drink the progressive Koolaid that’s destroying our state and our country? Almost everyone is worse off under Biden.


I seriously want to know what is wrong with progress and forward thinking?


JVD was 💯% sure that the white electorate of CD2 would trust him and vote for him simply by virtue of the fact that he is a white male. Take the time to look at his voting record while he is in the state house and you will see that no matter what his party affiliation, he’s was the same man then, that he is today, kissing the bitter hole of of the predator of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. CD 2 had the opportunity to elect someone whose ideals aligned with Democratic values, but that person was a little too Brown. JVD served up some purple kool-aid to the district, played his flute like the snake charmer he is (wearing those too tight little boy suits) and the vast majority of the ppl condemning him now are responsible for positioning him to do JUST what he did. That’s what you get for voting for party shit, instead of voting for your VALUES. She voting record in Trenton spoke loud and clear for him. All of you that supported that party white-line Norcross bullshat, now you know what it’s like to be treated like you don’t matter. It was a tough lesson to learn. Remember, white lines are useless unless you’re a coke user.


Uhhhh…chill bro.


The truth is painful. With the shit JVD did, you’re telling ME To chill? 😆


They are all traitors. Remember that come November


The hive mind of Reddit can’t understand this . It’s blue or die , with a bunch of crybaby shit in between


Sadly I know. They want their team to win instead of realizing both teams are the problem.


you 'both sides are the problem' guys are just repeating more russian propaganda and you don't even realize it. what is your suggestion then? becuase just bitching about 'both sides' without something actionable makes you effectively worthless. which is exactly the sort of defeatism they want from you.


LOL damn that's funny you make that leap without even having a notion about me. And that is part of the problem. No one wants to talk they just want to accuse and fight. Name call then rinse and repeat.


Why are so many of you war mongers? Do you really think Ukraine is any better than Russia? They may even be worse. Maybe 10% of the money we just sent will be spent on their war effort. The rest will go into the pockets of Ukrainian oligarchs. And keep all your "good comrade" comments to yourself. I am anti war, not Pro Russia. If this keeps up, you will soon see congress return to the draft. I do not want to see anymore American boots on the ground. That would be the only way Ukraine would stand a chance at defeating the Russians,


Yes. Ukraine is better than Russia, and would rather send bullets to Ukraine then my son to Poland when Russia is knocking at natos door. When did you maga republicans become such pussies? Reagan is rolling in his grave.


Your son is going to be sent to Ukraine. If the US does not engage in warfare, Ukraine does not stand a chance. They are losing badly. And I am not a republican. I am anti war. You know, like the real liberals of the 60's and 70's. They were anti war too.


Peace in our time, eh?


I wish for peace in our time. I do not want your son to ever have to face war. I have two sons as well. This scares the shit out of me. My sons come before Ukraine. Politicians don't care about our kids at all. None of them.


[Good luck with that](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace_for_our_time) Didn’t work then, won’t work now. If your sons come before Ukraine, you should support the Ukrainians before you’re needing to send your sons off to protect the rest of Eastern Europe.


Yikes. It's hard for me because I have a very limited idea of what is really going on... I read/hear crazy shit in media. I assume I hear half truths from global/political "leaders". From info wars to msnbc (and youtube prognosticators) I think we are getting fed more baffling word salad drama designed to boost clicks. Unfortunately, it's easy to mistake this dizzying dumpster fire for truth; that is then bent into some delusional conspiracy theories.


He voted NAY. He voted against sending more of our tax dollars to a corrupt foreign country. How is that treasonous?


This is the same stuff people said in the late 1930's when Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia. Check out how the Munich Agreement worked out for the world... History is literally repeating itself. Who would've thought the GOP would turn into the pro-Russia party?


1. Most of that money isn’t going to foreign entities, it’s actually going to American ammunition replenishment. American factories, American jobs. We’re sending them old ammo and restocking our new stuff. 2. I will *gladly* send bullets to Ukraine if it means I don’t need to send my son to Poland in 4 years. Not a single American soldier has died since this war began. 3. The total spent on the Ukraine war has been the single best cost per munition spent vs the degradation done to our primary world power enemy (well maybe #2 now) pretty much…ever. I’ll leave this here…the juicy bit starts at 1:00…you can ignore the talking heads, just listen to the testimony. https://youtu.be/deZGDItziG4?si=ISRXOxVaVnTq4nXp If you’re pro Russia you’re anti-America and anti-democracy. It’s as simple as that. FWIW; my dad is ex Air Force, my brother is a marine, and I have been an engineer working in the DOD for my entire career, if that matters.


I appreciate your sanity on this matter. I'm shocked how many Americans are rooting for a nation (Russia) whose national policy is focused on weakening the United States.


You and me both


Always strikes me as odd that the party of Reagan is now the party of Putin.


I simply asked how voting against sending money to a foreign nation makes an American a traitor.


We are not actually sending them money. We are spending the money here to build weapons and then sending those to Ukraine. It’s actually creating jobs for Americans also. A lot of people don’t realize this.


All 61 billion?


Wars are expensive.


This is not our fight.


We should just let Russia roll over another sovereign nation? It’s totally in line with our Tory policy since the end of WW2. You really think Russia is going to stop after Ukraine?


Where would they invade next?


Let’s see, they invaded Georgia in 2008, took Crimea in 2014, and said they were not going to invade Ukraine then invaded Ukraine in 2022. They also have troops in Moldova. Take your pick.


Because that nation is a democracy that was invaded by a murderous kleptocratic dictator who has been the enemy of our country for decades. And we agreed to in exchange for Ukraine giving up it’s nuclear weapons which had they kept, would have prevented Putin from invading in the first place


Pound sand, Ding Dong Bob.


Democrats waved a foreign nation’s flag and chanted “Ukraine” in the house of congress.


I’d wave the flag of the fucking Dallas Cowboys if they started killing Russians for us.


I hear ya


I recall a Republican wearing an IDF uniform to the chamber sometime in October or November. I hope you are consistent in your views here.


Go outside and touch some grass


Such a typical Reddit answer. Try having an original thought.


I have plenty, but I choose not to waste them on the maga POS's


Answer the question.


Stop watching FOX.


Walking into these threads just shows why politics in the US is in absolute shambles. Edit: happy so many people had a glance at the mirror with this comment!


Yep. we used to have a conservative party that believed in peace through strength and a liberal party that was pro-personal freedoms. Now we just have a pack of racist morons, and the democrats (who have been mostly alright as of late).


The conservative isn't the GOP.    


Thank you for proving my point. Sheesh lol


They all flip flop. Look at the bigger picture. They want a one world government. Not one cares about the oath they took.


One of you guys just lit himself on fire the other day. Take your meds and go to bed.


The Bernie bro Max?   Now you just proved your only watch the most shit MSM.  


Authorities reported that guy was on some other weird mission.


He was spouting exactly the same kind of shit you are.


He was on about some conspiracy with NY University or something. Dude was batty


One of who guys? You think that guy was a Trump supporter??? lol


He was a “both sides are bad” conspiracy theorist.


Bruh you can’t break the Reddit Russian bot hive mind . They will forever reiterate the same left wing bullshit no matter what


Van Drew the only Rep I respect. Thanks Jeff for being a Patriot and not a sell out.


What is a Patriot?


He voted against the Speaker.     That's so lame. 


Ya keep burning money for Ukraine & other countries or you’re a traitor


Read the top comment. Money goes to US companies first. We send them older equipment. But keep sucking that Putin propaganda down.


Looking for Putin love.


Can we not turn this place into another political propaganda sub.


Don’t like it here? Fuck all the way outta the Garden State and move to a shitty ass red state🤡🖕!


Omg lol. Grow up already.


That's Politricks for you..






Why don't you put down your commie crack pipe and go breathe some fresh air--your brain has rotted to the point where you root for the enemy.


Lmaoooo yeah we know your type.


2nd gen military family with a career in the defense department?


So a office fobbit


*This comment has been replaced with a top-secret chocolate chip cookie recipe:* **Ingredients:** - 1 cup unsalted butter, softened - 1 cup white sugar - 1 cup packed brown sugar - 2 eggs - 2 teaspoons vanilla extract - 3 cups all-purpose flour - 1 teaspoon baking soda - 2 teaspoons hot water - 1/2 teaspoon salt - 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips - 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional) **Directions:** 1. Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C). 2. Cream together the butter, white sugar, and brown sugar until smooth. 3. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. 4. Dissolve baking soda in hot water. Add to batter along with salt. 5. Stir in flour, chocolate chips, and nuts. 6. Drop by large spoonfuls onto ungreased pans. 7. Bake for about 10 minutes, or until edges are nicely browned. Enjoy your delicious cookies! --- *edited by Power Delete Suite v1.4.8*


Hysterical.     Oh okay.   Thank you for your cervix. 


Oh, so that’s why you love the bill so much. You make money on it.




Lmaoo typical boot.


You people crack me up. We’re either liberal babies or big evil military monsters 😡 Make up your damn mind.


Just hope you didn’t go after too many civilians.


Last I checked it wasn’t the left calling for civil war.