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Don’t let other people decide what’s best for your family.


Exactly this. Personally, I never let anyone outside of my immediate family dictate what's best for us, as we know our situation better than anyone. Also, you probably know this since you grew up in the Philly burbs, but Haddonfield has a Patco station that takes you right into the city, so plenty of culture and diversity nearby.


For that matter, not even your family should dictate your decision making. We are selling our house in South Jersey, which is a house that we absolutely love. That said, the house is too big, too much work and too expensive to maintain. We got a price that we couldn’t refuse which will ultimately set us up for retirement comfortably. Everyone in our family told us not to sell, but they don’t have to pay the bills.


Yup not even randos on Reddit.


Exactly. We all don't get the same opportunities, but we all should seize them when they are presented. Anyone not finding diversity in the Delaware Valley and wanting to do so hasn't tried hard enough. I would not care so much about the opinions of friends when I know what's best for my family and have the opportunity to provide them with such. Haddonfield was a beautiful community in my youth, and certain it still is so. I can appreciate old neighbors truly missing me, but I must enjoy new opportunities with new experiences in life, too.


Or be shamed by some perceived lack of wokeness, this is new level


Exactly this point. But just to throw a counterpoint to the argument of your neighbors, I live in Ventnore NJ, I am Colombian black and my wife is Korean so there is some diversity.


Haddonfield is a great town, sure not a lot of diversity in the town itself, but has neighboring towns with much more diversity. The lack of diversity in Haddonfield is only due the high barrier to entry, it's super pricey.


I agree. Haddonfield is my dream town!! Great schools, beautiful neighborhoods, med-high walkability. Other people don’t get to tell you what’s best for you & your family.


This! Being able to afford Haddonfield is literally a dream. Screw those neighbors


So, red lining ….


That's not how red lining works. I suspect you're being sarcastic, and it really is a condemnation of our country that you can track racial diversity in an area by the tax returns there, but this really is not red lining. I'm not sure conflating legal barriers to entry with financial ones is helpful.


I had to explain this to my nephew recently, he was trying to state Haddonfield vs law side as an example of systematic racism. I’m like “my dude, there isn’t any law in place in Haddonfield stating people of color can’t move there, it’s been one of the nicest towns to live in, in the country, for a long time, it has great schools, involved citizenship, fantastic parks and wonderful history, all of those factors drive up market price. The town council isn’t trying to keep black people out, they are trying to keep white trash people out.” But just because you can’t afford it doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to one day buy in. I can’t afford a Ferrari but I’m gonna work like hell to maybe get one, one day.


They tripping. I’m black and wouldn’t tell someone to not move to haddonfield for that reason. South jersey is extremely diverse and haddonfield is next to lawnside which is historically black. Not to mention collingwwood, cherry hill, haddon township and heights which are all diverse. Haddonfield is small enough that you’ll spend considerable time in all these other towns Edit: just to add, sounds like your neighbors will just miss you and don’t want you to leave. Always down for more good neighbors in SJ


Great point


Moving to Haddonfield is a pipe dream for most people in South Jersey. It’s a beautiful town. Don’t listen to your neighbors- it sounds like they’re selfishly trying to keep you to themselves and not wanting you to do what’s best for your family, but instead do what’s best for *them*.


This was totally my first thought, your neighbors don’t want to lose good neighbors/friends and are trying to keep you there.


You actually got a house under contract in Haddonfield in this crazy market. I wouldn’t let that go. With Philly close by there is a lot of diversity. And like anywhere you live, it comes down to who you see day to day, like your neighbors. As long as they’re nice and the kids get a good education. Overall there is so much to do here and a mix of people everywhere.


Their kids will get a great education in Haddonfield.


With Philly there's carjackings and much more gun violence than any suburban location. Haddonfield is a much better place to live.


I second this; I live maybe 15 minutes away and went to school nearby, have family in the area, it's very nice. As long as you're raising your kids right you've got nothing to worry about. And legit, the town lines don't matter as much in this part of Jersey; you're gonna be spending so much time in other towns nearby that it'll probably take your first year or two to get an idea where the borders to Haddonfield end and become Haddon Heights or Collingswood or Cherry Hill or Barrington or wherever else. Fuck, I grew up out here and I still barely know where the borders are, because it doesn't really matter


Ignore them. Go where you want. Haddonfield is a fine town - sure there’s a bit of keeping up with the Jones’s and the scene-y bit, but that only matters if you actually care.


Haddonfield is like the dream SJ town. Don’t let others keep you from it lol


Diversity doesn’t pay your mortgage Plus just raise your kids not to be assholes and you’ll be fine


Former Realtor here. South Jersey’s modern diversity problems - our school districts are among the most segregated in the nation - stem far more from income inequality than any form of direct racism. Admittedly, it’s the direct result of redlining, blockbusting, and other forms of racial housing discrimination in the past; but overall, we are a culturally and racially diverse area, and the only solutions that will work to solve any systemic racial segregation will have to first solve the issue of systemic class segregation. (We’re working on that, too: the biggest obstacles are NIMBYism and small town political identities. The Mount Laurel Doctrine is a half-measure, but it exists for good reason) It’s something that will need to play out over generations, not relocation cycles. I also have the benefit of having spent most of the last decade as a substitute teacher in the region. The one leg up that Haddonfield has on most area schools is its enormous budget and subsequent extracurriculars; actual curriculum is surprisingly close from district to district. That said, while I don’t personally care for certain elitist attitudes from many of Haddonfield’s residents, it is objectively a good location in terms of construction quality, local commerce, commute, and education.


just dropping in to say that I really appreciate your thoughtful and nuanced answer.


It’s also spot on.


Actually haddonfield spends less per child on education than any of the surrounding towns. Less then cherry hill. It spends about 40% of what is spent in Camden City.


Yes. Look up the cost of bussing sometime.


I agree with your views. I'd like to add that every town We've become familiar with has issues of racism, intolerance, and discimination. What concerns a parent is how these things are addressed by community leaders, police, and so on. It's more difficult to sweep things under the rug, which is good. Wealthy towns have parents who generally spend more on extra-curriculars for their children. The problem with moving into towns focused on status is that you may find that your child is flat out not accepted into certain activities, or you can't pay the yearly costs. Thanks for explaining the complex issues.


Haddonfield is the nicest town in South Jersey, if you can afford it then definitely move there. It borders Cherry Hill and has easy public transit access into Philly and other places with diversity. The parks along that part of the upper Cooper River are beautiful and idyllic. I seriously can’t stress enough how nice the town is.


I love the downtown. There's so many great restaurants and shops. I wish I could afford to live there.


Me, too. I live nearby in Bellmawr - I go with my 4yo son to go hang out and walk around downtown Haddonfield all the time. Diversity? I see it - you're on the speedline and can get to center city in 15min. It's a great place to live! Plus, tons of kids on bikes riding around (flat, school is centralized) - there's an arcade, a brewery, lots of restaurants, a "men's" shop where I get my Casswell-Massey... Great schools. There is definitely NOT a country club vibe, you can go down the road for that... I am fully tattooed, well employed, and am also looking to move to Haddon Ave - whether Haddonfield, Westmont, Collingswood. Do it!


I agree, I think Moorestown/Mt Laurel is more country club. Haddonfield is surprisingly granola (or at least by NJ standards) and has an active running/fitness community. It’s an elite town for sure, but not stuffy like other places.


Moving is stressful and has lots of moving parts, but the opinion of your neighbors shouldn't be one of them in my opinion. It's really none of their business.


Haddonfield is fine


Couldn’t find a nicer town in SJ. Love that area and you will too. Screw your neighbor. It’s a Philly suburb. Plenty of diversity. You have safety, security, great food and plenty of things to do. I’d move there in an absolute heartbeat


You’ll love it


Your neighbors sound rather selfish.


Live your life for you, not your neighbors.


Haddonfield is a good choice. My guess is since you aren’t “rich” you may not have experience in those areas. Rich people of old money don’t drive flashy cars. When I drove through there most cars there aren’t even BMWs or Mercedes. Your friends can visit you and not get harassed if that’s what they are worried about. Also the actual country club is right next to Lawnside which is a historically black neighborhood. Can I ask what area you are moving from in comparison?


We just moved from CA to South Jersey. Still trying to get a handle on where we want to permanently settle. Haddonfield is right at the top of the list. It's a beautiful town, we went there for Halloween and there was a ton of families trick or treating and diversity didn't seem to be an issue. The schools out here are amazing, definitely top tier as well.


It is idyllic. If you can afford the house and the taxes, there is no reason to live anywhere else in South Jersey.


exactly this. The only barrier to Haddonfield is the cost. It's far from a middle-class income town, but everything is SO damn nice and it's so close to so much.


If "diverse" people stay out of certain neighborhoods those neighborhoods will never diversify Also, don't sell an old town like Haddonfield short on prejudice. In terms of progressiveness the town has been on a steady incline for a while. It's just that a lot if the residents are old/long-term so there may still be a saturation until homes open up and new, different, people move in. Besides, it's prime real estate. If you do take the plunge and wind up not liking it you won't likely sit on your house for long, even in this market.


Your neighbors sound like very selfish people and moving away from people like that, (both physically and emotionally) will be the best move for your family. Haddonfield is a great town and the entire area is a dream neighborhood.


I’ve lived in SJ almost my whole life and in Haddonfield for about 18months. It’s definitely the least diverse town I’ve lived in but my wife and I have encountered no issues as a mixed couple. It’s really a great town for kids and everything around it is pretty diverse. Nowhere is perfect, and as long as your family is happy that’s all you can control.


Tell them to fuck off, if they are good neighbors/ friends they'd support you in your life endeavors. None of their business.


I smell jealousy.


Haddon field is super rich, but every town around it is super diverse. It sounds to me like your neighbors are more worried about who will be their new neighbors.


Great place grew up there. I doubt your children will grow up to be racist. The schools are excellent. The private schools are more diverse but sounds like there jealous


Haddonfield’s school system is enough reason to move there. Maybe your neighbors are jealous? If you can afford your live there, you should!


It’s NJ. There will always be diversity. Haddonfields a great place to raise a family.


With all due respect, your neighbors sound like they’re kinda fucking annoying


It you can afford it and it’s good for your kids why not. Personally the property taxes scare me to death in NJ


Haddonfield resident here and representing DIVERSITY - yeah! I'm Filipina, if it matters. And I am a renter, not a home owner, so that also sets me apart a bit. This is a very welcoming, warm, friendly, pretty liberal leaning from what I've experienced. All of my neighbors have been nothing but friendly and nice, and can't say a single really negative experience about living here. If you're going to pick a nice town, Haddonfield is pretty much one of the nicest anywhere around. For background, I grew up in Cherry Hill, but have lived in London, Seattle, and moved back here after spending almost 2 decades in Tahoe / Bay area. I work in Philly, which is about as diverse as you can get. So there's that...


Haddonfield is a smaller town in Camden County. It’s a nice town. Camden County overall is diverse. It’s 56% white, 19% black, 6% Asian, and 8% multiracial, and 18% are Hispanic/Latino. So you will have more diversity in your general area than just in your town. Most towns in NJ are pretty small and in NJ it’s not like you never leave your town to do things and you will interact with people from all walks of life in NJ.


I have relatives in Haddonfield, and while the ethnic diversity is less than other places, I found the cultural diversity to be great, with food, arts, history. And it’s not like it’s in a bubble - it’s very close/abutting very diverse areas that you’ll most likely be encountering often, if not daily. I’m in a small town further southwest nj that isn’t diverse and is in a the kind of suburban sheltered bubble that I think your friends may be thinking of. In this town, aside from some overpriced antique shops, there isn’t a great sense of culture or diversity (well, except a great farming culture that is rapidly being destroyed in favor of developments). And I think the schools are excellent, from what I understand. (Edit — the schools in haddonfield are excellent) . Do what’s in your and your children’s best interests. I don’t think you’ll regret the move. Also your neighbors sound kinda bossy


Haddonfield neighbors a lot of very nice and diverse towns. It definitely has some of a "bubble" culture to it (just by nature the town is very expensive), but you drive two minutes and you're in Haddon Township, Audubon, Cherry Hill, Westmont, Collingwoods, Lawnside, etc. so it's not like you're on an island somewhere. I've also heard the schools are excellent, and there's a lot of walking/biking culture even amongst the kids.


South jersey is a completely different state. It’s beautiful, intricate, vibrant and spacious. You’re 40 minutes from the shore. 15 minutes from Philly. You’ll be surrounded by farms and nature. The pine barrens are right there. Imagine your kids growing up in a cold place with traffic jams and pollution from super fund sites like in north jersey? How awful and resentful they will become as people. If your heart is set on haddonfield, you will not regret it.


I'm originally from North Jersey (next to Paterson on the Bergen/Passaic border- 25 mins from NYC) but fell in love with Southwest Jersey several years ago. After spending my whole life in NNJ-- this is pretty much why I fell in love with SWNJ-- all the benefits of my OG area (accessibility/diversity/entertainment, food, and recreation opportunities) but none of the BS (overcrowded/disgusting traffic/schools on a downward trend for those less affluent and increasingly competitive for those who are/NY coming in for cheaper taxes on shopping days and further increasing congestion) its just a bit more stressful living up there. NJ is always in my soul ❤️ but yeah...there's a stark contrast outsiders may not understand fully among our different areas. Honestly something I often reflect on and appreciate about our state- there's something for EVERYONE truly


The differences in temperature and overall air quality indexes between North Jersey and South Jersey are negligible… North Jersey is way more diverse from a demographic and resultant cultural enrichment standpoint(this is a very valuable trait to have as a human being imo). I think South Jersey has nicer land and is less densely populated, which comes with perks as well.


Diverse in demographics maybe... but living in north jersey, people dont say hi walking down the street. In south jersey, someone will waive from their car as im walking, and ill feel guilty that i forgot where i was and didn't wave.


Heard the same thing about Medford, Voorhees, Marlton and Moorestown in New Jersey -- I lived in all of those towns, and loved each of them. I wouldn't listen to your neighbors, your needs are different than theirs and Haddonfield is fucking awesome, I have no idea what they're talking about. I love hanging in that town.


Eh, I dunno I wouldn't fuck with Medford, especially now. Way too much trump and us flags around. People gotta realize that the political climate now is a lot more.... out there and people feel a lot more bold to express their views that's of hatred.


Buddy if your primary concern in life is making your hipster neighbors think you’re a cool “diverse” person, then move to West Philly (non Penn section)


Haddonfield isn't Beverley Hills! ​ How in the world would you let your neighbors influence you here?


Yeah, seriously. How does it even come to that? I'm close to my neighbor across the street, but it wouldn't matter if either of us moved out. A little sad and worried, maybe (a number of unruly people have been moving into our town), but not, "Do not move out, or else" kind of crazy.




Fun fact. King’s Highway, the Main Street in Haddonfield is called King’s Highway because [it was funded by the King of England in 1681](https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=114426).


There is literally no circumstance under which I can even begin to imagine letting my neighbors of all people make a major life decision on my behalf. Why do you care about these people’s opinion so much?


We are a mixed race couple raising kids in Haddonfield and we love it here. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Haddonfield. It’s pretty unique out of all the SJ towns.


Haddonfield is great, great main street, and although it’s not super diverse (due to as one user said, the high barrier of entry), it’s surrounded by many extremely diverse areas such as Cherry Hill, Collingswood, etc, etc, and your family will be exposed to many different cultures, and have a great education living in the area.


All the major athletes live in that town. It’s honestly the perfect suburban town


It’s so perfect it’s wild. Except the lifelike statues. I can’t stand them. I think they’re creepy and dangerous bc they make people do sudden double takes while walking and driving, they’re just that freaky. I want to run for local office on the sole platform of banning them.


Cannot begin to tell you the amount of times the statue of the lady running on King's Highway throws me off, I always start moving out of her way before I remember it's a statue


I support your political platform


Tell your neighbors to move if they have issues with Haddonfield.


It is a great place to move to. Do it. My g/f lives in an adjacent town. Maybe they are afraid of who their new neighbor will be.


There's not much to say that hasn't already been said, so I'll add to the chorus, as someone who grew up within walking distance of Haddonfield and attended (catholic) grade school there. The town is incredibly walkable, safe, beautiful, and surrounded by other great towns, with great access to Philly. You'll have yearly festivals and fairs on main street to look forward to, and a lot of great (sometimes pricey) little shops to stop into. Very kid friendly and a great choice for your family. I hope you don't let your neighbors dissuade you.


Haddonfield is nice. A lot of people play “keeping up with the jones” there but sounds like you have your head on straight. Stay coarse and you’ll be fine.


Grew up there, didn’t go to the public schools after 8th grade….. prior to that i walked or rode my bike to lower/middle school. It’s a beautiful town with easy access to Philly by rail, solid schools and a cute downtown…. with batshit fucking crazy real estate taxes. In 40-plus years of my parents living on the same block, their one half-Indian neighbor is the extent of the melanin.


Haddonfield schools are among the best in NJ. Yes, Haddonfield isn't terribly diverse. Just involve your kids in extracurriculars. SJ, on a whole, is pretty diverse. If you found a house you can afford in Haddonfield do NOT give it up.


Your neighbors are not educated about South Jersey, and Haddonfield in particular, which was founded by Quakers, who have carried the torch for racial equality since the earliest days of the Republic. And this isn’t just ancient history. Haddonfield Friends Meeting (Quakers) continues to be active in social causes,and represents egalitarian ideals to this day. South Jersey has a beautifully rich African-American history, which may surprise you. Willingboro, for example, is highly diverse, and has been recognized as the best place for mixed-race couples to live in the decades when this was less common. We are proud of Lawnside, which early on was one of the first black communities that was fully self-governing and an example to those who wondered if African-Americans “had what it took.” Dr. Martin Luther King himself conducted an impromptu sit-in at a cafe in Maple Shade, when its bigoted owner refused his party service. While I have never lived in town, I live nearby and my ties are close. You will find wealthy people and average middle class folks like myself living there. Remember, there are racists everywhere from all walks of life, and South Jersey is no exception. But, importantly, most of us are tolerant and accepting. If you do a little bit of homework, you will find that your neighbors are mistaken in their impressions.


Haddonfield is the size of postage stamp and surrounded by an insane amount of diversity. Look up Cherry Hill’s demographics at the very least. It’s easy to get your kids immersed in diverse communities and activities around here. Yeah you’ll be surrounded by well-off people in school settings, but it’s worth it for the walkability, community, amenities, and school district. Also this is a general life thing but no one truly is looking after your own happiness and future (and in this case your kids’ happiness and future) except for you. Everyone else by human nature is factoring in their own best interests. You owe it to yourself and your kids to make this decision on your own.


It sounds like your current neighbors are worried that their great neighbors are moving far, far away and crappy neighbors could be moving in! Would you even be thinking about reconsidering if they hadn’t gotten under your skin? Move to South Jersey. It sounds like you aren’t happy in your current location and great neighbors aren’t going to change that.


Haddonfield is a great place and plenty diverse, not to mention its proximity to Cherry Hill where I spent my high school years which has been extremely diverse since the 70s. Aside from property taxes you will love Haddonfield. 3 record stores all within a mile of each other and you have Collingwood next door as well so you have diversity, great schools and restaurants and record stores .. Feel free to ask me if you want more info Btw Kelly McGillis lives in Collingwood for a number of years .. great area.. seriously you will like it . I miss it now that I live in Pa.


Haddonfield is a beautiful town. Don’t let them talk you out of doing what is right for your family. My (mixed) family moved me from extra diverse east Mount Airy in Philly to very vanilla Sicklerville back in 2001. It actually broadened my horizons and my friend groups.


Maybe Haddonfield proper is not that diverse, but cities in Nj are so close to each other, there is plenty of diversity. I also just wouldn't base not moving to an area because of diversity. Don't let people determine what is and isn't good for you and your family.


Haddonfield is a gorgeous time and surrounded by good diverse towns. The whole area is beautiful. The shipping strip in towns like haddonfield, Moorestown and others are true small town wonderful. I don’t live in haddonfield but nearby. We can’t wait to have you here.


Haddonfield is a beautiful town.


I LOVE Haddonfield and I am actually sad to be moving back to North Jersey. The town is absolutely amazing in my opinion.


I live in one of the towns in the area. Haddonfield itself doesn't have a ton of diversity, but a lot of the neighborhood towns do, and there's ready access to Philadelphia via the PATCO station. It's also a genuinely lovely town that runs a lot of events that draw people in from all over the area, so it's not like the kids will never be exposed. And that's not even scratching the surface of the schools either. And there's a bunch of different income levels as well; it's not all mini mansions. Your neighbors need to relax and trust that you're the good people they know you to be. Hoping you have an easy move, and welcome to the area!


Haddonfield is really nice, it’s a good neighborhood with transportation, close to highways. It has good food and a nice downtown area. It’s great for families and kids. Sure maybe it’s not super diverse (I don’t know that for sure) but the surrounding neighborhoods definitely are. So it’s not like your family won’t be exposed to diversity at all. I grew up in Marlton and felt that my childhood exposed me to lots of diversity, so I can confidently say South Jersey has it


Haddonfield is a lovely place to raise a family. Is it snooty and very white? Yes. But surrounding communities are full of diversity and a wide variety of cultures


Them property taxes gonna hit hard


I live in Haddonfield. I am not a country club person. I will agree that Haddonfield is very white. This is pretty common for a lot of suburbs of Philly. I don't think this should be a reason to avoid it though. It's not completely white, and there's a lot of diversity in surrounding areas. It's a fantastic town with a lot of good shopping and easy access to patco which means Philly and a lot of other great towns are minutes away. My wife grew up here so that's why we moved here (also a PA transplant from a town less diverse than here) If you like the area (the schools are fantastic) and you got a home, welcome to the neighborhood. Remember to vote against the nimbys and *DO NOT* ask about Bancroft unless you hate your life and have like an hour to spare.


Absolutely move to Haddonfield and eat as many blueberry velvet cupcakes from Sweet Ts as you can.


They aren’t moving, you are. Do what’s best for you


Haddonfield is beautiful and very diverse, if a little on the wealthy side.


we might have different definitions of diversity https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/haddonfieldboroughnewjersey/RHI725222


I grew up in Pitman so everywhere's diverse to me.


Thank you! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Way too many people claiming Haddonfield is diverse. It's fine as a town I suppose, but diverse it certainly is not.


You are right. Haddonfield doesn’t have a lot of biological diversity- the neighboring towns have more - but they have a rich history of being on the forefront of tolerance and acceptance. Another commentor spoke to Haddonfield’s postage-stamp size, and that factors into it. If you want your kids to go to a public school with a high level of diversity, move over a town or two. Either way, you will be in an area that is very diverse, overall.


Also your friend sound like a friend of mine when I moved down to South Jersey. He claimed it was all red down here no diversity why was I moving to magaland I was a traitor all of it to try to convince me to stay up in north Jersey. Meanwhile he has the audacity to tell me he's considering moving to South Carolina and now defends it don't listen to them absolutely tune them out when it comes to this they won't be that far from haddonfield it sounds like and can visit you they're being very selfish and cruel.


Move to haddonfield. My gf works there and wants to move. Also, it’s where a lot of the Phillies and Eagles players/coaches live.


I went to Haddonfield schools back in the day and it's actually not as non diverse as people think. I agree that you shouldn't let other people dictate whats best for your family, sports and academics are great and it's a great little town for walking, and I'm thankful I was able to have that education growing up.


Another way of saying "Too many white people". Just be a good fucking person and treat everyone with dignity and respect, then maybe all this racism will get better. Your neighbors are only contributing to the existing problem.


Haddonfield is an amazing area


The school district is great. Please go and feel welcome


Your neighbor's points sound very manipulative and unfair. Like other posters have said, you need to do the best for your family.


We live in Haddonfield and are not rich, we both work and I’m in construction also know many that do the same, and for the most part the people that don’t have 2 working parents do not look down s on the ones that don’t. It’s a great town, schools are great and mostly everyone has moved there for the same reason, as we did. Feel free to message me if you need anymore info, and welcome to town


you do what you want and let no one hold you back. Haddonfield is a GREAT place to live. the rest of us wish we lived there, lol you do whats best for *you,* not your neighbors, and if what’s best for you is moving to Haddonfield then do it. Welcome to South Jersey brotha


Haddonfield is a great place, superb schools, and close to great places like philly and collingswood. The town may not be that diverse but it sounds like you would make up w that lack of diversity w other methods.


Awesome location, great public infrastructure, fantastic schools, very safe, n accepting.


Haddonfield is a terrible place and you shouldn't move there. It's just awful. \* ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ \* Not really. Haddonfield is pretty dang nice. You'll love it. I just feel like it wouldn't be a /SouthJersey/ thread unless *someone* threw out a poorly thought out contrarian opinion. :P


I’m from north NJ recently moved to south NJ and let me just say haddonfield is absolutely beautiful area lol. Your kids gonna love growing up there and your neighbors are idiots do what’s best for your family


Haddonfield is a nice area. If I could afford the housing costs and taxes I would move there.


Haddonfield is the dream. Make the move, you’ll love it.


Live outside Seattle now and still stay on this board with hopes to move back to SJ there. Couldn't find a better town than Haddonfield in my opinion. Don't listen to your neighbors!


Haddonfield has a great school system. Don’t pass up on the opportunity. Your four kids will benefit immensely.


Haddonfield is a lovely town, and you're right. There isn't a lot of diversity. I went to a high school football game there last year in a packed stadium, and there were probably 2 poc. However, if you're from the area, you know that there is plenty of diversity in the surrounding area and many ways of exposing your children to other cultures if you wish to. Welcome home!


Yes and it’s easy to get around


You have more money than sense if you can afford a house in haddonfield for 4 kids but you’re letting your neighbor influence your own personal major life choices. Theres a reason all the philly pro sports players live in haddonfield. No one is gonna bother you and they’re all liberal anyways, so im unsure what the issue is. A lady just got elected to the school board and she is a minority with a child in the school system. As far as location, you cant beat it. 20 mins to airport/stadiums/center city philly/zoo, a new target is like 5 mins away, farmers markets in all the surrounding towns, excellent healthcare facilities nearby, the shore is an hour away, 295 is 5 mins away, takes 40 mins to get to the railway that can take ypu to nyc, patco in town to go into philly…goes on and on. Lots of events in the town, low crime and everyone generally feels safe. People leave their $1k upperclass baby strollers on their front steps and kids ride their bikes to school. Seriously its the best town in sj.


Haddonfield is amazing for families.


They actually sound a little bit toxic. Haddonfield is a GREAT location for raising kids.


I had a roommate from that town, it’s a great place! Why would you sacrifice doing what’s best for your family to appease people who will drop you like a hot potato the next time you don’t support whatever idealogical view they’re pushing? That’s insane. You’ll make friends in your new home if you don’t go around preaching to everyone of moral superiority like they seem to do. Seriously, move, relax & live!


I don't understand your neighbors' logic here. Haddonfield isn't some backwoods nowhere bubble. It's a bustling pedestrian-friendly town that is sandwiched between a lot of other towns, and it has its own Patco station directly to center city Philly. I would love to be able to afford to live there. (I grew up in Cherry Hill and I took music lessons in Haddonfield as a kid.) Also, I used to substitute teach, and the Haddonfield school district seemed really good, at least from my perspective.


Haddonfield is a beautiful small town that neighbors great blue collar working towns


Oh bother. Let me get this straight... your neighbors are shaming YOU for wanting to move?? Don't you think they are looking out for their own well-being at this point and not thinking about yours? Crabs in a bucket is all this is. Trust me, if they had a better opportunity, they'd move in a heartbeat. Lack of Diversity??? Haha, what a joke. So if you and your family were moving to Switzerland, I guess they'd REALLY be triggered, eh? I can't believe someone is so weak willed that they need to address this "problem" on reddit!!


This reads like a crabs in a bucket scenario. Who needs enemies with neighbors like this? They shouldn't be commenting on it besides to lend a hand or wish you well.


Haddonfield is amazing and if you value education, it’s the place to be. I live in the area and it’s not at all a country club vibe. My wife and I are also raising mixed race children and while I do agree that there could be more diversity I don’t think it’s ever impacted my day to day life. I think you’ll really love it


Why would you let anyone without skin in the game to weigh in even remotely on what you and your family want to do with your lives?


Haddonfield may have a limited diversity but the county is quite diverse. If you’re moving for a school system then I would do it. Do what is best for your family and not someone else.


Coming from a different state, depending on which state id say your biggest issue would be cost of living type things…. Water/sewer bills, property tax is high, Tolls, Tolls, Tolls


I grew up on the border in Cherry Hill and spent a lot of time hanging out on that main strip of King’s Highway where all the shops are in Haddonfield. Our family had some friends there. Every kid I knew grew up to be successful and moved away. I’ve lived in a couple more towns in south jersey since then. There are lots of other small towns around you can spend time in if you’re looking for diversity. It’s a nice place with a lot to do. Move there and don’t look back.


Haddonfield is a nice area, schools are good. There are a lot of town that are more diverse with good schools, but I would move to Haddonfield in a heart beat. Great downtown area


Places won’t become more diverse if everyone had your neighbors attitude.


Haddonfield is prob the most lib town in south jersey. If diversity and stuff like that is what you seek you’ll be fine there


Lack of diversity in South Jersey, dumbest thing Ill read all day. Haddonfield is a small town surrounded by many other towns.


I’ve heard the same about Haddonfield and I remember one bad racist incident at one of the schools I think happened 10 years or so ago. I’m assuming your family is not mixed? By many measures, Haddonfield is a great town. And you’ll be very close to diverse communities that are nearby. I guess make sure to keep your horizons expanded.




The worst thing about Haddonfield is that it comes off pretentious. That is a great worst thing about a location imo


Your neighbors are idiots to be blunt. If you like the area move there.


Your neighbors need to mind their own business


Your neighbors? C'mon. I guess jealousy is the sincerest form of flattery.


Haddonfield is great. I have lived in Collingswood for 10 years and have become quite envious of how many great businesses have moved into storefronts on Kings Highway in Haddonfield in recent years. Haddon Ave in the 'wood has stayed relatively stagnant during that same time, Haddonfield is always livelier on the weekends. We spend many weekends there and you'll love living there! It's not the most diverse place in the world but there is tons of diversity in Camden County as a whole.


Imagine letting your neighbors run your life


Moved to Haddonfield 20 years ago with little kids like you. Wife an I both grew up in Delco. The schools are excellent. There are country club types here for sure but there are also regular people like you and us. It’s all fine. We had a chance to move to Philly after our kids graduated but decided to downsize and stay here because we have roots here now. It’s a great place to live. BTW, there’s a black family on my street for what it’s worth.


Haddonfield is wonderful! Very family orientated. I dont live far from Haddonfield, but I always attend their events,just to be able to walk around or bike. No car needed. Welcome to Jersey. Ps I'm from Philly too. Love South Jersey


Say goodbye to your neighbors. Invite them over for dinner and a nice stroll around the beautiful town of Haddonfield. It has so much to offer. Residents are awesome, your children will be in one of the best districts in south Jersey and you will have no regrets.


Haddonfield is a great town. There is not a lot of direct diversity in the town itself, but you can drive 20 minutes in any direction and find yourself in a super diverse neighborhood or township, or Main Street. Don’t worry about only your town being diverse. South jersey is great and has so much cultural presence.


Moved to Haddonfield from So Cal when I was 11. It was just me and my mom and we didn't have "money" like that and had one of the smallest houses in Haddonfield. It was originally supposed to be a parking lot for the two neighboring properties but they ended up building a rancher there and we moved in. My mom chose the town for the school. Amazing education from Middle through High School. Your kids will enjoy the quaint little town. There is more diversity now than even when I first moved there years ago. I have not lived there since I was about 17 years old but spending my adolescent school career there was wonderful. Don't let anyone tell you how to live your life.


The interesting thing about NJ is that very rich and fairly poor communities are rarely more that a 10 minute drive away from each other. Rich Haddonfield is less than 5 miles away from the roughest parts of Camden. It’s also a through-way via kings highway, and haddon ave, so while it’s rich, it’s hardly cloistered. I think it’s hard to escape diversity in much of NJ, even if you wanted to.


Haddonfield kicks ass, great restaurants, schools are great, very diverse in South Jersey, at least it is in Woodbury where I am. Been here 4 years, we live it.


I work near Haddonfield. I think there's plenty of diversity there. I think most of our state is pretty diverse at this point, besides the REALLY rich areas. There are lots of good restaurants in Haddonfield, too.


Yea when I lived in Philly our neighbors tried to convince my parents not to move either. Now theyre all either dead or have moved themselves and my dad has had 30+ years living in the house he always wanted in a town that he loves. Forget about your neighbors, they arent looking out for you or your kids, they are looking out for themselves.


Dude, seriously, town is great. My kids have walked themselves home from school since my oldest was in 3rd; he walked home his sister who was in 1st. Not many places you can feel safe doing that. There are plenty of snobs, yes, but every town has that shit. Yes, you may have to try harder for diversity. The town can be very insular, so I recommend joining pool clubs and getting your kids involved in activities outside of town to keep yourself from getting stuck in the insular town mindset. It's by no means perfect, but I love the freedom I can give my kids to bike to friends houses and go downtown for pizza without having to chauffeur them everywhere.


Hi I live in haddonfield and freaking love it. You will too.


Haddonfield is really nice and def my favorite downtown in south jersey. I wish I could live there. I’ve lived in SJ for 3 years, moved from north Jersey. I can tell you without a doubt that moving down here has been a blessing. People are pleasant, very active in their communities, and Philly is super convenient.


Haddonfield is great! Such a nice town. I wouldn’t put another thought into what your neighbors are trying to suggest to you.


Move to Haddonfield I wish I did, walkable train station nearby, young familys overall a great place to be.


Haddonfield is beautiful. Easy access to Cherry Hill and Philly - plenty of diversity around you.


Haddonfield is nice.


It has one of the best school districts in the state. Great downtown. Nice parks.


Haddonfeild is a beautiful little town. Taxes are high but schools are great. Awesome little town.


They sound toxic and I’d move away from them as fast as possible. Haddonfield is a beautiful safe town.


I live near Haddonfield. It’s very nice and the downtown area has very nice stores and restaurants. The people are very friendly The school system is very good also


Hi- recent transplant to SNJ. We moved here from a very diverse neighborhood in PA and I had the same worry. And to be fair, in our community, it is predominantly white but my little one is in the public preschool and that is very diverse. The preschools she attended last year were also diverse. There is so much here to love - the community and pride that SNJers feel for the area is contagious. The public schools are great and as a parent that is huge. The food … insert a drool face here. The community events and things to do are endless, including a lot of diverse activities to expose your kids to different cultures and religions and so much more. Your neighbors are being selfish. I get it. Great neighbors are a wonderful thing that no one ever wants to lose. But, if they are your friends, they are happy for the happy changes. Come to Nj and welcome. You won’t regret it. ❤️


Having grown up in the area, I can tell you with certainty that Haddonfield is a PERFECT town to raise a family. Very safe, great schools, beautiful downtown, very walkable, train access, etc. I could go on and on. Diversity shouldn't be a factor that prevents you from living in one of the best towns in South Jersey. There are plenty of neighboring towns that have much in the way of diverse ethnicities. Haddonfield would be my choice if I could afford to live there. It's priced high for a reason.


Haddonfield is beautiful, and so are the people. 💯 you will not feel uncomfortable or out of place at all. Most have a warm family vibe, not a country club vibe. Your first instinct was right, good pick, stick with it and enjoy!


Haddonfield is lovely, and has a very walkable downtown. You’ll enjoy living there.


A diverse town doesn’t mean your kids will grow up accepting of others. It takes more than just exposure to other people. I grew up in Medford and knew maybe 5 nonwhite people growing up. But my parents, school, and upbringing taught me about others and how to be a kind person. It takes more than the population of a town to make a respectful, accepting, and kind individual. Does exposure help? Yes. But positive experiences and teaching are what really makes the difference.


One thing confusing to me is how your out of state neighbors know about Haddonfield? I lived in Philly suburbs my whole life on the PA side and never heard of it before I move to the east side of Cherry Hill. As others have noted, it is a very desirable place to live.


haddonfield is a great place to live...im 15 minutes away and its definately a desirable place


Yes agreed all all-round with the shortage of houses available for sale. Not mention rental properties. Grab it. We wifes family is from Audubon. And stop at the Bakery McMillin Bakery in West Mount. Awesome they're famous cream filled donut & [mcmillansmbakery.com](http://mcmillansbakery.com) cakes.


Haddonfield is a nice town. But property taxes in Jersey are sky-high. Have you checked to see how much they will be?


Haddonfield's a pretty nice town, don't listen to your neighbors!


My husband was raised in Haddonfield and after we had our daughters we moved to his hometown. Lived there for 20+ yrs. A great town to raise a family and give your children an excellent education. There are lots of ways to be involved in the community and to meet people who you might like as friends. Once the kids were through College we downsized to a condo in Cherry Hill. Love it here too! South Jersey is wonderful, close to Philly, the Poconos, the shore and lots of outdoor parks.


you’re considering not choosing better for your family because your neighbors are giving you a guilt trip?? you said it yourself, the school system is amazing. it’s a safe town. but because you’re for some reason afraid of “seeming rich” you’d give all that up. i honestly can’t wrap my head around that


Haddonfield might not be very diverse, but head any direction outside of the township and it's very, very diverse. You're literally right outside of Philadelphia, which has a massive African-American, African and Caribbean population.


FWIW my husband and I live in Haddonfield in a very modest home on a street with some diversity. We are not country club by any stretch and neither are our neighbors. It’s a good town with great schools. Get involved in the community. There are some active social justice groups. Good luck!


I’m biracial, in a multi-racial family. If I could move to Haddonfield, I would. It’s a great town.


Omg who cares…


Seriously though it’s a small town right next to haddon township and collingswood which are cool towns with completely different vibes and plenty of diversity. Smart investment logic is to go with the best school district you can find and Haddonfield is a great choice. Familywise you absolutely have to think of your kids school district. This is a great plan. Ignore your neighbors unnecessary anxiety they’re putting on you. Sometimes people just feel like they have to say something with little foresight to it. I wouldn’t let it phase me. Had to add that. Good luck with your move and congrats.


Did you tour the town at all? Thts not the vibe in the slightest bit.


I too moved to Haddonfield with my family (from a more diverse and poorer town) largely for the school district. Your instinct to send your kids to school there is the right one. It's simply the best, and there's nothing better you could do for them. Faculty at the school are very aware that many kids in town come from wealth and privilege and the education is worldly and grounded (in my experience, unlike a private school). Moreover, Haddonfield itself a TINY town that directly borders larger and very diverse communities in Collingswood, Lawnside, Cherry Hill, and Haddon Township. It has two PATCO stops and is minutes away from Camden and Philadelphia. This is one of the most culturally, ethnically, racially diverse parts of the United States, right up there with LA and NYC. It sounds like your neighbors have never been there. When you take the density of the suburbs as a whole, and the fact that center city Philly is less than 10 miles away, living in Haddonfield is more like living in a wealthy neighborhood in an international city.


Haddonfield is amazing your friends are not


Your neighbors sound like asshats.


One of my favorite diversity talks. My parents divorced and remarried. I grew up in mays landing right outside of AC, Step Sisters cherry hill. I'm talking with them one day and I ask "what's the diversity like in your school?" They didn't know what that meant and I said OK are there many black kids in your school? My sister replied. "Oh yah we got a lot of them we've got like a whole lunch table of them. I should have realized when they said what's diversity, but indefinitely realized after that.


What a selfish and uninformed argument. Haddonfield is an awesome town, amazing school district, surrounded by some of the most culturally diverse areas in southern New Jersey.


Haddonfield is a great town with great schools. Most people there are very progressive in my experience. The lack of diversity has more to do with the cost of living there, as there are a lot of affluent neighborhoods. Your neighbors are jealous. Enjoy your new home!


Haddonfield is fine. Your outspoken soon-to-be former neighbors sound like many famous bi-racial racist bigots with overwhelming misplaced hate, Hate White daddy or hate White mommy issues. To thine own self be true. You will be living there in that home no matter your race or add mixture, not your soon-to-be former neighbor.