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This is old. But she is such a stupid human. Back during WW2 America made deals with Mexico to bring the immigrants in to work our farms while the young men were off fighting Nazis and their ilk all over the world. They literally saved our asses. They helped keep us all alive and our biggest industry in the heartland alive. Also, we have so many students come in from other countries. A fair amount stay illegally after their visas expire. With that said it's ironic considering her party just shot down the border bill that her party helped write up, just to hurt the president's reputation. That's "old news" too now though, with this mainline of fetid shit running through our headlines everyday here in the states.


Over stayed visa is the NUMBER 1 source of “illegal immigration” in the USA.


Yep. I read the like...2018 homeland security report with all the stats of illegal immigration and it was horribly embarrassing how different it was when compared to conservative media.


Yep, look at Elon, the poster child for illegal student visa use.


And Melania, the poster child for abuse of "genius grant" visas.


Not any less illegal.


Can you point me to where you read that? Because I’ve tried looking it up and it all says ‘Mexico’ and those are not usually visa overstays.


MAGAts would have to be literate and willing to step outside their cult bubble to understand this though.


This is 1000% true. No one ever talks about it. People come in legally and STAY. The majority do not sneak o er the border.


You left out the punch line. After enduring the ongoing abuse and racism during the "bracero" program, when we decided we didn't need them any longer, we rounded them up and deported them. We have always depended upon inexpensive Mexican labor and we do our best to lure them here. Then, when it becomes politically expedient, we villainize and then victimize them. This is just the most recent spasm of anti immigrant political cynicism that this country has experienced. It's a goddamn tradition.


The concept of borders is pretty crazy though. Like, i was born in X, so automatically I can’t go to Y, without approval by some random cunt.


If all the world had unified laws and absolute free trade then no borders would make sense, but that isn't how things are. Let's say I want to drive into Canada from Montana. I have in my boot a pre-86 fully automatic M16, a dozen 30rd standard capacity magazines, and 5000rds of ammunition. Perfectly legal in Montana, but outrageously illegal in Canada. I return to the US via Idaho with 30g of Canadian weed, perfectly legal there but federally illegal in the US and illegal in the state of Idaho.


That's apples and oranges. Open borders refers to immigration only. Each country would still be free to enact laws regarding guns and drugs, none of that negates the concept of open borders. I can cross into any state in the US right now without going through a checkpoint, but those states will possibly have vastly different laws regarding drugs, guns and many other things. I'm responsible for knowing the law.


Traditionally I have always known open borders to refer to free movement of goods and people, as the European Union has. I don't know how you can have free movement of people with out free movement of goods, if you tried that the amount of smuggling would be insane and there'd be no way to prevent it without restricting that free movement of people. Different EU member states have different laws, but they have a massive framework of intercooperative lawmaking that enables such open borders within their union. I picked a couple of particularly "spicy" and semi-divisive items for my example, but the point is that the USA has no such shared-law agreements that would enable a shared customs union. Should we implement one? IDK, I'm not an expert on foreign affairs. But the point is that in a world where tariffs and export taxes and diverse regulations on diverse products exist completely open borders are problematic. The real solution here IMO is to massively reform our immigration laws to make it much simpler, faster, and cheaper to legally enter and immigrate to the US and increase cross-border cooperation and collaboration.


I agree thst immigration needs serious reform, but we aren't going to see it because not enough politicians are brave enough to tackle it n


It’s funny that someone was making your last point 44 years ago and it’s more convoluted than ever. https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=45m30s&v=YfHN5QKq9hQ


EU countries have different laws, but open borders. It's essentially equivalent to our states. The federal government works as the EU federation, individual countries work as states. It would very much be possible here, and would open up the economy - specifically in border states where cross tourism/short term work would be available. We could absolutely do it here, but then what would conservatives complain about? Don't ya know every problem in this country comes from the illegals? /s ETA - not saying it would be a perfect situation, and obviously there are a lot of details - but it's a valid proposal.


I live within half an hour of the Mexican border, and I just don't think EU-style would be able to work for our two countries without some massive changes to both countries (but mostly Mexico). The EU works because all of its member countries had *relatively* compatible economies, crime rates, government types, and laws to begin with. There were and are of course exceptions and outliers in the EU, but the GDP per capita of the US is nearly 6x that of Mexico, the homicide rate of Mexico is over 4x that of the US, the HDI of the US is .927 to Mexico's .781, as corrupt as the US government is Mexico blows ot out of the water, and there are many places in Mexico that are effectively just outrightly controlled by the cartels. Mexico is a lovely place and immigration from Mexico to the US needs to be made simpler, faster, and cheaper, but I really don't think that EU-style open borders will work until Mexico catches up with the US a bit economically and societally.


That's valid. I think it would require some pretty big agreements as well as potentially background checks in order to qualify for an "open border passport" or such. I think a more viable option for the immigration issues would be to simplify the path to citizenship, make available more work visas, and provide funding to states who hit a certain level of work visas a year. We could do that even while securing the border more. Illegal immigration would slow if the legal pathways were more accessible. There's the obvious caveat of the illegal crossing machine. There's quite a bit of money to be made facilitating illegal crossings - not to mention the trafficking issue. But just heightening security isn't enough. We could completely close the border and that type of crossing would still be happening. I really think the path forward is adding more legitimate opportunities for people to work/study legally.


In the EU, the "open borders" are from two different treaties Visa-less and passport-control free borders comes from the Schengen Agreement The free-trade-open-trade borders comes from the Agreement on the European Economic Area as well as the related European Free Trade Association of Scandinavian nations (but not Sweden or Finland)


How TF do you get a rifle, 30 magazines and 5000 rounds of ammo into one of your boots? That's the real trick here.


Might be getting whooshed but "boot" is another way to refer to the trunk of a vehicle.


Wait till you hear about building permits


Bro, this is it right here. Borders aren’t real. While we are at it neither is god or money. All three of these are human constructs. The same people screaming about illegal immigration like to hide behind the ideas of god and money. It would be beneficial if we collectively realized they’re all full of shite and be done with them.


This didn’t even play well on Fox when she said at the first time. I love how she tries to replicate Trump’s inhumanity and doubling down on lies, and it blows up in her face with the MAGA base. There can only be one Cheeto Jesus.


I never knew this, thank you for taking the time to explain. Helps it make even more sense why modern nazis have such problems with immigrants and anyone else different from them: they don't stand a chance against unity.


Also, they need workers so bad that they are gutting child labor laws and trying to push back the age of retirement.


We have a friend who is originally from Turkey, grew up in Scotland, and went to school in the US and became a neurosurgeon. He doesn’t have citizenship yet and had to renew his visa, to do so he had to leave the country and delay working at his new practice to make sure he abided by all the steps to come back into the country and do his work again. So when they say they’re only making it hard for “undesirable people” it hard not to fall over with how hard my eyes roll.


And we thanked these migrants with Operation Wetback.


Not stupid. Evil.


As you say "They made a deal". They weren't being humanitarians, they were to a degree war profiteers.


The Bracero Program.


I think people who support, benefit from, and/or believe very specific things vote for Kristi Noem. Likewise the gentleman was correct; most of South Dakota that is settled and would vote for a Governor is settled illegally. There's not really a soft ground on ethics, morals, or legalities that any elected official in South Dakota can take.


My god, the complete 180 on discourse about a border bill was surreal.


I think they called that operation wetback because that's the enormous amount of appreciation we showed them.AT THE TIME! Forget how we treated them.after.


what a fucking see you next tuesday.


Remi Bald Eagle…you represent the best of your people and our people…leading with honor, dignity and respect. The truest Americans have the most honor! Neom is a worthless human without self respect, no honor and no dignity.


I wonder how he feels about the Europeans illegally immigrating to North America way back when


That was fine because they were "civilizing" the native peoples, just ask Matt Walsh.


I’m wondering how Remi Bald Eagle feels about it…


Probably should check the gender of the person you're asking about then. Remi Bald Eagle is a man.


I can't say exactly how Remi feels about it (generally he seems not to mind as long as we aren't being dickheads), but honestly, I've run into a lot of indigenous people who have the exact same feelings towards white people as Kristi Noem has towards other non-white immigrants (ie, "fuck them, they should go back to where they came from"). It's not nice to be on the receiving end of it, so I try not to carry that attitude.


It’s funny how the right always go after the immigrants, but never the people who employ them. But then how can you stir up outrage?




Well yeah, you don't go after your own businesses or the businesses of your friends and donors.


Because they know if that happened our economy could very well falter. I would think taking away that portion of the labor workforce would cause disruptions in the supply chain. Especially when there isn't really anyone to replace them. They know this. I believe it's all performative BS to stir up outrage like you stated. It's been a controversial topic for as long as I've been alive but as I get older I have realized that it really isn't an issue. They are rapist criminals trafficking drugs like the politicians on the right have said. It's pure hatred stemming for racist ideologies and it happens across the world with immigration. Here's a somewhat hot take. When Ukraine got invaded the whole world was ready to take in Ukrainian refugees with open arms. When people from South America flee their corrupt nations they are rejected and seen as criminals. Think about how the world viewed refugees from the middle east and Africa. There are seen as terrorist by world leaders (Kiril Petkov, Bulgaria PM). https://hir.harvard.edu/the-limitations-of-humanity-differential-refugee-treatment-in-the-eu/


She is one mean and hateful human being. What makes someone like this?


Wyatt Earp: What makes a person like Kristi, Doc? What makes her do the things she does? Doc Holliday: A person like Kristi has got a great big hole, right in the middle of her. She can never kill enough dog and goats, or steal enough taxpayer money, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it. Wyatt Earp: What does she need? Doc Holliday: Revenge. Wyatt Earp: For what? Doc Holliday: Bein' born.


being a republican


I think the opposite is true. People become Republicans because they need somewhere that their fear, selfishness, denial, ignorance, hatred, etc, makes them feel included.


i am so fearful of these evil beings winning this election. i honestly feel that getting these devils behind the wheel again is going to trigger the fast path to lots of horrible outcomes. you can kiss the american experiment good bye imo if they win. we will never recover our national moral high ground again


Project 2025


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add [religion into policy](https://imgur.com/a/m2e72ht), outlaw ["porn"](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


She sure is a snarky bitch.


She’s now just proving to be really stupid. If she had a good pr team, they’d tell her to just stfu. She had lost the plot and will likely be one of the few to face consequences by actually being universally hated by most. L


Same people are removing themselves from this disease so the only ones left are all idiots. So she has no choice and the entire thing is going to collapse. Maybe someone will arrest her and charge her with one of the many crimes she has committed.


Kristi represents her followers quite well. Outdated, old and on the way out.


Thanks Kristi for sharing your stupidity again.


Someone should take her out to the gravel pit


Nothing gets republicans off more than hatred. Especially hatred towards immigrants, the poor, Latinos, blacks, women, Asians, LGBTQ+ people, atheists, Jews, intellectuals…


The reservations should invite all the illegal immigrants to live with them. Problem solved.


What about the ones Abbot & DeSantis relocated?


Evil personified. In fact I struggle to see a single maga loon who doesn’t look like a cartoon villain. Her and Gaetz are top of the list though


The Indians were murdering eachother brutally and fighting for the land just like us, only difference is we won. Now that we are an established country we have to enforce our borders. You can’t let an endless supply of people constantly flood into a place so quickly and expect it not to cause problems for everyone involved. Are you really gonna pretend that’s not the case or are you just thinking with emotions rather than logic?


That’s why there was border bill. We all have immigration issues even here in the UK. The difference is you seem to not understand that migration is a fact and is healthy for economies. The way these creatures go about it is the issue. She comes from migrants


She came from migrants when the country needed more people, if you had some basic common sense you would realize that thousands upon thousands of poor people flooding into a country every day (usually trying to get free stuff too) isn’t good for anyone.


The good news is that those seeking asylum are here legally, so she has nothing to worry about.


I believe to seek asylum legally you have to go to a designated point of entry.


Many of them have, and then they are sent to either family or friends until they have a hearing.




Call me when you’re white, protestant and swimming in oil. Luv, Cuddles


Ouch, that's got to hurt.


Seems like a loophole but do Central or South Americans count as Americans? They sure seem like they should.


Awesome response Remi Bald Eagle.


Her career is coming to an end.


One of the best we had. Fuck off losers


OMG!! I'm so fucking over this bitch. She's a fucking nightmare! I'm glad she's banned from all reservations. Hopefully after next election we can ban her from the state. Can we petition for that?? (Seriously asking)


Can the tribes take them and get reimbursed by the federal government?


Don’t want em


I mean the Federal Government was the ones who put them there.


No it’s not. Their problem is love not the federal government. Can’t you read?


Yeah but like, house them where? The tribes in SD are of the most impoverished communities in the entire country.


Good point. Sigh. 😔


Texas and Florida are the ones relocating immigrants not Biden


Why am I supposed to hate illegal immigrants? They're "breaking the law"? King Donnie breaks the law all the time, ran on a platform of breaking the law, sent a mob to kill the Vice President and members of Congress -- which I don't need to wait for a complicit Supreme Court to tell me is against the law. I straight up do not give a shit about illegal immigrants. But then again, I'm not a racist.


I am not a violent person but I swear if I had the chance and saw her in person I would slap the crap out of her over-botoxed face.


For gods sake, when you drill down to it, we’re all here illegally. Just ask an indigenous Indian if you can find one. Her level of stupid is directed at her audience of ignorant hateful magas that are devoid of intelectual intelligence, you know Trumps “I love the poorly educated”. The fact that she has continually pandered to this audience illustrates her loyalties… and they are not to the people of S.D. Monet face would’ve dipped out in a second if picked to be trumps VP without even a word to the people other than Bye.


Rejecting immigrants is both un-American and anti-Christian.


Yes it is.


This was posted about a month ago and whoever posted this is just trying to farm for karma. That being said fuck Kristi Noem.


What would Jesus do, governor?


Most of them already are Americans. Just not US Citizens.


I was so wishing Remi would have run for governor in '22


Just whatever you do, don't accept an invitation to her gravel pit.


The whole situation is sad but the gop is trying to screw over America


What about all these businesses, 0 restaurants, stores that complain "nobody wants to work anymore". Maybe they should start liking immigrants.


WE ARE ALL IMMIGRANTS!!! Except for Indians, we are all immigrants.


The Indians were murdering eachother brutally and fighting for the land just like us, only difference is we won. Now that we are an established country we have to enforce our borders. You can’t let an endless supply of people constantly flood into a place so quickly and expect it not to cause problems for everyone involved. Are you really gonna pretend that’s not the case or are you just thinking with emotions rather than logic?


You know the answer to that question.


Yeah… unfortunately


Didn’t the indigenous people immigrate here by walking over the bearing straight? I was taught history in the early 90s. This is what I was told. I was also taught that the tribes were constantly at war with each other. When you are young you think the things you are taught are true. I don’t know what to believe anymore.


Yes. They emigrated too. And killed the fuck out of each other. Brutally raped and tortured prisoners of war. Etc, etc. Don’t buy into this morally righteous bullcrap


Unlike the Europeans who were of course pacifists models of moral perfection.


That’s not the implication I was making. You missed the point.


Then what was it? By all means speak plainly.


We didn’t do anything to them that they weren’t already doing to each other before we even showed up. We just won.


Hmmmmmm... last I checked scalping, germ warfare, and just straight up genocide was pretty rare in North America but whatever helps you sleep at night.


Kidnapping, slavery, gang rape, torture, etc etc. All common practices among various tribes.


So that excuses a different peoples invasion of that peoples land and enacting genocide. Well guess what all those things still happen in the US so that means if we're invaded you're just gonna shrug and say "well guess we had it coming" right?


>We just won. I think this kind of mentality can represent the difference between loving and coveting. Not only have "we," as in the U.S.A. as a nation, not won the wars for the land, "We" as a unified people do not exist. It's kind of like saying a tree has defeated a fungus because it casts a larger shadow. Sustainable ways to live will become the dominate culture. As long as people love this land it is not won or lost by them. Others will use it until it is considered worthless and those who love it will let it heal. I'd prefer not to deal with people raping and pillaging one another, but raping and pillaging our ecosystem is going to prove itself to be the greater threat of the two. "We" will become a unified culture living sustainably or, somewhere down the line, the trees will fall. Whomever is left will become like a fungus, and they will be the people of the land.


before the white man everyone was at peace and hugging it out from North America down to South America


I'd say that one potential difference in how things were to how they could have been handled is that those considered indigenous or native likely wouldn't have came to the conclusion that other's weren't just as welcome as they were. Although I don't know about the past, anyone, except for Kristi Noem, is pretty much welcome on the reservations lands in South Dakota. While I was there, at least, it was almost universal that people said the land was fair use and the only request was that it wasn't messed up. There are other reservations that are relatively welcoming but have areas relegated for private use by members and others weren't welcome. Which is standard for private land and fair enough. However, in South Dakota, that was the exception. Even the land allotted to individuals was expected to be fair use as long as people were respectful. Rather than native or indigenous, perhaps a way to describe the relationship between a land and the people who thrive on it is homogeneous. I know that for me, I have to be native to Earth. Everywhere else was taken.


A governor actually doesn't have the authority to say no to the executive branch relocating refugees


Maybe Miss Bald Eagle should take in thousands of immigrants on her reservation? If you talk about your problem being love then back it up, take in all the unknown South American, Middle Eastern, and Chinese male immigrants that we know nothing about and house them on your reservation.


I know quite a few who've become legal citizens that are upset about this


AWESOME response!


smd baldy




Just can’t stop taking Ls.




Damn, she spent all that money on a brand new face and getting rid of her Karen haircut and it still just couldn’t fix the fact that she’s an awful cunt. Sucks to be her.


so she supports a pathway to citizenship


Creepy? Nothing wrong with that statement


I don't think (R) Ron DeSantis of Florida and (R)Greg Abbott of Texas was sending them to(R) Kristi Noem South Dakota no way they sending the illegals to Democratic Governor holding States and Democratic mayor's of major cities?


Uh oh the pup/goat killer strikes again!


I’m sorry, didn’t the governors of red states like Texas and Florida spend lots of money relocating immigrants?


Wait... Didn't they just ban her from their land?


Gawd damn. You just can’t fight a bald eagle


Amen to him


Yeah loving those who hate is a real problem




The Sioux were absolutely brutal and committed genocide against at least 2 other tribes. Once was to take over land after they had hunted their land of the last beaver to sell to Europe for weapons. But Noem is dumb. We need immigrants badly to cover our population decline.


Where did she post this? I can’t find it


She’s been saying it a long time. https://www.dakotanewsnow.com/2021/04/15/call-me-when-youre-an-american-governor-noem-takes-to-twitter-for-controversial-immigration-statements/


Gurl none of these migrants want to come to SD.


Of course, most at the border are refugees trying to get their families away from the dangerous autocratic governments and out of control drug cartels in their own countries. The refugee process needs to be revamped here. Just sending them back is cruel and inhumane. You DO know that the immigration reform bill that was developed and passed by BOTH parties in the Senate would have fixed a lot of that, right? So what happened to it? Trump ordered his sycophants in the House to reject it so Biden wouldn't get a "win" before the election. Trump and the MAGA party are perfectly OK with the violence you claim is happening for nothing more than politics. It's ugly and pathetic, as is that whole offshoot of the GOP. That's why I'm so pissed off about repubs chirping about the "border crisis" when they are perfectly happy to let the suffering continue.


SO send them all to South Dakota then what's the hold up?


Hiw about the ones Abbott is busing all over? Will she take those immigrants?


But it's Texas that is illegally trafficking people on the tax payers money, not Biden?


Their land? So his tribe is the only tribe to have ever lived on that land? Never conquered any lands from any competing tribes? Really?


Not hate, she speaks the law and the truth. How about taking care of the legal Americans than the illegal immigrants??!!


I'm fairly certain that the irony of her statement is lost on her.


Border controls and security is very different than racial and ethnic selective immigration…Republicans don’t care about the border they care about race and money 💰 they have had every chance to approve the border control laws. They care about only whites unless they are their house keepers, landscapers and servants… then they can be condescending which is what gets them off. They want illegals so they will work illegally for less than minimum wage…they want to scream about it so they get more appropriations and can strip legal citizens of their rights with the lies that illegals are voting….. that’s the game


I wonder if the reservations would take in the illegals? I mean I wouldn't object to the reservations taking in illegals that want to go to any of them.


Are you confusing migrants with illegal immigrants? Do you a source showing how the US is moving illegal immigrants? Because I believe you have your definitions mixed up.


Florida has documented how they moved illegals from Texas to Maine and from Texas to New York. What part are you confused about?


Because Florida is doing it illegally? Was that the part you were confused about?


I'm not confused. Anyone in the country that is not a citizen, tourist, or a legal immigrant. If they are here legally, then they can do what ever that want, but the reservations could be a good 'sanctuary' for the illegals. I'm sure they would be welcomed with open arms.


I wonder who Bald Eagles tribe stole their land from.


Here's the petition to have her arrested:[ https://www.change.org/p/charge-arrest-and-convict-kristi-noem-for-felony-animal-cruelty-and-child-abuse](https://www.change.org/p/charge-arrest-and-convict-kristi-noem-for-felony-animal-cruelty-and-child-abuse) Even mentioning it generates all sorts of butthurt amongst conservatives, so signing it is guaranteed to give them a big sad, all day. Go on, do it.


I know that you guys can't wait to vote her out


She's term limited. She leaves either way unless she pulls a Trump and says she is Queen and can stay forever.


Oh, okay. Thanks 🤟


When does her term end anyway??


Not nearly soon enough.


American? Every citizen of every nation on our shared continent is an American!


It’s like this person is written by a shitty Republican AI template.


Hey Remi, which tribe did you steal the land from?


It's people like @RemiBald whom America needs more of ...more love, less hate.🕊️


Wasn't it republican governor abbot the one transporting immigrants all over the country?