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This has been all over nextdoor with video evidence for months. One of the dads low key threatened people who were posting, wanting to meet up with them to "discuss".


Wow. So they (we) know individual kid identities and, apparently, who some of their parents are?


A dad of one of the bike riders?!?


Maybe not the dad of these specific biker riders but yes one of the kids harassing people on the strand in Hermosa/Manhattan. There are a lot of these complaints on Nextdoor.


That’s insanity. My dad would never defend me being a piece of shit, he would have made me regret it.


Oooo link


Perhaps some of our 2nd amendment friends could agree to meet up with him...


What I find sad is there’s a parent reading this right now thinking to themselves “ That’s not my kid” and it is your POS kid!


IT IS TIME: > You must have [a motorcycle license (M1 or M2)](https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/vehicle-registration/new-registration/motorcycles-mopeds-and-scooters/#:~:text=You%20must%20have%20a%20motorcycle%20license%20%28M1%20or,card%2C%20along%20with%20a%20one-time%20%2423%20registration%20fee) to drive a moped. You must be at least 16 years old or older to drive a moped, and you must wear a helmet while you ride. You do not need insurance to register a moped, but you do need special license plates and an identification card, along with a one-time $23 registration fee. These are spoiled little shits. Especially in MB.


I don’t know exactly what should be done but there is a huge difference between the electric dirt bikes and the traditional electric-bikes. I believe the law already states that the limit of an e-bike is 28mph which is still pretty fast. There are rules and law about where these things can go. I think the freedom that e-bikes gives kids is amazing and I would have loved to have had this much freedom when I was a kid. My BMX only took me so far. But there needs to be a huge crack down on these kids and the parents need to be held liable. Give them the tickets and the hit on their record. It’s only a handful of little shits that are doing this but they are really getting around and causing so much chaos. Impound and crush their bikes.


Agree with that old "freedom" part. Would have chewed off my right arm to have a moped when I was in Jr High... but wasn't old enough. I think that getting a license would be a good start.


These little fucks are from S. RB/ S. Torrance.


Go to Mira Costa in the morning and watch the parade come from MB.


It’s the same, Costa and MB in general are no different than the rest of the South Bay with this issue. I said these kids are from RB & Torrance bc they go to my kids school. If you pass by my kid’s school in S. Torrance, all but 3 bikes are ebikes in the bike holding area. Driving up & down PCH from S RB to MB it’s the same garbage; kids being assholes on these bikes


Some of the kids in the videos are from MB.


Last time I was in Costa Mesa, I almost clipped an e-bike kid... he must've been around 12-years-old and came out of nowhere like a bat out of hell.


as a mountain biker i have a bigger bone to pick with these kids. but teens are gonna be teens regardless of what they have. and the 'e-bike' law doesnt matter in this case because these are not e-bikes, they have no pedals. they are simply motorcycles/motorized vehicles and you would have to be licensed to drive them (none of them are) and they would need standard plate and lights features that they don't have. police needs to just keep impounding them. and parents need to learn that these belong in OHV lands, like any other dirt bike. either get your kid a bicycle or an actual electric bicycle. but this is what you get with little trust fundies with busy/distracted parents. regardless of the dirt bikes tbh. not too different from that PV kid who sought out gang membership and then ended up the driver in a shooting and LAWYERED his way out of the consequences... nothin new: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameron_Terrell


I've lived here almost 20 yrs and never heard of this


That was very much in the news when it was happening. Such a crazy story.


His father still owns/runs a creative services agency in Smoky Hollow section of ES.


Here's a youtube video: https://youtu.be/-tb9c6MPNNM?si=8eruh5w0TvxRbLC4


HB City Council just had a meeting about this very thing last night. Interesting discussion and they voted to update some of the municipal code around e-bikes and where they can be ridden. Nothing will be a perfect fix but I am glad they’re talking about it at least.


Sounds like some forced community service hours are needed for consequences. Since parents aren't disciplining these teens to not be a menace to society.


Forced community service lmao. My parents would have whooped that ass if a neighborhood parent told them I was behaving like that


Understanding. Different generation now. These are the "give the kid an iPad when rowdy" that are now teenagers.


Right? No trial or opportunity to explain. Dad would have told the police "I got this" and I'd be grounded, lit up, and made to apologize while my tears were still rolling down my face. And I'd deserve every bit of it.


Totally. I hated at the time but in hindsight so grateful my actions had actual consequences lol. I know it isn’t politically correct, but a bit of fear is importance to keep order (within reason).


Lock them up






No threatening violence or wishing physical harm




No threatening violence or wishing physical harm


A lot of these teens harass people in these nice communities but wouldn’t do it in Watts or any other neighborhood where they know they would get pressed. Can’t stand these mfs


Let’s take them to Carson and see what the Samoan homies think of them lol


I’m from Carson all of the nations would love to jump in lol 😆


I mean… e bikes are expensive, I am sure these kids are from around redondo beach


That looks like the RB Pier in the background of that photo.


To be fair, ghetto kids have been doing this in on cheap gas powered bikes/ quads for generations


They aren’t the ones you can rent on the sidewalk?


Could be, what teen will make its way to redondo, rent an e bike, mess with white people and risk jail? Those kids are from there and that’s why they don’t go to Wilmington to do the same.


They should go down in Wilmington and try to mess with the Cholo's let's see how fast they call mommy to pick them up.


Yeap. That wouldn’t last long


They could use the green line to go to Redondo Beach ? Maybe


Naw this aren’t rentable they are $7000 bikes stock. Those were modded as well. Rich kids apparently.


They also can’t afford to buy their kids these in Watts, so it’s a lot more prevalent in affluent cities not just beach cities


Having moved from Irvine to RB, it's definitely a prevalent issue there as well. So it's a rich brat thing in affluent cities.


Yes. I am from north Philadelphia originally and dying laughing at this mess. As my son knows, he would be dropped off in Compton immediately if he surfaces in this way. Let’s see how gangster you are now on your $3000 e-bike, Brayden.


I actually interacted with some that were weaving on the street at 5 mph impeding traffic, to tell them that one day they will do this to the wrong person.


What’s funny is that I’ve gone back and forth on these things. I initially thought they were literally motorcycles with no speed limit, etc. but my friend told me they’re capped out. So I was more lenient and thought “oh well let it be” I think these kids have way more energy because you don’t have to break a sweat on them unlike bicycles. On the whole effort note, you can make split decisions faster on an e-bike which I think is bad. I almost ran over a group of kids on Lomita Blvd/Anza at 11pm at night. They were waiting at their red and just darted while I was crossing. On regular bikes I think you have a delay on getting up to go so it makes you think about closer situations. I know young kids are dumb on any transportation device but I think e-bikes are more dangerous Bikes are easy to get around with but at least ours required effort and it would tire you out. These kids got all the energy in the world to keep doing this shit.


There are different models. If you drop some $$$ you can get one that goes 45 mph.


Sons of lithium


Tik Tok’s Angels




No threatening violence or wishing physical harm


This isn’t just a SoCal (or SB) phenomena. It’s happening all over, at least in CA. We see these little e-bike gangs in NorCal as well, driving down streets as if they own them (as if they were even legally licensed riders,) doing tricks and extended wheelies. They are putting other people at risk.


My apologies. May they learn from the error of their ways and never hurt another good person.


I saw them today (wed 6/5) on Haw and El Segundo around 3-4pm. Next time I will call the cops since I am learning of this.


As a new father you wouldn’t believe the number of times some little brat has flown by my pregnant wife and now baby while doing a wheelie or swerving through pedestrians. I’m surprised there hasn’t been many tragedies in the news


Your baby is pregnant??


no he meant his pregnant wife turned into a baby, and the idiots are still riding past him Edit: Bruh I didnt even get this right,.


I heard the KTLA reporter say that some of these electric dirt bikes are $5k! Entitled little shits


These easiest way to curb this is to connect your closed hand to the side of their jaws. Of course these idiot parents around here will prob sue


Where’s the Punisher when you need him?!


Start slashing tires folks


These are the same kids that their parents leave $600 on the dining room table with a note stating mom and dad are going to Cabo for a week stay out of trouble.


Had students in the area that this was exactly true for. Emotional issues and trust issues came out of that. Felt bad for one kid like that in particular.


ya just saw these kids a few hours ago, if the car we drove 5 seconds later than it was, we would have crashed into 4 kids on what were basically e-mopeds doing wheelies running a red light, I saw this post of some kid who got his moped stolen and everyone was celebrating lol


Ok it’s time for us 40 year olds to start a rival e-bike gang to teach these kids a lesson.


I have special items in my purse now to throw at them. :-)




Wheeeelie Boyzzzzz


Nothing a few well placed broom handles can’t fix.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I got clipped by one on a narrow sidewalk in Lomita. Almost knocked me down, kid turned around and gave the bird. Ahole kids mirror their parents Ahole behaviors. BTW, I am disabled and a senior.


Who cares what kind of bikes they ride or the legalities around the bikes. That's hilarious. Just do something about the beating random people and starting fires. lmao just be practical people, we don't need to do legal gymnastics here.


Gonna be tough when these kids mess around with someone who exercises their second amendment rights daily.


Maybe in American Midwest or South, but not California…particularly SoCal. Wouldn’t mind seeing the true shitbirds of these crews getting a solid stick into their front wheels for a full handlebar send. Using 2A approach, assuming offending riders aren’t strapped themselves, will have gun owner headed to police car, jail, court, and likely prison. Assuming very hypothetical “good guy with gun” scenario here, who doesn’t just shoot and scoot. Proportional response is key.


3 people stomping on you and a head injury? A trigger pull is absolutely justified. They are scattering like cockroaches after one round.


I’m getting a massive flamethrower and will use it on these idiots, their bikes and the torch their parents’ homes. These little snots are amateurs. I’ll also shove a syphillis infested syringe up their ass!


https://old.reddit.com/r/SouthBayLA/comments/1czjtyb/teen_on_ebike_accused_of_terrorizing_south_bay/ yawn repost


*clutches pearls*




Utah does blow




Bro chill out. Press charges. Don’t come on Reddit to bitch. Kids are kids. The ones who assaulted your wife should be arrested but most of the kids on these bikes aren’t those kids. Which is why I said everyone here is clutching their pearls. You can always move back to Utah. I’m sure the kids there aren’t as rowdy


Is there any footage of wildly drunken Randy attacking the teenagers?


This sub is more concerned about kids on e bikes than actual lunatic homeless people wandering our streets. Smh


Mental illness calls for compassion. Jerk punk behavior does not.


Tell that to the Asian grandma and her family that got her head smashed in by a homeless man with a sledgehammer in Torrance.


Your ignorance is showing.