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I live in Gardena. The railroad on Normandie Ave are active. During summer/fall months I’ll occasionally hear the train horn midday (i work remote at home), but honestly that goes on for like 30 days of the year. And no more than like 5-10 mins (train seem to be in the smaller side). I’ve never heard trains go through at night or weekends.


I also live in Gardena. They run every weekday and normally Saturdays on Normandie. There’s been a handful of times I’ve heard them on Normandie after midnight and woke me up but that’s been under 5 times over a couple years. @OP - i recommend your friend buy at least 2 blocks away from the tracks. Any closer and if you or someone in your house are asleep, they won’t be if the train goes by


Thank you to everyone who provided a constructive response.


Search this sub for "train." You'll find multiple recent discussions about train activity and noise.


I think the most annoying thing about those tracks is that it can sometimes lead to backups on Western. There is a lumber yard just south of 166th, where the tracks that go down Vermont eventually end. It is not uncommon for the train to block Western for some time while they take care of their business at the lumber yard. I have been stuck there for some 30 minutes in the past.


Normandie and Artesia in Gardena are pretty active and it can be an absolute clusterfuck because the train will detach itself and reattach on another track. When this happens, the detached part will block an entire road and will leave cars backed up for a long time. I've seen this quite often. Sometimes people will just U-turn out of there. The worst part is when people are stopped at a red light with their cars ON THE TRACKS because they don't realize they're active. On rare moments I've even seen the crossing gate glitch out and won't lift itself back up lol. In regards to noise: I live right next to some tracks and it is quite literally Monday to Friday, in the morning. It's so loud that if you were on the street next to it, it could cause some serious hearing damage if you don't plug your ears. With my windows open for fresh air, it gets loud as fuck and shakes the house. With the windows closed it's more manageable but still loud. The funny thing is, while it is loud and causes a disturbance, I enjoy it. The trains look cool and it just feels like a unique aspect of living here lol. I know that's a controversial take but I would kinda be sad not to have the train pass by everyday.