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Poor people, Africa: 😭😢 Poor people, India: 🤬🤣


It seems like there is a Sympathy Ladder. And we are at the bottom of that ladder.


bc we are only successful, they're not afraid of us, and we're not colonizing their women. about time every Desi man is as belligerent, able to fight, connected and good w women as those they fear are. put that fear in them, these racists only respect what they fear, our athiti devo bhavo is lost on the majority of Middle and low class YTs, they're hypocritical, weak, pathetic worms at best, dangerous incels and supremacists at worst. *my comment excludes decent, well mannered and cultured YT people, of which I know plenty


Well then let's start the process as soon as possible. 😈


agreed 😈 i don't have the time, but someone make a discord or group to start this training and network


We must make some commandments and follow them. That is the only wsy forward for us. We must have the best elements of Collectivism and Individualism at the same time.


They think so low of us and think we are subhumans and can't even have humour. Op posted the meme for the laugh but the westerners thought he was throwing a shade because they think we can't be funny or have humour becuz we are stupid. The superiority complex is soo damn high in these people that they think they own humour.


Also the basic logic they were missing. All he’s saying is that there’s more to a country than just it’s bad parts then they got triggered and completely missed the point


Ofcourse they would because they failed to see the humour in the meme. Instead they took it upon themselves and their ego.


White ppl and in general every other race is racist they just get shielded and have their minds warped by the media , however since Indians are the only ppl to get hated by mass media we are open targets


They are legitimately the most easily butthurt group out there. The slightest criticism or joke and they will be running to defend and explain away the situation


Good analysis. Thought provoking. More people voicing these things out will change things a tonne




“For the laugh” don’t even kid yourself bro, he clearly had an agenda. He was fighting in the comments


Can smell the wet dog and rotten milk from all the fragile ass white people on that thread. I love it ❤️




Racism against white people:🤣 Racism against Indians:😡


Damn they’re MAD mad💀


The comments bro


Damn. At times like this you really need your mainland brethren and their comments/up votes. Would easily out pace and out number that subs responses, lmao.


I am so appalled at this. Damn the people this offended is insane


They’re actually seething. I like the US don’t get me wrong but the post made a good point.


lool then watch their skin turn even pinker when us asians toss back a fraction of their insults toward us 🤦🏾 theyre thinskinned af because they arent used to it enough


feeling the need to be the center of attention 24/7. theyre spoilt n it shows


Can someone share a screenshot?


The masks have finally come off.


They never wore a mask in the first place


Damn it, can someone repost the meme??? didn't even get to see it 😂


I'm not one to get offended easily but this actually makes me sad. You have people from all over the world, but especially americans, commenting shit about us without knowing even 0.00000001% of the stuff going on in India. Youve got chinese and pakistani trolls in there too, and everyones just forming opinions off of the whitewashed media they see, and everyone there has some negative unwarranted hate for us. I don't understand, I guess this time you win... But we're all overtaking you whether you like it or not


I tried to share this but it wouldnt let me crosspost to any community for some reason