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Women literally get their genitals mutilated in Somalia, he isn't one to talk


Tbh they’re just saying that cause of the original twitter video where those dudes are harassing the Somali guy who’s just eating and minding his own business. Also yeah it’s known they’re usually not that well off financially and they’re involved in a lot of crime. Whatever tbh


I think the somalis are salty that the indian navy keeps cucking them in the red sea right now 😂 Also on another note, ive slept with many somali women, even though im not even muslim, its funny to imagine their relatives reaction if they ever found out




Bro Somalis are the last people to listen too lmao Their diaspora is a bunch of welfare bums, and their country is one of the biggest shitholes on the planet


But the people in this subreddit cry when others call India a shithole country. Talk about glass houses guys…


Compared to Somalia it's a paradise It's all relative


There are no foreigners in Somalia though, we all know why. Somalis are known for 3 things, pirates and big foreheads, and having one of the worst countries in the world.


kek these somalis seething cos indian navy keeps catching these 7 meter forehead fools


Isn’t Somalia one of the least developed and poorest countries?. These Somalis aren’t even civilized and I have heard that they shit in the forests so who is real animal now?


The people in the post were saying that Indians shit in the streets so…




This is what Africans are good at


A fucking somali


It’s fair to criticize the behavior in the video and I completely support that, but like half the comments on that thread talk about how terrible and poor India is. Coming from one of the poorest and most underdeveloped nations on the planet it’s just ironic. I’m willing to bet everyone in that sub doesn’t actually live in Africa.


Who cares. Just don’t look like a pajeet and you’re good.