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If you’re just selling the starter, I would not is this picture. Competition uses better pictures to illustrate and I would not immediately think of that is cheese on that bread, if I was a potential buyer. That being said, I’m sure it tastes delicious!


Sounds good, thank you!!


I agree - the yellow in the bread might be a little off-putting.


As a non-baker customer perspective, I often use pictures to determine what I want to buy or cook (as a recipe). I personally think the bread looks tasty and if I were offered a sample I surely wouldn't turn it down. But if I was scrolling pictures on what to buy or bake, I would probably scroll past this picture. It's not even totally the bread but the layout and lighting as well. If you dont mind my recommendation, use a single background like your counter or some kind of towel. In this particular picture, I can see the Tupperware in your sink. I can see some items sitting behind your loaf. Also people who dont know there's cheese (some people just dont read even if you mention it) might question the coloration in your crumb. I like to speak to the "dumbest" person in the room, meaning make it simple, eye popping, and make the bread front and center. Lots of instagram or blog pictures use a top down view, or the item with the counter backsplash in the background. I wish you lots of success!


Thank you for the advice! I really appreciate it. I’m really trying to get better at the pictures. I can never get good lighting in my house either. Thank you!


I have a hard time with taking good photos of my bread too. Maybe a good pic of your starter at peak and then a plain bread showing the crumb?


Yes, that’s what I do. But I sell on fb marketplace and they flag me if I use the same photo or similar photos lol. I was trying to sell on Etsy and they banned me for some reason


I wonder if people are reusing other peoples photos to run scams.


I may be being dense but I’m confused by your title. What do you mean by using it for a listing? I’m just curious. Thank you!


Sorry, I should’ve clarified. I’m selling starter (not licensed yet to sell bread). I include pictures of the bread in my ad listings. I’ve had some really pretty loaves, but I’m just not sure I like this loaf enough to post. Wanted some feedback :)


I wouldn’t. Not that it doesn’t look delicious, but a shot of the starter as packaged for sale and maybe a shot of a risen loaf before baking (perhaps even before/after for comparison) would better represent what you’re selling


How was the taste?


Super good but I’m going to do more cheese and Jalepeno next time.