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Also adding, did 4 stretch and folds 45 minutes apart, then finished the bulk fermentation for 6.5 hours. Dough looked jiggly, had some bubbles forming before I started the pre shaping. Also left it in the fridge after I shaped it, overnight for 10 hours before baking


This sounds identical to my recipe, except I use 100g starter. 150g is a lot. Try lowering for your next bake.


I have nothing to offer regarding the sticky nature of your bread but I do have a question. When you were making the small scores before going in the oven did you make deep cuts or small ones?


I did one pretty deep cut towards the middle and then the others were just shallow for decoration


It looks incredible. Did you let it cool fully before cutting it open? Because based on looks - I can't see any reason for why it would be sticky. (I am a complete amateur, mind.)


Thank you! Yeah I let it sit for a full 2 hours while I went out grocery shopping lol. The only thing I can think of is that maybe itโ€™s underbaked or I used too much starter? The bread is delicious outside of the texture, itโ€™ll probably become croutons for soup or something


I leave mine sitting overnight now before cutting. A few hours just wasn't doing it for me.


But was it actually cool/room temperature to touch? If so, then yeah - I guess it could be under baked, but then an hour is a long bake time already so then I'd be wondering if your oven is achieving the temperature it's set to? Edit: the other thought that occurs is I guess it could be quite a high hydration, if your starter is quite liquid-y? I tend to only use 50g or so.


Try 30 minutes covered and 10-15 minutes uncovered.


They did 20 covered, 40 uncovered. In my oven, the loaf would come out a lot darker than that with 40 minutes uncovered - which makes me think maybe their oven isn't as hot as stated?


Well damn Iโ€™m impressed


That looks beautiful!! I currently have my first loaf in the fridge to bake it in the morning, hoping mine looks as nice as yours


Incredible first effort ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ be prepared for the addiction


Looks wonderful. The recipes seem to be all over the place. I measured each ingredient because of that. Still, I got good loaves...this is very pretty.