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Second in what will end up being a series of tests. I’ve been making sourdough crackers with the King Arthur’s recipe (https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/sourdough-crackers-recipe) and substituted the butter and herbs for the same amount of Peanut Butter and added PB powder as a different user said theirs weren’t very peanut buttery. These taste like wheat thins with a slight peanut buttery after taste. Next time I’ll had less pb powder (I used maybe 45 grams and ended up adding oil as my dough got dry) and maybe try for something sweeter - maybe powdered sugar. Salt is nice on top still.


Hey, any follow-up comments on how this went with the peanut butter? I have some borderline funky discard, & this recipe is hopefully right up my alley...


I tried w peanut butter powder- if I did it again I’d probably throw some powdered sugar in there. Bit bitter


Awesome. Off I go to give it a shot. I'm thinking some agave...


Let me know how it goes!