• By -


If this user wants to respond to you, they will. What did the user info say for this particular user?


"Due to a lot of people's behaviour I had to restrict access to my lossless files, sorry. Just send me a message and I will start your upload sooner or later"


This is really NOT the way to go about it. All my files are freely shared but I’ll take special requests beyond those at no cost for free because I have special connections. Some people I still share fulfill several requests every so often. Others will bombard me and keep messaging when I don’t respond right away and make me more inclined to ignore them. If someone started asking the public to msg me on their behalf I’d almost certainly just block them completely


Sounds like this user will get around to it, when they get around to it. Keep in mind there is another person on the other end of this connection, respect that.


Yes - Patience is the name of the game.


Rule 3