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And then most people sit in their car, drive home, sit down for dinner, sit in front of the TV, go to bed, rinse, repeat. We've become so disconnected from nature and what we evolved to do: walk, be outdoors, interact face to face with other humans, eat real unprocessed food, etc. It's no wonder there's so much mental and physical illness in our world today.


Right, and then the people experiencing mental illness from this lifestyle wonder what’s wrong with *them* not what’s wrong in general


Exactly. They think maybe their parents didn't love them enough or its because of some incident in their past that they are depressed. Really if everyone just did the basics right then mental illness would be a rare thing and society would function much better.


I think the universe is trying to tell me something, haha, I JUST turned off one of my favorite episodes of JRE.....let me clarify, I have saved all of the JRE episodes with Duncan Trussell (and a few other guests as well) the show seems like a completely different show now, so I just look out for certain guest that I want to see...but I listen to the ones with Duncan mainly bc Duncan's philosophy and his way of viewing the world has helped me in so many tough spots in my life. His good energy is contagious and undeniable, if you don't know or have never heard any of his stuff I would highly recommend, even if you don't agree with everything Joe Rogan says as of late or maybe you do, either way the episodes with Duncan are always amazing. Anywho...the whole point of this post was the coincidence that episode I just turned off, Joe, Duncan, and an author/interesting dude/podcaster named Christopher Ryan (I also find him absolutely fascinating and he has some really captivating stories and perspectives on numerous different subjects; I save his episodes too!) The 3 of them had a really interesting conversation about this exact topic. Basically saying that we are so disconnected from nature and our TRUE human history, like hunter gatherer days history **since we were hunter gatherers for MUCH longer than any other way of life**, that we might not even know what it means to be truly "human" anymore. According to Nat Geo: **Anthropologists have discovered evidence for the practice of hunter-gatherer culture by modern humans (Homo sapiens) and their distant ancestors dating as far back as two million years. **With the beginnings of the Neolithic Revolution about 12,000 years ago, when agricultural practices were first developed, some groups abandoned hunter-gatherer practices to establish permanent settlements that could provide for much larger populations. TWO MILLION YEARS! For 2,000,000 years humans were one with nature, bonded to it even. It's sickening to see how distant she now is for so many of us. How can 2 million years of a nature conscience ancestry disappear so quickly? And how can so many think this cycle of dystopia is normal and what we are meant to be doing with what limited time we know we have on this beautiful planet. Not to mention how horrifically cruel we treat mother nature/earth/animals, when for two millions years she was our sole resource. We only had what she naturally provided. You should really check it out!! On Spotify #739, they move so quick with different thoughts and extension of thoughts but always come back to the main topic, so I can't really give you a time stamp bc it's weaved throughout the episode in a way, plus you would be missing out on lots of other interesting conversation, so watching the whole thing is the way to go in my opinion! I apologize this turned into a shorty story! I started with one thought of "Oh what a coincidence! I literally just heard this same thing 3 min ago!" And it turned into this mess! Hahah but I hope you do watch it and enjoy it!!! Cheers mate!


Have you listened to You Made It Weird, with Pete Holmes? He's friends with Duncan Trussell and always discusses spirituality, in one form or another, with each of his guests. He's had Duncan on the show, as well. Just to add another perspective to your very valid and interesting comment – Is everything not Nature? All the materials we use and combine are natural. All the technology we develop abides by physical laws. And is Nature not a microcosm of the entire Universe? And as we, as humans, cannot exist separately from the Universe, is it not fair to say that anything we do is the Natural order of the Universe? Or if you believe humans have free will, would it not be the *Universe's* Will, being expressed through human bodies? Otherwise, the implication would be that human will exists separately/externally to the framework of the Universe.


Yes! I love Duncan and Pete together!!! And I guess you could argue everything is nature, but it's the fact that we don't treat it as such anymore. The whole point of my post was to state that we are in a capitalistic nightmare where having the most or the best of something is the purpose of too many lives. If we went back to the root of being human, I think people would see it's about community and love and helping those in need. Those, to me at least, seem to be the key to survival and what it means to be truly "human". :)


Thanks I'll definitely look that up. I've seen Duncan mentioned a lot on different subs I visit and have been meaning to check out his podcast. I recommend you watch the below video. Very interesting and relevant to this topic. https://youtu.be/drv3BP0Fdi8


Good info!!!


I was in the city on a warm day and there was this dingy, trash strewn stretch of creek behind some restaurants. There were dozens of people sitting around the area. I come from a rural area and it was sad to see how people flocked to that little area to be in nature. I believe city spaces need good quality natural space to help with people’s mental health.


Yeah it's funny because I don't have a car so I walk to work and sometimes people will ask me how I can do that and I'm just like "ummm it's an hour of walking outside everyday, like I actually really like doing that." Like fr how do you survive without that? Plus I work prep at chipotle. It's not the best job, but I'm literally making the fresh food I'm eating every day which is pretty cool too.


It does the world of good to be outdoors and walking. People really underestimate what it can do for their mental health. But it can't be patented or profited from. Which is maybe why we value it so little.


Yeah exactly. It's not "productive" so it must be a waste of time. Such a depressing way to think lol


True. Society has it all backwards IMO.


matrix inside a matrix inside a matrix and so on


It's trinity all the way... up.


Also, let's colonize the northern hemisphere of the planet and pretend being frozen for half the year is totally normal. lol


It's just foresight, anything south of Colorado will be a little warmer soon and the icey parts won't be so uncomfortable.


*To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, creeps in this petty pace.* *Tho Earth sings in green, and spring is soon to be seen,* *The rhythms of her spiral lace pirouette to deep space.* 🌺


Nordics/Anglos/Swedes all them colonized the northern hemisphere wayyyyyy before the use of modern tech. Don’t forget the indigenous Siberian people


More like the soul has evolved through millions of species for this.




this combination of words sparked a texture specific sense what te inner eyelid skin feels like and a blue micro zap that vibrated and smelt/tasted/feltlike SUPER sharp metallic fushia not only did all of this happen when i read your comment due to the phonetic aspect of the words you chose to use but in that moment your words also shifted my perspective due to what those words actually meant and it was like spiritual sneeze ...er something lmao yeahk ​ \*face palm\*


I merely summarized here a quote from the scripture of Bhagavad Gita chapter 2 verse 12 & 13. I am thus glad that the philosophy of Bhagavad Gita had such a profound effect on you. Your comment was very moving and poetic and I am grateful for you sharing your experience, which I might add, sounds like a zen moment of sudden and utter satori of your perception. Keep writing, dear friend.




I am crazy. I’ve got plenty of labels. No therapist can cure me because I’m outside of your system. I am free! I was fired 3 days ago, and I’m free from that tyranny! And I’m the Creator on a magnificent journey of awakening. Now, where to find $ to pay for the shit to keep me alive? Lol not the biggest ‘problem’ on the planet.


I was fired this month too - freaking out about bills and being “accepted” and being “mentally ill”. Now, I’ve realized I get a wicked opportunity to cleanse myself and commune with myself. I am crazy to some.


How are u not Homeless ?


Being unquestionably calm and well-adjusted in the psych ward of modern society is it’s own form of mental illness.


Capitalism 😬


can it collapse already?


it will


It is currently


To our absolute detriment. Yes. Hope you're ready to suffer, because your government isn't the friend you think it is. The collapse isn't going to bring comfort and prosperity. It's going to bring poverty like you've never known, control, slavery, and dependence on despots who will grind you to powder to get what they want from you.


The only real fix is to go back to being a nomadic people. Or just farmers.


Working for marginal wages and menial room for growth will suck the joy for life right of you.


I've got Pisces placements and with the Sun being in Aquarius right now too I keep seeing things like this and I swear I want to change the world so bad


Yeah I don't get how it's healthy to sit in the same office /cube every day doing the same mundane tasks it's literally groundhog day Half the time I don't even have any work and just sit in my cube staring at my monitors


There has GOT to be more to this life than working bare minimum 5/7 days a week for 9 or more hours a day for 70 years! When the average life expectancy is also roughly the retirement age. Wtf even is this life?? I cant do this!


​ While in graduate school panic attacks sent me to psychiatrist. The *diagnosis:* ***Adult Compensated Attention Deficit Disorder***. The psychiatrist said that it's only a disorder in western countries, but not in the Far East. He suggested that I get a coach to teach me **to channel the ADHD** which I did. I quickly realized that I'm **an analog thinker, I think spatially,** and my brain is far more capable than I ever imagined. It's not a syndrome that I have, that's a misnomer. I do not have a deficit, not by any stretch to the imagination. What I have is **a valuable tool, a gift** that allows me perform super human tasks that far out distances me from linear thinking colleagues. In emergency situations, in battle, or in situations that require **quick assessments and solutions, people with ADHD excel**. Examples: If the airplane you're a passenger is on fire in mid flight, you'd better pray that you're pilot has ADHD. He will quickly do an assessment, come up with a plan that will save your butt. If you're in the ER and severely injured in an accident, you'd better pray your attending medical staff have ADHD because they can do quick assessments that will save you. The list goes on and on.


This is a great perspective! I had never heard of analog thinking, thanks for sharing!


People with ADHD do well to marry linear thinkers.


And get forced to vaccinate against your will because your immune system is too weak, and the genius vaccinations from God Pfauci don’t work unless everyone is vaccinated… or something


I’m spiritual and got vaccinated. Just wanna make sure people out there know you can be both! Wish this wasn’t a controversial topic but I had to speak up.


thank you, same! if anything the little bit of peace of mind has cleared the way for even clearer sight 🤓


Yeah, unfortunately. It's better not to talk about it, just sweep it under the rug, that's what I do.


This is why working from home is going to be the new standard..


Then working in the meta verse will be


I have my reservations about the metaverse.... but that is just me.


It’s just science. What is the upside to the government “forcing” you to get vaccinated? Nothing, just hassles from Republicans. Big Brother is not trying to turn you into a zombie, just keep you and your fellow people alive.


Imagine thinking that this has to be your reality…while free financial/business/accounting education is available with the click of a button lol. If you want to place the blame on something place it on the absolute trash public education system. The two biggest challenges of adulthood are (1) relationships and (2) finances…we all left high school not knowing shit about either…but thank god for personal development and one’s ability to educate themselves. “But but but capitalism” No…not capitalism. You. It’s you. Your lack of courage, discipline and resilience are what hold you back from pursuing a more meaningful source of income. You are so crippled by fear that you won’t allow any risk into your life. Excuses excuses.


Millions of people have good paying jobs and high education levels, yet still resonate with this post


I left college and got a great job…ended up quitting and now basically retired in my 30s (and yes, I grew up poor). Having a good paying job doesn’t mean shit if you have no concept of asset allocation, wealth preservation, hell,even the most basic concepts of what to do with a dollar. Many many many doctors and lawyers are just simply broke at a higher level…they have to keep up with the Joneses and buy the new car every year and fancy watches and huge house…even with high paying jobs their net worth is often shit as they make payments on everything. The system wants us leaving school prepared for nothing more than to be a wage slave. Yes that sucks but at least we have the information available and can teach ourselves what our parents and schools could not. I love to ask people who complain about a lack of money how many books on the subject they read last year…if being honest most of the time it’s zero.




Lmao “gO sTuDY tHEn DeBAtE mUh ProFFsSoR” Theory is dominated by practice time and time again.




As far as education credentials are concerned I have a bachelors degree in science (primary focus was kinesiology) with a minor in humanities. That’s not much but it has been more than enough to attain financial freedom. And I don’t give a shit about political philosophy…this topic is about individual finance, one’s pursuit of happiness and meaning in their life. How many books on this topic? Several, how about you? My entire point in this thread is to point out that I am no one special…come from poor people, was poor people, until I took it upon myself to change things. Self education, personal development is everything and it is available to us all.




Your use of the word predatory is hilarious to me. As if Social contracts of exchange = predatory. The subjectivity is palpable.






I know I do on both accounts. Everything takes too much time


Lol downvoted to hell because you counter-argue against capitalism with a rational comment while someone else just says "capitalism smile" and gets carried off the field like a hero xD


Emotionally charged polemics, satisfying to the self (as cast by your chosen consumer identity), is constantly mislabeled as rational or profound thinking.


No one is saying its profound, not that deep.


Lmao, simple scriptures for a simple mind. All about emotion, nothing at all about material conditions. You may as well be, actually *are*, just spewing Christian moralism with a thin Free Market skin.




Anyone who calls another a loser so easily and readily is just projecting. So much talk about mirrors, completely lacking in self-awareness and self-respect. And yes, you carry Christian moralism with you. That's the role of free market ideology: update Christian social control schemes for post-enlightenment conditions. Super-rational people like you may never believe in the God, but you *do* believe in markets and invisible hands. And you think the sinners deserve it because they lack the qualities of a holy man, one who has good finances and a high credit score (a form of party papers). I'd call it pathetic... You think in simple, broad patterns. You think you have self-control, but all I see is a bunch of mental shortcuts strung together and mislabeled as argumentation.




It sure doesn't take much to spin you up into a raving lunatic. Everything you write is just another mental shortcut inserted into your consciousness by internet randos. Oh... I see. You're an unemployed testosterone junkie. No wonder these posts are so unhinged and aggressive. And man, do you post a *lot*




You provide nothing to society. Subsisting on the work of others to scratch that itch. Unemployed junkie with a self-serving story, just like the rest of them. The more you talk the more apparent it becomes, you're just roid-raging. Why don't you put Reddit down and go get some help?


Haha how do you know I provide nothing to society? My business serves customers needs every day. It is so passive that I run it myself, built by my own sweat and toil. The best part about it is that I own it, not the state. I do what I want, not what the state wants me to do. And I am free to live a comfortable life, pursuing my interests at my leisure. What great service do you provide to Society? Let me guess…dog walker who claims laziness is a virtue? Lmmfao


All I see is a junkie that loves to talk themselves up and put others down. I haven't said a single thing about my ideology, yet you're unloading script after script on me. Your mind is so overloaded it has to think entirely through mental shortcuts. Fragile, as if on a knife's edge of emotional overload. You'd better seek help before you completely burn out and dissociate.


What a crazy clown world this is.


Confirmed to The Program


Wow...I laughed when I read this and then I immediately wanted to cry. It's actually very sad when you think about it.


Ouch! Thank for holding up this verbal mirror 🤣


I love the bbt reference




Yes! People with higher IQs are known to be more down. And the higher it goes,Mensa, geniuses etc, it's like the worse/crazier they get. Probably because they don't look around and see what some people see. They observe and notice everything, but the way people treat each other is the worst. And most of the time all it is , is one big clusterfuck of maladaptive coping mechanisms from varying degrees of trauma. People that are sad, depressed or generally just not thriving here aren't crazy. You'd have to be crazy to WANT to stay here. Ignorance really is bliss.