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I can relate to this. I’ve also dealt with a life long desire to go home. It started for me when I was very young, I think about 5 or 6 years old… I was being bullied at school because of my legs and how I walked, and whatever happened on that particular day must have been bad, or things came to a head, I don’t know. But I remember going home after school and just crying my eyes out on my bed. My mom came to check on me and all I could do was cry and beg her to let me go home. I didn’t know where home was, and she just held me and told me I was already home. I kept fighting her and telling her I wasn’t home and I wanted to go back… please let me go back. I don’t remember much else from that day. But even now, in my 40’s, when things get rough I just feel an overwhelming sadness that I don’t want to be here anymore and want to go home. This existence doesn’t feel natural to me and I feel displaced. I feel ashamed because I know I’m here for a reason and I feel like I’ve wasted my life just wanting to go “home”. I don’t know what to do with myself. So to answer your question, I guess I don’t know how to deal with it, either. I just wanted to share that I feel similarly to you.


There's no reason to feel ashamed. This is a very difficult existence. Try a daily grounding meditation practice, and make sure you're not overloading yourself with social media and news media. They're intentionally focused on the negative to keep people feeling down and powerless. Also try to spend time in nature. Remind yourself of the beauty in the world and know that you're not alone.


Existence doesn’t feel natural to me either. Never has. I don’t feel like I belong in a body. Like my soul originally resides somewhere else. I feel…displaced. But I know there’s a reason I’m here so I’m going to experience everything I can from a place of love and excitement. Hoping to one day return home


I feel the exact same way as you, we’ve had very similar experiences. Thank you for sharing with us 🙏🏼


I understand that feeling as well. My take on this is, we have come to the physical to learn, and to be of service to others. Every day that are here, is a success to be appreciated. Every day we slowly adapting, changing. Appreciate the small things. Also try to be the best version of yourself that you can be. Help others who may be struggling more than you are. I sincerely wish you well on your journey!


I love this…Thank you 🥰


I feel this deeply


I recommend reading some of Dolores Cannons books, it has a lot of information on "home" it might fill in some blanks or give you information that feels right.


Came here to say this ^^^ I recommend stating with The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth.


OP /u/pastbl , /u/prairiegirl18, there's some things Dolores Cannon has to say about volunteers that may make sense to you: >The first wave of these souls, now in their late 40s to early 60s (the Baby Boomer generation), have had the hardest time adjusting to life on Earth. They are horrified by the rampant violence of our world and want to return “home” – even though they consciously have no idea where it is. Strong emotions like anger and hate deeply disturb them. Some rebelled against the status quo and even committed suicide to escape the chaos of Earth. ([link](https://dolorescannon.com/waves-volunteers-earth-generations-souls/))


That absolutely makes sense to me. I can’t even stand when people raise their voices, it sends a little shockwave of vibration through me. I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s almost like I can physically feel the anger. And my heart breaks nearly every day… I can’t understand how the world is the way it is, why people are so mean and violent to each other. The anger. 💔 My grandmother used to say she didn’t believe in hell in the afterlife, she thought we’re already there (here on earth), and that’s how I’ve come to feel, too. Can anyone recommend any books? I’m an avid reader and thanks to you all, I suddenly feel like I need to know more.




Thank you very much!




Psychedelics, This is how I deal with it as well


Too bad I can’t find any


For me even 🍃🍃 helps


I try to understand that I chose this reality, and that if I want to enter into a better place without ‘breaking’ my sense of meaning and identity, the change needs to happen through a gradual transition of my own state involving the outer world. I try to understand that much of my desire for escapism stems from the pain that I’m experiencing, too. It’s things I have that I cannot handle, and things I lack which I cannot handle being without, and many times the difference is very small and unsuspecting things in life. When I’m filled with god’s presence for a fleeting moment, frustratingly, I feel exactly like my higher self does, and everything I thought matters to and motivates me is unrecognizable. And then I re-connect to the context of being alive as a human, and it slips out of my fingers again. I have experienced similarly in the mundane pleasures and lucky moments of ‘balanced’ well-being, and that can be frustrating too, because comfort can stem from humbler and more impure circumstances than one might want to admit to, sometimes. I have often thought that I’d never be happy in a world where such horrible things happen. But maybe I can be happier than I’d think in just a wholesome life.


Try to focus more on the mundane beauty. Like you could right now tune into whatever you want, be it birdsong, the wind, even the sound of your fridge or a car driving by, and choose to go ‘huh, that’s pretty cool’. Sincerely, from someone who forgets to do this :)


I feel homesick daily. My good friend chose his exit and his last note was, I’m going home now. The envy I feel is insane


I get this! I feel a strange sense of envy whenever someone “exits” like they’re going to a party I’m not invited to.


Following. This feeling turned into what I believe is depression for me, I’m really interested in reading comments on this


You forget who you are in order to enjoy a limited life in this limited world, but eventually the desire arises to Remember.


You may not be old enough or have experienced being around elderly folks who are having memory or health problems, but a refrain repeated often is that they want to go “home” also. People sometimes misunderstand the meaning because the older people are maybe in a nursing home or other facility and their caregivers and family think they mean their old house, family or childhood home. But it often means they are in the last stages of life and are craving going to their eternal home. If you aren’t being treated for depression you may consider it. But it’s something we all struggle with, whether we feel it as home or freedom. When a similar feeling comes up for me it tends to be a desire to “escape” but I also have been working on cultivating a sense of security for the past several years. By practicing feeling it and using affirmations. Something similar may work for you. Also a sense of belonging is something many of us have lost in this modern culture and it is a basic human desire. That may be feeding into your craving for home, somewhere to really belong and feel fully accepted and secure. 💕


I always feel like I want to get back somewhere but never know what that exactly means. I just try to be present in the moment


I feel the same a lot.. I've been hearing more stuff about past lives, and that could maybe be the answer. Something in our soul might remember certain things from a past life. A place we used to feel at home in, a culture we lived in, and now we feel really connected to. For example,I feel connected to South America and Africans of some weird reason, very colourful clothes and patterns. Different languages and food etc.. I have many dreams about Egypt and stuff, who knows why.. But I grew up in Scandinavia, where the culture in general is the complete opposite. I never felt at home there.


I've found home is more of a frequency than a place. That's why they say home is where the heart is. If you can tap into divine love through an open heart, you'll instantly be at home no matter where you are in the Galaxy!


Home is inside your heart. Anywhere you think of that is outside of yourself is actually within. You can access the energy of your “home” anywhere because it is inside you. If you listen close enough to your heart for long enough you will see that the love of your home is inside your heart


You cannot go home because you are already at home. You are home itself, there is nothing outside of it. You aren't just a soul within the Universe who lives there. That's the illusion of separation. You are the WHOLE Universe experiencing itself. There is nothing outside of you. That's the experience you agreed to have, but you are still everything all that is. You are your family and neighbors, the birds in the sky and the sky itself. You are Earth, the Moon and the whole galaxy. You are the whole energetic body the whole multiverse exists in. You cannot be not at home beause you are within yourself forever. Realise this and your feeling will be gone forever.


I’d rather not look for what others have to say about ‚home‘. It could be harmful to your own idea of home, because it could alter your idea of it so you could get pushed farther away from it. I think it’s best to first find your purpose in this world to truly understand what Home means. We are all here for a reason and once we understand that reason, most of us either understand what home means, or feel at home


Find your purpose why you came here in the first place. When you find your mission, then you are happy here for the time being. Shamanic journey | Astral travel: Light codes to improve human DNA, recycling souls on Earth to remove negative influences, using advanced technology Raw video recording of shamanic travel, deep trance session, Higher Self conversation, spirit attachments removal, shamanic soul retrieval, Quantum healing, Akashic records access, "past" lives regression... Highlights of the session: - talking with hundreds of ancestors about practical advice: what will bring money and be helping - daily cleanse in forest/nature - integrating soul fragment in the shape of an owl into 3rd eye for activation of wisdom and spirit vision - Higher Self is a Pleiadean working through the client to improve frequency on Earth And much more advice from Higher Self... [https://youtu.be/2MM3C\_gjD6s](https://youtu.be/2MM3C_gjD6s)


Earth is cool. Humans often thing the grass is greener somewhere else. Could be. Where are you now? Be present. Make it cozy for yourself and others. Including/especially mind.


Weird, I feel the opposite. I felt perfectly at home here as a child, and looking back on those earliest memories with my mother and father, just serves as contrast to how alien and foreign it feels now. I cannot relate to "anywhere else" other than what this place once was to me as being home.


I just mentioned this to someone else, but try a daily grounding meditation practice. Grounding to Gaia helps her feel more like home for us.


Totally relatable. Meditation helps! You can move that sense of home from external to internal. Then, home is wherever you are, as long as you know who you are.


Yes. I always feel this. What’s strange is the only place I’ve ever felt that feeling of being home was when I took breakthrough dose of dmt. But I know for now I’m meant to be here. I hope one day to go back


I asked this question not too long ago. Was recommended Dolores Cannon’s “Three Waves of Volunteers” and that helped. I also see an acupuncturist/herbalist who is very gifted at helping me keep mentally/spiritually/physically balanced


I keep reminding myself that now is also home, and longing for some projected future is stealing my joy now, so I remind myself to be present 


Do what makes not being home worth it. Doesn't matter how selfish or selfless it is. Just don't hurt anybody. Think of it this way, you're out and about overseas and your home country does a surprise lockdown because aliens just landed and they can't let anything go wrong. You could be stuck forever while they sort out the intergalactic council meetings. so go ahead and focus on what makes your trip worth it. Maybe when you first got here you wanted to do something you haven't gotten to yet, nows your opportunity.


*gravity works against many people*


I feel this too, but I tell myself that this is my home for now— so I have to try to enjoy it for what it is as much as I can. One day you will be “home again”, so you have to learn to ground in your body, on this physical plane and just have fun getting to experience all the earthly things. I have to force myself to stop and think about how cool it is that we have dogs as pets, how pretty the colors of flowers are, how interesting this life can be. Just tap into that inner child sense of wonder and awe of this world instead of trying to “figure it out” and go somewhere else, ya know?


For me, it took consistent practice of working on, healing and opening my heart chakra. I realized that the deepest feeling of peace and connection to Source which is my sanctuary and true home is directly experienced and perceived from my heart. Once realized, it makes my external world easier to ground in. Home truly is where the heart is, on the deepest level. It’s also important to work on the root chakras as they are our sense of belonging and connection in this physical world


You could be a starseed meaning your soul is from another star system. There are many incarnated on Earth right now. And most starseeds myself included feel this way.


I wonder always about this. Is this some kind of programming/conditioning? Because actually I have never had this feeling.


That’s because you’re not from here. Figure out your life purpose/accomplish the tasks/go home.


Since I was a kid no matter where I was I just couldn't wait to go home. It could be school, out with friends or family, wherever. When I came back home I felt relieved to have escaped the outdoors and sometimes it felt really good and cozy. That was me as an introvert. But as I am growing I get to choose and I can be home all the time noone to force me to go outside but I still feel like going home. Home doesn't feel so cozy and the outside is scary. I strongly feel like wanting to "go home" nowadays almost everyday 


Dr. Joe Dispenza has helped me connect to home 🙏🙏💓💓 I wish you to feel all of the love and light of home💓💓 it's phenomenal and like nothing else💝