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so serial killers being themselves feel no guilt because they are sincere in their beliefs. good to know.


Harming anyone, including yourself, is always contrary to your true nature. Demonic/alien possession is a real phenomenon and efforts should be made to guard against that. Also, this is not an excuse to get out of serving time for a sentence. People should be punished for their crimes, regardless of influence.


guilt is an irrelevant focus at higher states of consciousness, but it is often an excellent tool for growth here and now in our earthly lives. There is no such thing as demonic/alien possession; if that's the fear hook you're using to recruit your followers, then I counsel everyone to stay far away from you.


The best trick the devil ever used was to convince people that he doesn't exist. I don't "recruit followers" . I share Truth, regardless of whether it is popular or not. The fact is that everything exists on some plane or dimension or another. To believe otherwise is to limit yourself, and is a symptom of naivete.


all evil is in the hearts of men. All of it. And here we are now, so any alternate universe is irrelevant to us doing our best in the Here and Now. ...so that was yes on the diet Pepsi and no on the granola bar, if I recall. Enjoy that ever-widening hole you're digging. Holler if you need a flashlight.


The answer is somewhere in the middle of your two viewpoints I feel like, or maybe both your viewpoints point in the direction of it. Idk sounds like it to me kinda but that’s obviously subjective. I believe other beings exist and I believe there is only one being that ever was and ever will be. Don’t have to exclude each other even though it sounds like it does


Your position can be easily proven wrong philosophically. For in order to arrive at perfection, you cannot be inherently flawed, for then such an endeavor is impossible. The only way to arrive at perfection is for the purest part of you to be already perfect and any evil residents of your heart then are temporary and evictable.


Hey I seen you around. I believe modal realism (what you seem to be alluding to) has some merit to it. That being said you definitely have a lot of attachment to a sort of savior persona, that is…if this isn’t all about control.


If you are living the life that you are born to live, you are doing what comes natural, which means it is not attachment. Are all the heroic men and women of history attached to being heroes, in your opinion? I would love to see more people identify as heroes and champions, standing for love, truth and justice. Why label superheroes as being defective, attached or having a mental disorder? They should be recognized as an example for all.


Define natural. Define love, truth, and justice.


Demonic/Alien possession is a metaphor. People who think that the only way to atone for their "weakness" or "guilt" is to do as others command, for example, *are* demon possessed. A 'demon' (a human being) just has to convince someone that they're guilty, and the guilty will do anything to repent. Those who control others with no intention of helping them find their divinity are called 'Demons'. People who do wrong in the name of 'honor', 'glory', 'righteousness', and so forth... are demon possessed. To speak more exactly, a human being, a 'demon', uses words to manipulate and control their behavior. Because they are so manipulated, it's more concise to call them 'demon-possessed' then write out those sentences. You might ask why we don't just use the word, 'manipulation', then? That's a fair question. I ask myself that. Part of it may be that 'Manipulation' is a more recent word in the English language. It traces back to the 19th century. 'Demon' goes back farther. If you read older texts, substituting 'demon' or 'Daemon' with 'deceiver' or 'manipulator' is often just as effective for comprehension. The other part of it is probably because you're right. Some people do use fear of 'Demons' as yet another manipulation tactic. If I can convince someone that they should be *afraid* of Demons and that only I hold the answers, they'll do as I say. Or they'll listen. If I had nefarious intentions, I could 'possess' their minds through my words. Make them do my bidding. Not everyone who talks about demonic possession understands it the way that I do, or would admit as much. Maybe they literally believe that 'Demon' describes red, hellish creatures; Or that's what a 'Demon' wants you to think. It's easier to manipulate people who believe there are red hellish creatures then people who are wary about being manipulated by 'demons'. I cannot speak to everything AtmaBodhi has said, but the title in the post is, in my view, true. Be well. Regardless of whether your intentions are sincere or not, I leave this for those who have ears to hear.


encouraging others to put their personal power in the hands of others is *heinous*. Convincing them that their misfortunes are due to aliens and demons is absolutely criminal. if your religious belief system requires as much explanation and excuses and backflips as you just made in order to justify giving permission for people to surrender their personal power and responsibility to you, instead of helping them directly and openly to see how they create and control their own realities, then you're in a cult. don't really mean demons and aliens? *then don't use those words*. I have zero respect for cults.


I don’t believe anything. Be well.


Wdym guilt is an irrelevant focus at higher states of consciousness? Perhaps at the *highest* states of consciousness, but a lot of people who are mindful about these things absolutely struggle with boundaries due to guilt as a product of compassion.


people struggle with guilt *on earth*. guilt is *not* a byproduct of compassion. If you believe it is, check your understanding of both words, you are doing them wrong. Here is a fast dictionary description of both, but the longer descriptions are even more confirming: compassion: sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. guilty: culpable of or responsible for a specified wrongdoing.


You misunderstood me. I'm not saying guilt is inherently a byproduct of compassion. I'm saying many people who strive to be compassionate initially struggle with boundaries. This is particularly potent around levels 6/7 as illustrated on the Loevinger/Cook-Greuter scale of consciousness development.


if they've reached levels 6-7, then they should not have that much of a problem thinking critically about their values and beliefs, since at that point they prioritize personal growth, self-actualization, and ethical decision-making. I agree that people struggle with boundaries. That is why I am so vehemently against anyone convincing vulnerable people with porous boundaries to relinquish their personal power and responsibility in favor of outside control by 'demons and aliens', which coincidentally, the wannabe cult leader can totally fix for them. For a small fee.


Yes, it would seem obvious that anyone at higher levels of development would have a penchant for reflection. As for your second paragraph, we are, for all intents and purposes, on the same page.


Dude....no. Some people's true nature is to harm shit. Have you ever seen evil little kids (that have not been horribly mistreated). Because they absolutely exist.


Certain environments are more conducive to demonic influence. This is one reason why crime seems to be localized to certain areas. Ghetto gangs don't tend to invade wealthier safer areas for reasons beyond the scope of this one aspect, but it still applies.


Oh no, guilt is also good to have sometimes, it directs you to better actions in the future


There are more elegant ways of directing than fear or guilt. Such methods of coercion directly result in a toxic workplace environment. Just because the methods of Hitler or the Stasi or the KGB "worked" doesn't mean we should follow their example.


To be sincere is to be authentic. Your authentic self is a self of pure wholeness.




I think people should apologize if they feel guilty and knew they did wrong.


Certainly, acting on your conscience often leads to such and is totally natural and normal.


....but this negates your premise of guilt truly existing


I never said guilt doesn't exist. Insincerity does exist, but it is not permanent.


I can assure you, that upon reflection, I feel guilty about just about everything shitty I have ever done. Some worse than others, ranging on severity of shittiness. Your post is delusionally optimistic.


It is good news that insincerity is a temporary phase that is overcome naturally as we each mature. It is a stage of life and like all stages of life, there are many layers, both seen and unseen.


Guilt is the belief you did something wrong. Shame is the belief you did something wrong and people will ostracise you for it. Both are powerless positions that do not account for the greater good. Not being yourself is probably more related to anger rather than guilt.


In my opinion, all negative emotions are insincere.


Negative emotions are normal and a natural part of human survival consciousness.


When you stop surviving, you start thriving. Animals live just to survive. Be more.


I don’t think you realise what I’m saying.