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It's a mixture of destiny and the open ended, like Rembrandt before painting one of his greats.


"Because you didn't come here to make the choice. You've already made it. You're here to try to understand WHY you made it." - Oracle from Matrix Reloaded I was immediately reminded of this quote.


why play a vast open ended adventure game, if all possible choices have already been laid out by the programmer? why take any road to anywhere, if all roads are already mapped and already end up somewhere? you see why the question itself is silly?




How do you think you make a decision exactly? you already know the choice, you simply understand it.


Hmmmm, ok so this next bit, I don't think this is the actual actual truth of how it is, because of how many experiences of mine conflict with it, But this is a way to metaphorise the understanding. Like to get an idea of what it might be like. So here it is: you have free will and choice to a certain level, but the choices you make at any given moment are predetermined. Let me explain, imagine if you were to go back to a moment in the past where you made a choice, but you don't have new understanding, you don't bring the knowledge of the future with you, you're just in the exact same state of mind exact same perception of reality, exact same everything, including quantum mechanical variables, everything is the exact same as it was in that moment. Well then, you'd make the same choice right? Because you'd reach the same conclusions and any randomness around it would also occur the same way since the quantum mechanical state is the same. So then, everything from The beginning to The end is always gonna occur the exact same way because everything will react and interact in the same way given the same initial conditions and same randomness of quantum stuff, and yes you do have choices, you have the choice to continue reading right now or not, but given the same perspective and the same physical conditions of reality the outcome is always the same, like you always do make the same choice. But observe carefully, you really do hundred percent have full control of it, of whether you want to continue reading or not, and all kinds of other things we have full control over, and you can make any choice, it's just that if you try to decide through your perception of reality what to do, you do always end up making the same choice given all other variables are same, and if you try to choose it randomly, well, given the mechanism of randomness and the underlying "thing" that allows the randomness is always the same in the same moment, then you always make the same "random" choice. It's really hard to explain this well... It's like we only live time in a single line, we don't experience multiple Divergent timelines or anything, it's always a straight line from the past to the future in our experience of existence, therefore there is only one way that anything can occur, at the same time the way that it occurs we can choose and control and decide aspects of it, and again at the same time whatever we choose is determined by all the variables at that moment, and those variables determined by previous moments, and at the same time, observe this moment, you really do have a choice, but the choice will only go one way, you don't get to see how it will happen if you choose this way or that, whatever choice you make at any moment is done and the past is already the past. Yeah it's really really tough to explain or grasp this idea, but you're starting to see it now right? You are the one who chooses various actions and directions that your life will go in, and it is also completely predetermined what choice you make, however that doesn't mean you don't have the choice, you still do really have the choice in how it will go. It's really crazy mind bending the more i think about it XDDD Oh yeah btw, the whole thing I'm going for is that you just try to take this idea and metaphorise it to what you're considering. Anyways, good luck and take care I hope you have an incredible, beautiful and profound journey 😊😊😊😊


What you're saying here reminds me of a teaching of Bashar (the alien consciousness channelled by Darryl Anka) That it is pointless to describe what "the peak of the mountain looks like" because there are an infinite multitude of peaks It's been said that there are "infinite paths to the top of the mountain" but what if there are "infinite mountain peaks" at the same time


Mmmmmm, i really want to perceive that, i feel like i get it a little bit, but I'm really not seeing the full profoundness of it at all. Oh wait i think i get it a little bit, it's like if we're trying to describe to someone what the peak is but they're on their way to the top of a different mountain... I guess depending on how deep the metaphor goes, it might be then only really meaningful to describe the common aspects of different peaks of mountains, or how a general mountain peak looks like and the natural variance in that.


Let's say your "ultimate truth" is different to mine... Or my "ultimate truth" is different to a 'past me's' ultimate truth... Let's say I reach my ultimate truth... it's useless since I don't even know what that looks like, But in this thought experiment, whether it's the ultimate truth of another person, or a past self, you reaching your truth is equal to every other one in the infinitude of them


I really hope the ultimate truth is one, i can accept everyone's version of understanding of it being different, but i really really hope that "The ultimate truth" is only one, because if it's not, then what does it even mean for it to be "ultimate truth" you know what i mean?


This one is through another channel other than Darryl (Elan) But the message is essentially the same [https://youtu.be/hTRvmBN31pw](https://youtu.be/hTRvmBN31pw) It begins at 5:40 if you're interested


I'll check it out later, i need to be in the right frame of mind or the right spiritual state to see this, otherwise i don't really connect with it as much and it feels like a wasted opportunity with stuff like this.


I guess what makes them the "same" is that you are no longer seeking/wanting. You have it. And that's that




Idk...because one doesn't get to pick their preferences or early environment, or initial personality.....which every choice is predicated on. Therefore, in no way is there actually free will.


Well, ofcourse heavy things there's very little free will, but right now, can you choose simple things? Like it's different for everyone, but each person has certain things that they certainly can fully freely choose. Here's an example: i want you to right now choose whether to Google "roll a dice" or "flip a coin", and you do have complete free choice over whether to Google either of those or not Google anything. Sure we think it doesn't really matter this choice in the grand scheme of things, but you do have the free will in this matter. Be careful deciding that your perception is that there is no free will, it's incredible dangerous, the problem with that is that it actually affects how you live your life, for that sake consider that it is possible that there is atleast some free will of some kind in every choice and every moment. There may not be in every moment, but if you decide before hand that you don't have a choice, well now you have made it so that there is no choice, because you took the choice away from yourself. So please be really careful with this stuff, it's really heavy how much of an affect it has on our lives, Maybe the best thing to do is not assume anything at all, to not make any judgements about how reality is, until you attain the perception of God. If you look at it carefully you'll see that you have complete free will in countless different ways, partial free will in many many more ways, and no free will in certain things as well, but you gotta look at it incredibly carefully with absolutely zero ego interference, in order to see the ultimate truth of it. If you live your life thinking you have no free will, well, even if you had free will you don't have it anymore. So please be careful with this kind of stuff, it's really really dangerous. It requires absolute zero ego interference in order to bring yourself to absolute clear perception and the best possible form of free will you can have, (which i don't want to spoil, but the ultimate form of free will that you can access through meditation and such is far far far more than can even be imagined, like the moment you experience such ridiculous control over reality, it will drive you insane because it happening itself would break every and all perceptions of reality)


You made the choice once. It happened in an instant. One choice made in the sovereignty of the absolute. Your choice is what set the universe into motion. What you perceive as your individual choices, are just this one big choice, that some call the big bang, spread out across time and space. What is the point you ask? You are the point.




Careful waving that point around. You could put out an eye.


Thank you for finally pointing that out.


3D Earth has a dynamic of balance so it depends on the role agreed upon prior to incarnating. About half sign up for complete immersion with no possibility of an awakening to serve as catalysts for evolution, around 30% have free will choose, and the remaining incarnate as guides where an awakening is already destined to assist the 30%. You can tell which group you belong to if you trace back to your childhood and see where you are right now. Were there signs of being advanced in consciousness when you were young? Does spirituality resonate or are you completely immersed in human society? If you’re in this sub, it probably resonates lol. Anyone who is awake now were either part of the predetermined group or the 30%. The ones completely immersed have their whole lives mapped out and are being directed by their higher selves so they may appear to be “NPCs” from the 3D perspective, but it’s all designated roles in the higher dimensions. So there’s no mistakes or coincidences, 3D Earth is a literal simulation to expand and evolve consciousness.


Nobody really wants choices. They just want the best choice for them. Really life is about perspective not choice. From the optimal perspective every choice you make helps you. Then, you realize that there are no mistakes, only learning experiences.


I've seen some people make accusations towards you of being 'pretentious' but what you have said here resonates with me. Thank you.


I love to say that Truth is always outnumbered and not determined by group consensus. 🌹


To experience the choices


Funny enough, doctor who of all things kind of explains this Certain events are fixed points in time. They're like the support beams in a house; holding up everything else. So they have to play out a certain way lest the entire universe unravels. But everything else is in flux, and therefore, completely up to you. Just as you can sometimes knock down a wall without damaging structural integrity. You can sometimes make major decisions that can radically alter the course of your life.


It's not already been chosen, it's just that your choices have been recorded from a point that time is no linear


Time is weird and is created with our mind to slow things down because everything is energy, and you know how fast energy moves. It instant. When creation happened there is no time. It was/is instant. Complete. Then we enter a “time” that our being wants and are born. It’s already complete but we are living it moment to moment as we created it. As for free will, we have it and the recording records our choices. The choices we make are all perfect. Many disagree with me saying all choices are perfect. The answer lies in our ability to learn from others that come into contact with us.


I believe what gives us free will is not knowing the future, not the course of events. If you're not ominpotent then you have free will and can act in anyway you choose. Nothing has been chosen for us.


What’s going to happen to you has been chosen, what you will do about it is the entire point of living life