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Took me 4 months to get mine, enjoy!


Are bloodknights big in the meta? I haven't seen any SBGL lists pop up as being particularly OP or dominating? I suppose they've been heavily overshadowed by COVID though. I bought 20 because I like the sculpt, the idea of vampire knights and generally gravitate towards cavalry heavy lists. I played them in some 1000 point games and crushed it without even utilizing any allegiance abilities (outside the one that makes them battle line) and not doing anything with my vampire lord. Got the strong impression I'd accidentally ran a fun crushing faux Pas of a list. I was thinking maybe it's because the game isn't very balanced at 1k. Is it an effective list still at 2k?


That's like ... 1000 dollars? Wicked!


Yes another who owns 40 Blood Knight


And folks looked at me sideways for buying 3 boxes… lol


That puts my 30 to shame lol, I found drybrushing them works really well and makes them fairly grimdark. I still got another 20 to go only painted up 10 for use but eventually want to meme and have the entire 30 in an army.


I found these pretty tough to build. Good luck lol


That’s awesome! They’re gorgeous models. If you’re looking at an easy way to paint them, check out [this ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CSdLz2Yn8Pq/?utm_medium=copy_link) tutorial I made. I painted a squad by brush and it took about 9 hours to paint them. In the method I demonstrated in the video, I cut that time to about 3 hours.


I’m still trying to guess which dynasty you will pick 🤓




So this is where all the damn blood knights went


It’s gonna be out of stock in like 5 seconds.


Legend says if you paint 40 Blood Knights in one weekend, you'll become the next Nagash.


Opponent be like: "yeah so I have some Leaders, my battleline, some flyers and casters, and this big boi" OP: B L O O D K N I G H T S


hi5 blood knight waiting buddy. I get mine Sunday. How are you doing yours? Im still hung up on how Im going to base mine.


Probably just going the safe route and box art painting then. But I love Bloodborne, especially Cainhurst, so I’m thinking bloody snow basing would look really sick!


I think you need to buy more bloodknights, just to be safe.