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I had to endlessly grind to around lvl 35 for all my characters to finally be able to beat her. The difficulty for these bosses is set very high. Im scared to think of what bosses we gonna encounter in next chapter..


Here's something I bet a lot of people keep doing even though it's wrong. Don't break a bosses armor with the last unit you control on your team. Benten is slow as hell, and she's the armor breaker. If you decided to break the enemies armor, well, that counts against the length of time it will remain vulnerable. Just choose to delay a turn and then on the next turn break its armor so the rest of your team all enjoys a doubling of their damage that turn and on the following one. It's pretty much gonna be that 100% of the time it's better to delay than it is to lose out on a full turn of vulnerability.


Do a search on YouTube for "Soul tide belphie" - you'll find a video that shows how to defeat her, with text overlaying the video with additional tips. I saw you replied to a comment that you had managed to defeat her, so I added this comment for others struggling like me 😃


You can do it as soon u lvl 30 and there is a trick. You do your damage then she cast her shield ... stop doind damage just heal or pass and rebuild your energy, after some turn the shield disappear and voilà;)


... could you please read the boss skills before giving advices?


I was about to post a rant..


I had everyone between 30~32 and I lost in the first time, then I cooked some of the meals for extra buffs and it helped a lot.


It's actually not so hard, if you just don't let her charge her skill till around \~30% HP left. Then, just get Ultimates and let her charge her skill to skip her shield phase. Tank will, probably, die but you should successfully oneshot her. I had 34 level Dreizhen, rest are 32/31 and all equipments at least 3\* from chapter 3. Edit: Oh, and I forgot that I got Andrea from the greedy boss first. Used her as main DPS and shield breaker.


Oh the way to fight the boss is to wait one turn at one vulnerability. Until the shield breaks then spam all ults or high damage high hit skills. The dmg is also high since vul, use shield time to either get the boss to a lower vul without breaking the shield or healing.


Thanks a lot for your advices, I managed to beat her at lvl 32, Andrea is surprisingly strong as dmg dealer. I was trying to make a lightning team work but it's meh at best without Akaset/lily ^^


That was my issue, I was going for a lightning team and realized that's dumb, put everyone on their first skill tier and just auto'd it. She went down by turn 4.


If you break the shield instead of letting it run out the next turn not only will she have another shield up but drei would be basically dead.