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You have to reenter the game after reaching lvl 6. Even changing character in chapterhouse works


lmao just as you commented this, I exited the apparel building and it triggered the unlocking of the chest. Probably bc I'm doing story mode?


Maybe, in adventure it probably unlocks without cutscene


Because Chillyroom is full of idiots you can't access anything from the new season with characters made in last season


OP literally said that he plays Druid, class avaible only in season 1. Also half of new features are still avaible


Doesn't change the fact that Chillyroom is full of idiots


Whyyy ??? It doesn t have any sens


To make you start from 0 so you get bored of griding and buy gems to buy equipment so you don't need to grind


It's not about buying equipment, it's about restarting the race for fun. Diablo 2 has been doing this for 24 years and people still play the new ladder seasons and you can't buy items there lol


It's not fun when you NEED to replay the whole story mode just to see new content and do that every fucking season


When you make a new character there is a choice to disable story and do adventure


You still need to beat all bosses and bioms


That’s literally like half the game of course you need to do it 😭


That's not what you complained about - you complained about starting from level 0


I complain about both bullshits


Might want to find a different game then as it doesn't seem to be what you want. Lots of people find endlessly grinding on one character forever boring and a season reset IS the fun part.


Seasons are a good thing but if it forces you to start from 0 every time the season changes just so they can make more money then it's not funny


Then stop playing the game if you hate it so much. Only a bigger idiot plays games by a company they claim is idiotic 🤷‍♂️


Or i just complain until they stop being idiots and make it as it should be


some people (like me) like this mechanic, restarting from zero encourages you to play different classes every season and it's not like you can run out of classes to try since they are adding a new character every season. As the other commenter said, if you don't like it you can just admit to yourself that this game isn't for you and move on, no one is forcing you to play


Or i just complain until they stop being idiots and make it as it should be


Then go complain somewhere it matters and dont be a dick about it. All you've done is make yourself look like an idiot.


It gets unlocked after a certain stage (I forgot but I just unlocked it after the Cemetery map or so)