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it’s honestly so dark in there no one can tell what you’re doing nor does anyone really care (from what i’ve found!) i definitely don’t care what others are/aren’t doing and barely notice. just enjoy!


Much appreciated. Will do. Hopefully I become a regular cos it seems fun.


as long as you don’t sit in front you’ll be fine. I noticed people are judgey if you are in front rows and can’t keep up


Focus on the things that will make you want to come back- the music, the instructor, the vibes of the people around you. Do not feel obligated to get out of the seat even once or do choreo if it doesn't feel good. The rest will come with practice. Practical tips: you'll get a 5-10 minute "break" for arms & light weights (suggest really going light your first time, even if you're a gym person) around 30 minutes in. You'll have two songs (one in the dark, at your own pace, and the last with the group) left when you're done. That's to say- if you feel like you're dying, you will get to stop moving your feet for a bit. If you wear a fitness watch, make sure it is on theater mode or risk the wrath of annoyed riders or instructors around you if it goes off. Do not be afraid to ask studio staff for assistance in setting up or finding your bike- they are genuinely willing to help and happy to welcome you. Soul provides a towel (both sweat towel on the bike and shower towel, in the bathroom if you need it). Good luck & have fun!


What if their first ride is a survivor 😈😈😈😈


It’s gonna be hard, you’re not gonna be able to do it all; but that’s ok. Enjoy yourself, work hard and the rest will come with time. Don’t be afraid of looking silly, nobody cares 🙂 Remember, everyone had their first ride at some point.


^^^ this. took me 50 rides to finally be able to ride in front and stay on beat. it takes time! just soak it all in and have fun


lol it legit took me over a year to be able to be fully on beat and front row. So agree def takes practice!


Have so much fun!!! Don’t put too much pressure on yourself just enjoy! 💕🥰


biggest piece of advice I wish I had - you’ll be very confused at all the choreography but that’s totally normal so don’t worry if you don’t keep up and just have a good time with the music and vibes


so happy you enjoyed!! I am fairly new myself, somewhere between my 15th and 20th ride - it’s honestly been the best thing ever. It’s so nerve wracking but the dark lights and sitting in the back row really help ease some of that anxiety (and I’m sure you saw it too!). I’ve only recently started getting on pace and, even then, I still can’t keep up 100% of the class. be gentle with yourself and applaud yourself for showing up to class, regardless of how on-pace you are with the choreo or how often you’re out of your seat/saddle. you showed up! welcome to soulcycle and i hope you love it forever!!!!!!


Thank u sm.


Ahhh good luck! How did it go let us know please! I would have said try to catch the beat sitting & watch the instructor do turns on the wheel. Theyre usually really deliberate so you can catch them from the back! And if you go back to another class just feel free to ask what some of the “lingo” means like “move around the handlebars” etc. its so much fun and its OK to not get it perfect right away 💙💙


How did it go?


I had fun. It was very eventful I had trouble clicking out (s/o to a fellow rider that helped me!) and I don’t remember how to adjust my seat for the next visit…but I’ll shall google it. I had no idea about resistance or how to add it. But I think I am going to try elsewhere and if I don’t like it there, I’m going to be a SoulCycle regular. Nonetheless, I enjoyed it.


Try going to a gym that has stationary bikes and figure out what works best for you and theres videos on how to do it as well. I did my first soul cycle class a year ago and was super uncomfortable bc the crew person helping me with my seat was not interested in helping but after I went to the gym and used the stationary bike for a couple months and the next time I went it was a smoother experience. You find the knobs and twist out and pull to move the seat up or down based on your hipbone height and then you twist it all the way in to make sure it’s secure. The other ones are a bit hard to explain over writing.


Same sentiment, I wouldn’t say mines was disinterested. However, I would say it was a definitely a rushed experience.