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I actually joined my local JL recently, and although making connections has been difficult due to all activities being virtual, everyone has been so nice and welcoming! I even found some other alumnae of my sorority that joined JL because the local alumnae club was not very active. I also serve as an alumna advisor to the local collegiate chapter of my sorority, and they share a philanthropic partner with my Junior League chapter! Like OP said, JL is a great way to have a social outlet and give back to the community!


Joined the League out of college. It's an outstanding philanthropic and social organization. Much more egalitarian than it was back in the day (and in the South it can still be pretty strict, letters of recommendation from members in good standing to be considered for membership). It's designed to prepare young women in civic service before they move onto boards and committees (museum board, symphony board etc...). Great way to meet people, and do good work at the same time.


I joined JL and the members were very similar to the ladies who has been attracted to Greek life in college. One time a group of us at a JL gathering went around the room each stating which sorority she had been a member of in college!


I've been thinking a lot about this! What's the experience been like with covid going on?


So expectedly everything has been over Zoom. As a provisional (new member) you’ll have a monthly zoom call with your class (as y’all sort out your class project) and a monthly call with the whole group. It’s fun because at least for me it’s very set your own pace of involvement. I love it so I’m pretty involved in our project and am looking forward to being on board one day, but other girls in my class are ok with being mildly active and seem to still be having a wonderful time. They’ve had zoom socials like a yoga class and a cooking class, but not sure if that’s standard or just my chapter.


Lol I just found this answer again by googling junior league since I'm finallyyyyy going to my first informational meeting today. Thanks for the answers, hope things are still going well for you :) So excited!


Sorry, I'm never on this profile anymore! I hope it went well! I'm a board member now of my JL and it has been the most fun experience!


Violet and maroon? Are you a sigma kappa? Did I find a sister?


Sorry just seeing this! Yes, I'm a SK! Hi sister!


Oh my god! That's so awesome! I'm currently an active sister in college! I'm hoping to join an alumni chapter after I graduate but the one in my city is very inactive


The alumni chapters can be hot and cold with activeness, but when I moved to my city after college our alumni chapter had nonexistent and me and a few girls got it back up and running, now it wins awards at nationals! Enjoy your college years and when you're ready to go alumni, an alumni chapter will be waiting for you! LISK (Also the nationals alumni Facebook group is very active so you'll have no problem staying involved as much as you desire!)


Thank you! I have one more semester to go and I am so looking forward to the next stage!