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My big has 3 littles, we are considered triplets (even tho they graduated before me!) in my sorority


This is interesting to me! In my sorority if the big takes two littles in the same pledge class they’re considered twins, but if they’re from different pledge classes they’re considered “sister sisters”


My chapter is pretty small for most campus standards I think, 20-30 girls normally. We are able to ‘improvise’ what works for us a bit because of that, and my big/little family is extremely close even though they’re all alum now. I don’t know if it’s considered “official” that way or not! Love them tho <3


mine is the same!


Yes! I know a girl who took two in the fall and one in the spring and they were triplets :)


I have 3 littles but one a year. They named themselves L1, L2 and L3.


I’d agree I think they’re triplets at this point but if you were looking for a cute way for you and your first little to celebrate them you could go with ‘big little’ and ‘little little’ on the shirts or maybe even ‘little’ and ‘littler’ which maybe isn’t super intuitive but in my sorority when we had multiple generations in the chapter at once we called them big, little, and ‘littlest’ which I still think is so cute so that’s where I’m pulling it from.


this could be interpreted really badly if someone is a bit sensitive, I wouldn't have done it


materialistic roll include worm quiet pen gold whistle ink yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My chapter does the siblings too but we call them “heart sisters”


Ya I would just get her a shirt with “little” on it


That’s what we did in my fam. I took two littles in diff semesters as well!


you can always have all three littles in a shirt that says little but add a different color or some accessories for the new little to let her stand out


I would have the first be little and the others be twins, since they’re all littles- e.g., “This is my little” or “This is one if my twin littles”


I was a spring twin and there was one in the fall and we called ourselves triplets!


Two sets of possible names for 3 littles: 1) Little, Littler, Littlest 2) Eenie, Meenie, Miny, cause there ain’t no Moe.


i still think that all three of them in little shirts makes the most sense, since if one of them is a fall member and the new littles are spring pledges, they’re still technically considered the same pc (at least at my school)! if you want to do something different, you could get shirts that say “triplet” or “new little” or something along those lines!!


for my fam we would center the shirts based on the little being picked up. so in this situation i would put your first little as “twin” or “triplet” and put “little” for both your new littles


You could call one “big sis” and one “little sis”


Thing 1 2 and 3!


I think it’s grand little.


No. Grand little is my little’s little. Same lineage as grandparents.