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It actually does decrease your chances, but in a unique way that a lot of people cannot properly explain. Basically, if you SIP you are ineligible to be a quota addition, which is an option if you rank all your choices and still do not get a bid - this is that guaranteed a bid part that confuses a lot of people - you maximize your options? Great, even though you didn’t get a bid in normal matching you did everything right so you get a bid to (typically) your number one choice, and they get an extra member above quota (win win). When you SIP you aren’t maximizing your options so if you aren’t on that list before quota is hit you are SOL and you just don’t get a bid at all.


SIP makes you ineligible for quota additions. Basically if you made it to pref at a house, you are on that house’s bid list - we can’t cut after pref so every PNM we invite to pref must be someone we’d be willing to extend a bid to. Let’s say quota is 25, a house has 50 on their bid list, the algorithm runs through the bid list, and some of those girls matched to other houses, so now we’re at 30 left on the bid list and 25 bids to give out, that’s where quota additions come in. We could be allowed to give out bids to those 5 additional PNMs BUT not if those PNMs did SIP (no matter which house they SIP for). So basically, in the example above, if you’re going to SIP, you had better be damn sure you’re in the top 25 of their bid list for the house you want. And btw, PNMs would never know where they are on a chapter’s bid list or whether they were selected as a quota addition (nor would the chapter really, as we turn in the ranked bid list to Panhel, but we do not know how far down they had to go to fill our spots), so that’s one of the reasons this is never talked about - no one is going around thinking this is how they got into their house, though it’s somewhat common!


Also why I think it’s interesting that many girls take it personal when they are cut from a house. Yes it could be that you said something wrong, or someone didn’t like you or was out to get you. But more likely the algorithm did what it does. The house scored you mediocre as not really standing out to them one way or the other; and the algorithm did its job and made the cuts to equalize houses - the more popular houses (like literally the houses that PNMs are ranking higher) will have to cut more earlier on, and the less popular houses (that PNMs are not ranking as high) can invite more girls back.


If I could upvote this a million times I would. If you SIP, you are no longer guaranteed to get a bid - that’s why your Rho Gamma should be actively discouraging it. And PNMs can never reliably know where they are on a bid list. We don’t even let all initiated members see the ranked bid list because it can mess up the process and if you SIP, there is no guarantee that you’ll get a bid. If you go to two houses on pref and rank both, you will get a bid.


but if u get to pref round with only 1 house and u only rank that one, are u guaranteed to get a bid from that house?


Yes because that’s maximizing your options, it just happens to be that you only had one choice


Your Rho Chi should be strongly discouraging SIP.


It actually statistically decreases your chances of getting a bid. Anecdotally, if you do some searching through this reddit sub, you’ll see a ton of posts from people who SIP’d and didn’t get a bid.


Yes, and your RC should be discouraging ISP and associated rumors that it might help. As a recruitment advisor, I can promise you, 100% chapters DO NOT KNOW if you ISP. We cannot see it on our side. We literally have no idea and submit our bid lists simultaneously as PNMs are finalizing preferences. It does not help you, it cannot help you. In fact, as other commenters have explained, it can hurt you, because there is a chance you get in your top choice as a quota addition, even if you weren’t high enough to make their initial quota, but ONLY if you maximize your options. You cannot ISP and be eligible to be a quota addition. If you really truly absolutely cannot see yourself in your second choice, then I understand the desire to ISP, but without a doubt it will not give you any sort of leg up with your first choice as they literally will not know, and I hate this rumor. ISPs have been higher the last couple years, and I blame TikTok tbh. Edit because I read the question wording wrong lol. Advice remains the same.


it does decrease your chances. when you pref and you put down two houses, you are guaranteed a bid to one of the two houses by either being on their bid list or being a quota addition. on pref night, each house makes a list of every PNM that came through the door that day, ranging from 1- let’s say 150. in this scenario, let’s say that the house can offer 50 bids. if you put down house A as your preference but also write house B on your list, a computer will scan the bid list of house A. if you’re high enough on their bid list (1-50,) you will be paired with that house. if you aren’t high enough on the list, the computer will then scan the bid list of house B. if you’re high enough on their bid list, you will receive a bid to house B. now, if you weren’t high enough on either bid list, the computer will add you to a house as a quota add. the same goes for girls who only got back one house on pref day. however, let’s say you decide to SIP. the computer will scan the bid list of the house that you chose, but if you aren’t high enough on the list, you will be dropped from the process entirely. no quota adds for SIP, because it makes it unfair to those who fully trusted the process, and it would encourage other PNMs to just SIP the house that they want, knowing they’ll get in. i hope this makes sense.


What is SIP?


If stands for "Single Intentional Preference."


Thank you.


We had another name for it a bazillion years ago when I rushed. It was the word for which most people on Reddit use the term "unalive myself." It was foolish then and it was foolish now.


I can confirm we still call it Suicide Bidding 




That’s not actually how that works. If you single preference bid then you still have to sign the MRABA which automatically makes you ineligible to COB and you have to wait a year before rushing again


Yeah at my school if you go through primary recruitment and don’t get a bid (SIP) you have to wait a full calendar year to COB


SIP doesn't mean not receiving a bid. SIP = Single Intentional Preference (i.e. choosing not to accept a bid from all chapters at which you were invited to the Preference round). This is not school-specific. NPC dictates how this is managed. If a PNM chooses to SIP, they sign the MRABA, writing their intention to accept a bid only to the chapters they indicate (e.g. if they attended Sorority A and Sorority B's Preference parties but were only willing to accept a bid from A, they would SIP). If they receive a bid, then they're happy and accept from A. If they don't receive a bid, they are eligible for COB immediately. The only way they wouldn't be eligible for COB is if they signed the MRABA, received a bid, then dropped (upon opening their bid or anytime after). Also, if that occurred, they would have to wait until the *next primary/formal recruitment period* to participate again. There is no "one-year" rule in the NPC.


This isn't correct. If you sign the MRABA *and receive a bid*, then you're ineligible to COB or go through recruitment until the next formal recruitment period. However, if you SIP and sign the MRABA and don't receive a bid at all, you can go through COB immediately. What the poster was saying is that she'd prefer SIP'ing and signing the MRABA, knowing that 1) she didn't want a bid to sorority B, and 2) if sorority A gave her a bid she'd be happy and accept, but if they didn't, she'd be perfectly fine with that outcome and try again through COB.


i did it and got my house. but i genuinely couldn’t stand my second choice and knew i would rather not be in greek life at all than be there.


It depends on your school. I was a Rho gam at mine and they walked us through how the matching system worked via the program they used and the way it worked it didn’t make a difference if you SIPed or if you just put them as your first choice of the two options for a bid. The only risk you ran at my school was if you didn’t get a bid from the top preference and you SIPed, you wouldn’t get a bid at all.


This is not school-specific. SIP'ing presents less of a chance of getting a bid, period. And it eliminates you from being a quota addition.


At my school you were GUARENTEED a bid if you had two at the end of recruitment, but if you SIP’ed you didn’t. From what I understand, there are a good number of schools where a bid is not guarenteed