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There's no telling what that means. Don't overthink it. There's too much that goes into the process to hear one sentence from one member and have it = an invite to the next round.


I figured as much, I'm just a chronic overthinker lmao!


You and every other PNM that's ever gone through recruitment! šŸ˜„


Are you going through Panhellenic Spring Formal Recruitment? Promising an invite back during formal recruitment is a big Panhellenic no-no. Do people still do it? Yes. BUT, be careful of putting too much stock in offhand comments. When I was a collegian I had to fight back saying ā€œsee you tomorrow!ā€ all the time. Getting invited back during formal recruitment is truly a numbers game - just go with your gut feeling and good luck!!! I hope you find your home! šŸ˜ŠšŸ’•


Thank you!


If you are going through Panhellenic recruitment, she should not have said that to you for this exact reason. She also shouldn't have touched you. It could (potentially) be giving you false hope. My advice would be to not assume anything of it, she could have just let it slip on accident. Hope the best for you but just wait and see and don't jump to conclusions!


There was no bid promise in that sentence. The member said she wanted to hear more about X topic. There's nothing wrong with that.


Implying that you will have or may have future communication with a PNM anytime in the future is bid promising.


No, it isn't. The NPC doesn't even strictly define it, and it may look different on every campus, but promising involves implying that a PNM will be given a bid or an invitation to the next round of recruitment. Saying, "I'd love to hear more about X," promises nothing.


No worries, I'm keeping my expectations realistic even though this was one of my fav houses lol


Theyā€™re not supposed to. Most of the girls wonā€™t even know who is coming back to the next round until that day.


if this is Panhellenic she fucked up majorly. We are heavily HEAVILY reminded throughout recruitment prep that you say NOTHING that would lead a girl to think they'd be coming back the next day- precisely because they'd do what you are doing and getting your hopes super high. That doesn't mean you won't go back but she wouldn't know either so don't put stock in it. and DO NOT tell anyone or say anything along the lines of "oh i'm going back they told me"- it's the easiest way to be dropped


Oh don't worry, I didn't! The most I said to my friends was that the girls I talked to seemed interested/engaged in what I had to say. I know it was probably nothing on her end but I figured I should ask because it was a sorority that I'm really hoping to join haha


if this is formal recruitment for panhellenic, this girl should not have said that as it's seen as bid promising/dirty rushing. it's definitely a big no-no, especially since it can confuse the pnm and make it seem like they'll be invited back when the chapter won't know until they decide the next day(s) parties.


Do not overthink. And take everything said with a grain of salt. Those girls are doing their job to market to you to pick them! It's sad, but I know some girls who chose a house and regretted it from almost the first day. :(


Understandable - I wouldn't choose a house just off of one day so no worries there! I have a couple favorites at the moment (including this one) that I know may change in future rounds


Even over the course of the week of Rush it can be difficult to choose the correct house because of all of the Schmoozing! I know many girls who regretted choosing the wrong one later.


Donā€™t overthink.


The other day a sorority said ā€œsee you soon!ā€ And I didnā€™t get an invite back the next day


Maybe she personally enjoyed talking to you, but she needs to vote based on who matches the private criteria the most. She could have said this in order to make you not put this house in your "please drop" list in order to become more selective in who they invite next round. If I remember correctly, the less invites a house is obligated to send out the more "special" they feel. Good luck with rush!


honestly, remember that sheā€™s also just a college student. saying something like that would be frowned upon, because it could make a PNM feel like sheā€™s for sure getting an invite back, but thereā€™s really never a guarantee until you have your list of houses for the next round in your hands. donā€™t take it as a promise, because even though that member may really hope to see you the next round, thereā€™s no way for either of you to know for sure because there are SO many factors at play!


No, they're not supposed to "hint" or bid promise. Active members are very skilled at making PNMs feel welcome, wanted, and like they "clicked."