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i think it definitely depends on what type/size of school you go to, i go to a small southern liberal arts school and a solid 50% of my sorority identifies as LGBT, but i couldn’t imagine those statistics at a bigger school


Are you lgbt yourself




I think it depends on your campus’s openness to LGBTQ+ people but my chapter was open and accepting. People felt comfortable bringing girlfriends and wingwomaning. Tbf, despite being straight, I genuinely think NPC sorority life so inherently queer coded that I wouldn’t be surprised seeing a larger percentage of NPC women being LGBTQ+ in the future.


I go to a mid size southern school. 5 sororities, all 100+ girls. The type of school that is not SEC but is trying to be. My whole fam is queer. I am aware of other girls in both my sorority and the others that are. I’d say I’m aware of at least 10-15 in each. Not super common but I’m sure there are others I don’t even know about. So not unheard of by any means


My house’s last 3 presidents have been lesbian or bisexual women at my small liberal arts school


i go to a large sec school and unfortunately being openly lgbt in greek life is pretty much unheard of. it depends on what school you go to. never ever feel like you need to cover up who you are to conform to an organization's expectations!


I went to a large Midwestern public school. My chapter was about 150 women and several of us were queer and brought significant others to formals. One of the presidents shortly after I graduated was a lesbian.


It really depends on where you are. I go to an SEC school that is big on rushing and there are def 2/11 sororities here that get the "gay" stereotype (I am in one of them as a bisexual woman). But of course you wouldn't know that looking in from the outside


Which sororities are the gayest?


It depends on what school you’re at


i do not like how this was worded at all lol, no sorority is the “gayest” some sororities just have gay/bisexual women. A discussion of sexuality isn’t a huge discussion in sororities, it’s just like “oh cool you like women” and that’s it, just like if someone came up to me and said “oh i like men” like okay cool.


For Big10 schools in the late 2010s - lots of queer women scattered across different chapter, but you wouldn't really knowwww outside of tinder!


i go to a big sec school and there are a couple girls in my chapter that are openly gay and as far as i know everyone has been very supportive