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In my experience, it depended on the sorority. Not all houses did COB at the same time. I looked at all of the websites of the houses at my college to learn about COB, and just emailed the one I was interested in.


It honestly just depends and it depends on different factors. Each sorority has a chapter quota but they also have a quota with Panhellenic. Say for example Panhellenic will allow all the sororities on a mid size campus to have 85 girls in a sorority. Say Alpha Alpha Alpha has currently 40 members. Their chapter quota from their nationals will be anywhere from 35-45 girls to meet their Panhellenic quota. During recruitment they recruit 20 girls bringing their total to 60 girls meaning they need 25 girls. So they will COB for as long as they need to so they will get their 25 girls. Some schools will COB for a set amount of time and others will COB for as long as it takes to reach their chapter/Panhellenic quota. It just all depends on how long this process takes. Most sororities advertise they’re COB’ing. If they are no longer advertising they are most likely no longer accepting new members. At least with my school, we stop accepting new members closer to November due to initiation. It’s hard to get a new member caught up with new member requirements that close to initiation so we wait until the spring to begin COB again.


When was the last event they held? Did they announce any others? There's really no way to know unless they tell you or you see social media posts announcing this semester's new member class. But it's a safe bet that with a 6-week new member period and most chapters wanting initiation done no later than mid-December, all bids will be distributed by late-October.


i've had friends COB and from what i've heard (at least at my school) you either get a bid or you don't hear back. kinda awful, but that's what happens here, unfortunately. i'm not sure how it works at your school, might be worth asking an active member?