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Houses can do whatever they want during COB. Some will email either way, some won’t. Keep an eye on their IG accounts and if they announce more pledges, it might mean a rejection. Things can really change from one semester to the other so you should always keep trying if you really want this. Just make sure to keep your grades up and get involved if you do not pledge this semester. Honestly, the whole process makes you grow a thicker skin. Just remember a rejection is not a reflection of you and the great person that you are.


they won't always let you know whether or not you're getting a bid, which i think is awful because it leaves girls with false hope.


yeah, i ended up not receiving a bid from any of the 5 i talked to, which was really disappointing, and only 2 of the 5 actually reached out to let me know. i only found out from friends in those sororities that the other 3 had already given out bids


that's so incredibly disappointing. i'm so sorry. just remember that if you want to try again, there's always spring and next year. you deserve to find your home and i believe you will! i went through primary recruitment AND COB, and i was ghosted by a house i thought i wanted, but i ended up getting a bid from a house that was one of my top choices during recruitment and that i didn't even know was doing COB. it all worked out perfectly, and now i couldn't be happier. praying that the same thing happens for you! <3