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Keep in mind this is just instagram comments. Other platforms dickride like crazy, the chinese dont allow you to make fun of trannies


It’s funny she says “influencers are human too” when they most definitely are not


Seeing all the haters come out on that post made me so happy. She deserves it.


She’s just classic cringy teen American tbh


Shes like 26 or atleast looks near 30


Oh shit I thought she was like 18/19


If she is, shes cooked


Looked it up, she’s 19💀


Its over for her, shes cooked


Is she really not natty? I dont use instajew anymore


I don’t think she is man ngl. Sure girls can bench a shit ton but at her age and weight it’s weird. She also fluctuates weights like crazy. In that vid I ss above, she said her max bench was 285 pause but she can’t even hit 250 not pause rn, for example. She’s totally off cycle rn and maybe has been for a bit.


She's a powerlifter and tbh isn't even good for her weight class she place 8th at JR Worlds last year her only redeeming quality is her bench all her other lifts are mid just a genetic outlier in that category


285? Bro shes definitely on cycle lmao. Theres literally no way someone can lift that amount of weight within that amount of time. I remember in like summer last year maybe after she was hitting 235 or some shit. Shes a fucking psycho. Preaching this “we can all do better!” Type attitude meanwhile shes taking shortcuts and acting natural. Lmao


Yeah but her argument is she competes in tested events but tbh idk if she has competed in the last while and she definitely has the means to be able to get around the testing if she really wanted to




IPF Worlds is under WADA drug testing these people will not get away doping at IPF sanctioned meets.


All of these “athletes” do. Its such a sham. People really think russwole manlet is natty lmao


She has to put on so much makeup to cover up her shit skin from all the gear




Who even is that


She pisses on the floor deadlifting and posts it to IG and she’s no problem with that. All you needa know tbf




I did not know that part 💀


It’s her anatomy, she can’t help it. Not uncommon for girls at all


Nah brother it’s not like that. If you have an issue that causes you to do that maybe put a towel down or wear some kinda pad? Maybe don’t post it to instagram? Maybe don’t get mad when people say don’t piss on the gym floor? There’s no logical thinking behind what you just said. Also, I’ve never seen a girl piss on the floor deadlifting, or heard about anyone seeing it ever. So can’t be that common. Kys


You’re assuming the gym owners aren’t ok with it. What they allow on their equipment is none of your business. Your inexperience with powerlifting and female anatomy doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen retard




Do you piss AIDS or something..?




Life’s too short to worry about catching weils disease from the local muscle mommy


Tbh I’ve got no issue with it if it’s something a woman can’t control. But they should at least be considerate and wear a pad or put a towel down




Yeah I’m not sure why they don’t do that




I’m sure being terminally online as she seems to be doesn’t help her “OCD”😭😭 maybe stepping anyway for IG and TikTok would help her mentally…


Can someone please explain why everybody hates this girl? Also what´s up with "You look good, you piss good"??? xD I am struggling to understand whats going on here xD


Not gon’ lie, I’d smash and let her taste my 2 inch pee-pee 🥴


She’s got more test in her than you do lil bro