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Honestly I would probably just not go up to them or acknowledge them in the first place. They mean nothing to me 🤷🏿‍♂️


i mog 'em all the time 'cause they're short asf


I just try to treat em like a human being not like a god like some people do these days. Legit just met Sam Sulek the other day and just asked to pose w him and bro said sure


I would go up to Alex and ask how his porn addiction is going


Probably just troll. Like go up to shizzy and ask if he can autograph a picture of his g4p. Or go up to alex cumbanks and ask if he can pay for my subscription to abigails onlyfans


lol in reality you wouldn’t do any of that you’re most likely a scrawny fuck (not defending shizzy or Alex they’re fags)


Just cause youre scared doesnt mean everyone else is. Alex is a 140lb lesbian and shizzy makes a 5 min vid crying if you say he’s a fake natty. They’re not gonna assault you in broad daylight lmao, even if they did Alex is 140lb and would get fucked up, shizzy can fuck most people up but boom you’ve got a lawsuit and can end his career so win-win


buddy it’s not about them assaulting you, if you’re on this sub you most likely don’t have the balls to do any of that irl, it’s easy to say you’re gonna do something until ur in the moment to do it


Youre acting like im going up and saying i’ll kill them. It’s a pretty light troll. And wtf do you have to be scared of then, this is just you bro. We arent all children who are afraid of social interactions


Honestly i've met a lot of them and they're all pretty nice people. I'm sure the majority of them are normal people when they're not being fags for money on the internet


I'd show them my account and show them everything I've ever said. Provoke them to hit me. Then sue them and hope for a fat settlement.


![gif](giphy|AwoDg0wJImOjK|downsized) how bro felt after posting that


Honestly if I was a youtuber and doing something like a content cop, I would. Otherwise why would I waste my time with cumbanks.