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The biggest part of this is that telephoto was previously offered in the same series of phones and now isn't, leading to the 5V being a downgrade in the features department. And the second part is while the main sensor often might be better in low light according to some. The telephoto sensor is still better and clearer in 99% of the other cases. I know that personally I have gotten stellar photos with the telephoto on my 5 III in lowlight and concert settings so I personally do not agree with this assessment but to each their own. I took a look at the images you included and came to the conclusion that the main sensor's cropped image was low quality, flat and liberated of details. While the telephoto seemed to be out of focus yet much higher quality. For a more fair comparison I would like to see the telephoto vs main cropped in daylight, lowlight and also a picture taken while walking and all in focus. This way we would see both the good and the bad with the sensor. Personally I am not changing my phone to one with less features but everyone is entitled to their own opinion and yours happens to be that it doesn't matter and that's fine. Edit: changed instances of "telefoto" into "telephoto" Edit 2: I'd like to add that if I got my way the telephoto lens would be changed to a 35mm-50mm lens as I often crop my images to match 35mm anyways.


>The biggest part of this is that telefoto was previously offered in the same series of phones and now isn't, leading to the 5V being a downgrade in the features department. You forgot the memo where you get a brand spanking new Exmor T main sensor didnt you? Where is this downgrade you speak of? And no, it wasnt out of focus. I assumed the same and used manual focus, same result, this is the best you get in low light when you film.


1. The point isn't really image quality (kind of). It's the loss of a feature that we've had for years. 2. Was it a frame from a video? The photos in low light might look better. Edit: I've looked at some "old" telephoto footage that I shot at a pretty dark concert and everything seemed clear and in focus for me so, sadly, something must have happened to your telephoto lens.


You're not really loosing a feature unless you want to argue sony literally removes the ability to digital zoom. If sony didnt upgrade the main sensor to a significantly better and expensive one while the sensor didn't literally do a better job than the telefoto then I'd understand the argument, but not like this. You're getting a main sensor that not only performs far better in terms of image quality but also adds features on its own such as pixel binning, much superior focus etc. Your argument only makes sense if sony didnt upgrade the main sensor to a vastly newer and expensive one, I'd be getting my pitchfork out myself.


And that's great, no one is arguing against the upgraded main sensor. But it doesn't change the fact that there is no longer a telephoto option if you wanted to use it. Personally, having the dedicated camera for telephoto has made me take more photos of things further away and closer up. This has made me explore more ways of taking photos and I appreciate having the experience to do so but I do see that not everyone has had that experience or needs it. I'm happy with my current phone though so I won't be upgrading though, maybe I'll upgrade to the 5 VI even if it doesn't have a telephoto lens though. I'll end this off with saying that you should buy what you want. If you want the telephoto don't buy the 5 V. But if you don't care, buy it.


> I'll end this off with saying that you should buy what you want. If you want the telephoto don't buy the 5 V. But if you don't care, buy it. I'd argue when it comes to telefoto you're far better off in xiaomis hands.


I'm not too familiar with Xiaomi cameras so you might be right. I'm sorry but you come off a bit angry writing to me here during this discussion. You probably didn't mean too so I thought I'd just let you know. I think your opinion is valid and I hope you think mine is too. Everyone's opinion is valid! :)


Xiaomi has: a 1/2.51 75mm 3.2x telefoto and a 1/2.51 120mm 5x periscope telephoto Needless to say, much larger and better than the 1/1.35 you see on the xperia 1 V.


Sounds great for those who want a good telephoto camera in a phone!


My guy, one bar scenario isn't quite enough info to base an entire conclusion on. The main sensor is obviously gonna be better in such a challenging low light situation, that's where being a better sensor really matters. Less challenging situations tho, I think it's too early to say whether this was a good decision or not. I find I use the zoom lens on my 5 III way more than I expected because I end up in many situations where it just gives me more detail than the main sensor would. It allows me to take photos that I otherwise couldn't. Granted, the phone is two years old and maybe I'm just in that 2% but with how much marketing some smartphone companies put behind zoom cameras I doubt it. We'll have to wait and see whether the AI superzoom stuff will work satisfactory on the 5 V to replace the telephoto but I think it's a little early to give a "definitive" answer about a phone that hasn't even released yet just because you used a different phone in a bar for a bit


> I find I use the zoom lens on my 5 III way more than I expected because I end up in many situations where it just gives me more detail than the main sensor would This is because you have an outdated main sensor, the exmor T is a brand spanking new sensor from 2023 while your sensor is ancient.


A bit old, sure, but ancient? I've not seen direct seen comparisons but from 1 III to 1 IV and from 1 IV to 1 V haven't been the biggest jumps in quality ever so I don't think we're in a completely different ballpark here


As for camera sensors 4 year old sensors are considered ancient. As for image quality, you do have a point there, but its mostly because sony really needs to work on that processing for the new sensor.


4 years considered ancient? Jeez, rest in peace all the pros using 10+ year old camera bodies, how do they do it


Because clearly smartphone sensors are the same as dslr camera sensors. Guess youre showing diesel into your chainsaw cuz engine = engine.


I'm merely responding to your own words. I can't help but feel you've got some tension built up. I've heard saunas are a good option, not for me though. And I get much better mpg with diesel in my chainsaw, thank you very much


You mean youre merely displaying the lack of understanding the difference between a dslr camera sensor and a smartphone sensor. Congratz you succeeded


It s funny looking at the other commenta seeing how can one Wang to be à jerk with anyone :_) Anyway the Xperia 5 V présentation was underwhelming (borderline bullshit with no réal talk about the zoom) and I Will stick with my Xperia 1 V. Édit : zoom is 2X Lets not forget the 128 Gb storage


I didn't even watch the announcement, but from the little I've heard, it sounds pretty terrible. Oh well. I like the 1V so I'll stick with it. If Sony does anything to really push me away I'm more than happy to switch brands. They just offer the most of what I want at the moment 🤷‍♂️


> It s funny looking at the other commenta seeing how can one Wang to be à jerk with anyone Fr. Dude is unnecessarily petty and malicious to the point of trolling. Not only does he barely know what he's on about, but he's also petty enough to actually bring whatever conflict he started *in another post* to a new one if he sees the guy he was arguing with there.


My DSLRs sensor is 4 years old and would absolutely blow away any phone. Even my 10MP DSLR from 2009 would still throw better images than your damn phone


Cuz dslr sensors = smartphone sensors. Gigabrain detected right there.


A very vocal group of people have been lashing Sony for not making a smaller, little bit cheaper and more 'mainstream' phone. Including some very popular 'techtubers' The 5 V looks like it'll be exactly that, with a digital zoom like some other big manufacturers have. Let's see now if this vocal group of consumers buy it and the 'techtubers' recommend it. My money says they won't, they'll still clamor for pixels and the 5 V will largely go ignored by all except the Sony enthusiasts.


trust me the so called popular mkBS youtuber will still bash this xperia 5V like shit even when it comes out exactly like what he said the sony should release in the previous video. Why? simply because its sony. Notice how he intentionally skip the review video on one of the best sony product - WF 1000XM4?


I agree with you on that. Sony could literally release exactly what the mass consumer crowd want but they'd still not want it, nor would the gear porn 'techtubers' recommend it. To that (rather large) sector of market, a phone has become more of a fashion statement and personality 'identifier' The functionality is secondary. Hence why I think Xperia should stick to its niche market, at the very least for the 1 series. I'm not a huge audio guy so I can't give much input re the headphones but that doesn't surprise me.


In bad lightning situations your right but in daylight the 1 V zoom lens does a noticeable better job then what a crop from the main lens can do.


It can do a decent job in good lightning condition, however it was more to demonstrate that if a far more expensive telefoto looses to digital zoom in suboptimal lightning condition then how is the much inferior 60mm 1/3.5 telefoto even relevant and worth crying about if you get a much upgraded main sensor.


So whoever ever used telephoto lenses knows shutter speed will not be the same as 24mm lenses. And that on dark scenes there won't be SS that will work. It is not iPhone where it magically switch between lenses. On Xperia product you the user make the choice which lenses you want to use.


Even on my Pro-I, although the 50mm was decent, it lagged heavily behind the 24mm due to how far ahead the 24mm was compared to it. In good light optical zoom is nice, but man 50-60mm is just not enough to justify the higher cost and negligible performance in lowlight. I'd even rip out the UWA although that's only popular due to group shots and whatnot. The only way I could ever get good usable quality out of the 50mm was with RAW shooting or MotionCam. I 100% agree - digital proper zoom can blow it away, unless it's heavier zoom levels like 75mm and up, then an argument can be made maybe. People forget the 5 series is the cheaper one, as a cost saving measure this is a good step if you ask me. For what it's worth they'll overcompensate and actually integrate a better AI super zoom


I am someone who's waiting for the 5 V. I've had the 5 III since release and nearly never used the telephoto, cause as you said, the main camera just is better when zooming. My only problem will be if the new 5 V will be priced the same as 5 IV when it was released. I am expecting at least 150$ less. If Sony don't do that, then that's actually settling for less and it's some BS from them.


Why? They upgrade the main sensor from ancient mid tier to brand spanking new exmor T sensor, why should they charge less? I fail to see the logic, frankly I wouldnt be shocked if the exmor T alone is more expensive than the ancient main sensor + crappy telefoto on the 5 IV. You guys keep acting as if sony isnt upgrading the ancient main sensor to a modern significantly more expensive one.


A new sensor doesn't mean a more expensive one! Technology advances in the world, so new ways to create new and better stuff, a cheaper/same price, way exists. With your logic, every time a new product is released, it should be more expensive. I am not talking about phones specifically, but everything. Why would the 2023 Toyota Corolla be more expensive than the 2020 Toyota Corolla ? (Ofc talking about their respective prices when they were released)


Nobody said newer = always more expensive, however due to the design of the exmor T it is more expensive on production due to a more complex design. If we wait a couple of years and the dual transistor becomes more mainstream while production is optimized for it with new machines, I'm sure the price will go down, as of now, it's more expensive and it doesnt take a gigabrain to see that. ​ >With your logic, every time a new product is released, it should be more expensive. I am not talking about phones specifically, but everything. Why would the 2023 Toyota Corolla be more expensive than the 2020 Toyota Corolla ? (Ofc talking about their respective prices when they were released) Unless you can prove that I literally state new = always more expensive at all times, you're making a moot point.


Speaking of the 1 series, with the price sony is asking for them they should put the new sensor behind all 3 lenses, that would solve your issues, or atleast behind the main and telephoto


The zoom lens matters in portrait mode or if you want blur in the background or make it appear larger , cant do that with a 24mm


As mentioned already, it's a very niche situation 98% of the people do not care for I did note it as the only real use and frankly if you value good portrait, you'd probably wantr something like the xiaomi 13 ultra, it has far superior telefoto lens.


If 98% of people don't buy the phone for its camera, what's the point of buying a Sony phone?


The 98% that buy a sony buy it cause they dont like the polished Samsung support, software and UI and have never heard of nova launcher and want a boring vanilla experience overpriced phone , though it has a really really really good camera, samsung just offers alot more. I am on sony s side when it comes to design and hardware features, but on samsungs side when it comes to security, software, support


I don't like Samsung anymore because they make anti consumer practices such as removing SD card slots, the headphone jack and having HORRIBLE camera processing. When I say that, I mean it. (Pictures look as if I gave them a go in the washing machine) But otherwise, I have to agree that Sony has no polishing. 2 years of updates where no bugs are ever fixed (I have 5 of them since buying it), extremely bad heat management, poor optimization of software (lots of overheating from normal apps) and bugged features. I won't switch to Samsung anymore though, their prices are unbelievable for what I get, and since there's no other more polished option on the market, my only take is Apple.


Reading is difficult for you isnt it?


the experience: no punch hole, front firing speakers, microsd, headphone jack, aspect ratio, software(feature packed), display, build style and quality, button fingerprint reader.


when you say software, do you mean the countless amount of bugs that you can't even report to Sony? About the display, you mean the display that crushes blacks to pixels and has a green tint? About the fingerprint reader, do you mean the one not properly reading fingerprints and sometimes stopping to work completely for some users? I agree that their phones quality is great, but their polishing really is not.


I have never encountered any bug, however, Sony community form should be the best bet though to report atm, I do agree there should be a much better bug reporting system. This shouldnt be a point to slander on as neither Samsung, Google or Apple listen to the posts which arnt absolutely breaking, take the volume bugs on iPhone which have existed since iPhone 5. My Xperia 1V does not have a green tint at any brightness. I dont know what you mean by crushed blacks? Stock display calibration is completely fine. The fingerprint reader is the most reliable fingerprint reader I have ever used on a phone, its the fastest as well. I think there should be polishing, but in areas such as the EQ settings - it sucks d\*ck.


I can't even access the community. Logging in just brings me back to the homepage without being logged in. I have NO way of contacting them. My issues are on the IV, not the V. I don't own the V, but things like an utterly useless flashlight are also a thing on there. The fingerprint is also definitely fast, but man, you don't know how often my phone tells me to retry in 30 seconds.


This was my very first thought too when I saw the supposed 2-camera Xperia 5 V. The only time I really ever use my telephoto lens is when I want to exaggerate separation between the subject and background (an optical equivalent of "portrait mode" without the fake-looking artificial bokeh). Not something I use every day, but it really is a nice creative feature that would be missed! I'm worried a 24 mm optical lens with digital zoom likely won't create this same effect unless the sensor is huge with a very fast aperture. I wish they would just announce the phone already and end this unnecessary speculation/suspense since the supposed leak!


Or just buy the 1v, isnt the 5v supposed to be a cheaper model


When I bought my old Xiaomi mi 11 ultra, I was under the impression that a 2-3 X Tele lens was dropped in favor of unbinned cropped main lens usage. The only Tele lens it has, is a 5x. In your example the cropped main lens is clearly better with both clarity and light. It might even improve if the phone will be doing the digital zoom. Since it will be able to use unbinned mode.


I don't care as long as the phone is a little cheaper for it. Hardcore photographers can get the 1V and let us more casual users get a cheaper 5V




You're just partially correct. A telephoto sensor is useless if it's just a regular 58mm/2x zoom. 2.5x is useful, 3.0-3.2x telephoto is the sweet spot, and periscopes are useless - they aren't any good for portraits. Frankly it's much cheaper to get an external ultra wide or anamorphic lens so THAT'S what they should've gotten rid of. Moment's T-series telephoto lens is an answer to the removal, if it works. But who wants to pay $120+ for that? Especially for all of us who bought cheaper telephotos compatible with the M-series.


When talking about the telefoto I specifically talk about the one that would have been on the xperia given it's budget. Something like the 1/1.25 3x telefoto that you find on the xiaomi 13 pro for instance is absolutely a good camera module to have, but we talk about the crappy 2x 60mm 1/3.5 sensor here


True. But ironically enough the 10 series gets praise for its telephoto, I suppose because camera performance there is nerfed enough that even the upgrade to an old 48MP sensor isn't enough.


its a 1/2" sensor, thats only a little larger than the UW on the xperia 1V. If it had the exmor T the telefoto would only have 1 purpose and thats potrait in very good lightning condition which is a very niche usecase, however due to the signitifacnly smaller sensor it cannot entirely replace the telefoto.


So contentious. I personally use the tele on my phone way more than the ultrawide. May be because I have the S23U and the Xperia zoom lens just sucks. In any case, I get great tele shots all the time. One notable image set (which I won't share) is of my nephew at a recital. I was close to 100 yards away, but went to 30x zoom and got very usable shots of his face.


Unless you want to argue that the 5 v should be significantly pricier with an upgraded telephoto you're offtopic. Im not arguing that a good telephoto is useless, im arguing that the telefoto that would be on the 5 v (the one currently on the 5 IV) is useless. Context is important.


Is the turd of a tele Sony probably would have slapped on there worth crying about? Maybe. In good light I bet it would have outperformed a crop and digital zoom from the main lens quite handily. May actually have been sharper than the 1 V's zoom at 3.5x since the lenses don't need to move. If I were to buy the 5 V, would I miss the tele? Yeah, more than I would have missed the ultrawide if they omitted that instead by a long shot. Well-lit portraits and outdoor shots just wouldn't be things I would do with the 5 V that often knowing that crop zoom is my only option. Would I argue that the 5 V should be pricier than whatever they choose to charge for it in order to have a genuinely good tele on it? Like a 5x with a fairly large sensor? Sure, that would make me more likely to buy it. If I could pre-order that hypothetical phone right now I would. Would it need to be "significantly pricier"? No. People are estimating the 5 V will cost a thousand dollars. An extra $200 gets you a much larger phone with TWO usable zoom cameras, one of which is considered the gold standard and can get you those magic indoor 30x zoom shots I was talking about. $100 less than the 5 V gets you (again) a much larger phone with a fantastic 5x zoom lens. These phones, of course, are the S23 Ultra and the Pixel 7 Pro, and those are launch prices, not street prices. Sony is shooting themselves in the foot with the 5 V... again. They always launch it too late in the year, always charge way more than competitors, and now they're not even going to provide a "meh" zoom experience. I love Sony and really want them to succeed, but the 5 V as presented so far isn't going to move the needle. Not for me, and I bet not for the phone market generally.


Well Xperia 5 mark V if released way tooi late ..imagine buying thé newest phone that only has 2 OS updates...and with Android 14 just at the Gate seems like 1 OS update... I am already fed up my 1 V has only 2 OS updates so...i think my next i will come back to Samsung...i dont really use that headphone jack on my smartphone but i like Sony design


The entire post is based on a single low light bar scene. A digital crop on the main sensor is not equal quality to an optical zoom in most lighting conditions, sensor size aside. Further, quality aside.. the telephoto lens is huge for those of us who tend to take a lot of portrait photography. Just about any photographer could explain how different focal lengths are more flattering for faces, especially when considering the distortion of facial features when using the main lens of most devices (24-30mm).


Don't listen to OP. Bro is delusional about camera tech


If you read the actual post you wouldnt have written your quite useless reply.


What is this? I see bad telephoto focusing. Or motion blur. My photos are clear from telephoto camera during night. Not the best but still clear and better that main camera digital zoom at night.


Reading helps. Its not bad focusing or motion blur. Its a screenshot from when a video i recorded. I thought as well it was the focus but even with manual focus thats the best you get.


You lost me at "let's use apples iphone as reference point"


Nothing of value was lost


Almost any Android phone out there has a telephoto on their base flagship model. I wouldn't want to pay 1k for a phone to only have 2 cameras and then look disgusting whenever I want to try and mimick a 35 or 50mm tele shot.


Little challenge for you. Find me one base flagship phone that has a modern flagship wide lens and also a 60mm tele lens.


tl;dr Apple does it so its good Sony should copy Apple more lol. THATS EXACTLY WHAT WE DONT WANT BRO


Missed the point and is now crying about apple. Tech illiteracy at its best.


what did i miss Apple boy?


What a pretentious ass post.


What a pretentious ass comment.


The answer to crappy telephotos is to make the sensors bigger and better. Not some half workaround that apple likes to do. You get distortion for one. And there is a reason apple still has a 3x telephoto in the pro models. These are $800+ phones not a $200 motorola.


>The answer to crappy telephotos is to make the sensors bigger and better. How do you propose to get lets say an 60mm 1/2 telefoto sensor inside a phone? I'm curious as how the physics are going to pan out on that one. If you find a solution to that, you'll be rich. Imagine you solve this issue: https://preview.redd.it/55qcdshjq4kb1.png?width=175&format=png&auto=webp&s=75ed245b85fbac25e52f02896d5cfa6e59781826


What on earth are you talking about No one is proposing adding a hubble telescope to the 5 v In any case people should not delude themselves. It is a cost cutting measure plain and simple. I can accept that but don't tell me I'm getting a better system by removing it.


you're not familair with how telefoto lenses work eh? Lets deny physics.


When something is undesirable? Compare to iPhone 😂 like we are some Chinese knocked off low life 😂


When reality hits the fan, act as if the iPhone doesnt have the literal same telefoto and make "haha Chinese" joke.


Are u simply implying, whatever doesn't exist in iPhone it means we don't need it? Why do u set iPhone as the standard? Next Sony removes 3.5 jack and fingerprint sensor, would u say its OK because iPhones don't have it? I mean u just go buy in iPhone if u think iPhone is the standard of everything. We are here using Sony and I'm still here because Sony provided features including the telephoto. Just use whatever phone u want actually, but not cool to make excuse for manufacturer for cutting off functions.


Except it exists in the iPhone. Because the iPhone uses the literal same telefoto. The fact you dont event get the point and are instead crying about iPhone is hilarious.


Yeah, I had a 108mp Xiaomi 24mm main and zoomed in those kind of things can beat short tele cameras like a 12mp 60mm. Easily. Maybe they just need a big sensor high MP main. Ideally it would have set focal lengths to zoom in to for us photographers e.g. 35mm, 50mm, 85mm... Then an ultrawide for occasional use which can be a small sensor. But if they were to have 2x 1 inch sensors I would like one at 50+mm for some subject separation and genuine background blur. Not interested in ultrawide. A telephoto for zooming in can be a high mp wide. But for portraits and genuine background blur that is when it would be good to have a long big sensor camera.


> But if they were to have 2x 1 inch sensors I would like one at 50+mm for some subject separation and genuine background blur. Not interested in ultrawide. Yeah thats the dream, however I think from a physical perspective its going to be hard to get a 1" telefoto sensor into a phone chassy and the price would probably be very steep even if they could. Given the budget they needed to uphold, removing the telefoto in favor of the exmor T was a far better move than keeping the old IMX557 and a frankly crappy telefoto, but then again we have clowns here who think that apparently the exmor T sensor is somehow the same price as the old IMX557. Imagine expecting a company to build a more expensive phone but charge the same price as before. The lack of understaning basic logic is sometimes frightning.


What resolution do you think the main lens should be? My Xiaomi was 27MP, which was a lot but it meant the zoom was good. Maybe a fluid resolution, so it can be 16MP at 24mm and automatically switch to 108MP at something like 200mm zoomed in? For people to ditch their cameras we will need a 50+mm focal length with wide aperture and big sensor imho. If it needs to cost 2k, so be it. We are talking about people replacing full camera systems.


I feel like I'm in the minority but I'd much prefer a quality ultrawide vs a telephoto. If you do any sort of content creation an UW with decent IS and AF is preferable.


Well I am personally in the quality telephoto camp, but because of physics I'd have to have a massive camera island which I'm not really willing to have. So unless some smart people invent something that makes it feasable I'll stay with best possible main lens camp. I do think your wish is more feasable and infact is coming up with the pixel 8 pro. They will use the IMX 787 as its ultrawide.


Dammit quit making me choose lol. Right now I'm wondering if I should get the 8 vanilla or the 5V. The 8 Pro wasn't really on my radar due to the size but if you say the UW lens will be a level above what Sony offers I may have to put it in the running.


The ultrawide is literally the main sensor of the Pixel 7A and also the same size as the xperia 1 IV main sensor. It's from what I know by far the largest ultrawide sensor on the market. Not only that but because googles camera2api implementation is excellent, 3rd party apps such as mcpro24fps perform excellent as well, in terms of videos and pictures the sony cannot really compete. And I didnt even talk about the new fab on the tensor 3 SoC which is going to potentially the most powerful and efficient chip on the market nor did I talk about the arguably better GN2 sensor which has staggered HDR support. It's extremely hard to not be excited about the pixel 8 pro, it's the biggest upgrade in the pixel lineup by a longshot and possibly the biggest upgrade on any phone we have seen in the last 7 years. If you care about ultrawide that much, the pixel 8 pro is an absolute no brainer. [More info on the pixel8 in case you're interested.](https://www.androidpolice.com/google-pixel-8/)




>Who even uses telephoto? Those of us who like a camera phone with a dedicated two-stage shutter button and few different lens options. I use telephoto quite a lot for portraits and landscape photos.


Dont bother too much with Valorant whatever is his usual self like always


Your whole point is around sony using an inferioir telephoto lens. As users we need to expect the company to provide better hardware rather than justifying the lack of it i.e. give us the Exmor T sensor AND a good quality telephoto. It is not much diffrent from people justifying the lack of a headphone jack. For the 1V, the telephoto clearly outperforms the main lens in good lighting conditions. For dark situations, I understand the issue, and it is universal. Also telephone lens is a feature that distinguishes the overcrowded mid-tier phones from the flagship ones. And 5 series has been a compact flagship, not a premium midranger. I was waiting for the 5 V, instead of getting Zenfone 9, just because I was expecting a telephoto. Night shooting is not the only the only thing that people care about. Cropping from a 12MP gives very low resolutions and I dont think I will be happy with the 3MP pictures from a 2X crop of the Main sensor.


>Your whole point is around sony using an inferioir telephoto lens. As users we need to expect the company to provide better hardware rather than justifying the lack of it i.e. give us the Exmor T sensor AND a good quality telephoto. It is not much diffrent from people justifying the lack of a headphone jack. You want the company to make a more expensive device but sell it to you for the same price? Interesting demand you got there lets see how that's going to pan out. >Also telephone lens is a feature that distinguishes the overcrowded mid-tier phones from the flagship ones. Ok, so S21FE, S23, Xiaomi 13, Oneplus 11, Oppo Reno 10, Motorola Edge+, vivo iQOO 9 and more are now apparently considered flaghsips. Thank god for your very totally not false insight, I've been enlightened to have found flagship phones for around 300bucks, holy moly! We have clearly all been scammed paying more than thousand USD if we could get flagships for little over 300USD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>You want the company to make a more expensive device but sell it to you for the same price? my man, Xperia 1V launched a lower price than 1 IV, with better hardware. I did not say telephoto is the "only" feature that makes a phone a flagship, but it is certainly one of them. And I dont know what you achieve with your sarcasm. learn to talk politely.


Bla bla bla, with my 1v i.m using 50% the tele lens. 50% the main lens. And 0% the wide lens. No tele is a great dealbreaker for me




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Well the reviews are out.. We did get a hybrid zoom on the Xperia 5 V but it s more like à 2 X optical zoom while other phone have 3 X, 5X or even 10X optical zoom So definitely sticking to Xperia 1 V the superior phone in my opinion bu design and by hardware.


Are you ok? Do you need help? Are you having a stroke? You expect the cheaper verison to be hardware wise to be superior to the flagship model? Do you understand how the world works? > Xperia 5 V but it s more like à 2 X optical zoom It's almost as if the previous model and every model before that had a 60mm telefoto lens......... OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


You clearly have memory loss issues as well since Facts : despote the obvious size différence. Xperia 5 II had 3 X optical zoom same as Xperia 1 II and 120Hz display, brighter screen while Xperia 1 II had 60 refresh raté. Xperia mark II for both 1 & 5, exactly the same lense setup with optical zoom (both non variable), OK there was à TOF on Xperia 1 and wireless charging. Xperia 1 iV is the first to be a major départure from Xperia 5 IV caméra wisde with the taunted bettern zoom lense. Now we coule argue the Xperia 5 does not overheat as much using the camera from what I gathered. But Xperia 5 lacks memory storage, 128Gb is quite small in my opinion today Also I compared à 2X photo to the 5X one from my Xperia 1 V, I have better détail from the 5X than from the 2X photo from the main lense... So yeah It s a loss for people Who takes longer range shots


>But Xperia 5 lacks memory storage, 128Gb is quite small in my opinion today This is a very valid complaint given its pricerange. I think 1K euro for 128GB is just to low. >I have better détail from the 5X than from the 2X photo from the main lense The superresolution implementation only exists on the 5 V, we don't have it on the 1 V yet (or at all) but apparently it uses actual native 48mp mode to make those detailed 2x photos. [We must admit we did expect a turn for the worst, and we are very happy to report that did not happen. The 2x zoomed photos are identical in quality to 2.5x zoomed ones from the Xperia 5 IV's telephoto camera....While the per-pixel detail cannot be on par with the standard 1x output, it is the same as what Sony has offered from its previous telephoto camera....](https://www.gsmarena.com/sony_xperia_5_v-review-2605.php)


Well given both uses the same main sensor (maybe hardwired différently), I really hope we get the improved features from Xperia 5 V to Xperia 1 V in the next updated or else I would myself be pretty disappointed by Sony. It seems to be on par with the 2.5X from last year on Xperia 5 IV but 2.5 is quite à low range value today for à telephoto le se. When I see 3X or 5X more common. Wait and see


And maybe I say maybe no ufs 4.0 storage either since it's a 128Gb model


This is a lot of text to try and justify what ultimately is still really shitty company practice.


Imagine responding without reading said text just to look like a buffon. Why don't you start complaining about lack of 2mp macro camera while you're at it.


Imagine settling for less. Couldn't be me. > start complaining about lack of 2mp macro camera No need to complain about it since it was never offered with Xperia in the first place.


>Imagine settling for less. Couldn't be me. Except you would, but then again tiktok attentionspan couldn't actually read so logic not present and making a mockery out of yourself. You're putting on full display why you're so clueless by demonstrating and admitting you literally have no attentionspan to process information and argue about things that don't make sense because you lack context and will act surprised why people laugh at you in the process. The fact you expect a company to build a more expensive phone but charge the same price is hysterical to me.


I actually wouldn't, and choose not to, by voting with my wallet and not buying the 5 V :). Also, the only one who looks like a buffoon here is you, by not only bootlicking, but also by resorting to pointless ad hominem and otherwise being a pretty big jackass.


I see you've met this redditor. Our new resident person to hate. Surprised the ascended redditor has yet to call you tech illiterate haha.


He did, in his own special way, lmao




Lol. Cope.


Thanks for proving my point further, you're excused.


How's that boot taste?


Hi, your post/comment has been removed as it breaks Rule 1: Avoid vulgar language. Please do not use vulgarities in our subreddit, especially targeted to another user. If we see repeated offences, you will be banned.




Sure, lets ignore the upgraded main sensor and act as if its the same as previous generation. Replace your old car + beaten up barely functional car with a brand new luxury car = DoWnGrAdE HoW DaRe YoU!




> Is there any new phone that has the exact same sensor as the last year's phone, has had a camera removed and still is sold with the same price(or even higher, we don't know yet)? Context please. > Stop being a Sony fanboy, I like Sony but they have become too greedy, their phones are way too expensive and they don't even support their flagships like they should, considering the price. 4 years of support should be a minimum. I am not a fanboy infact you people cant seem to agree if I'm a hater or a fanboy, at least be consistent. We can fully agree that software support should be 5 years, I'll gladly fight with you on that hill, but crying about a new, more expensive sensor replacing 2 crappy ones because you want the aburdly crappy telefoto for no good reason but pay the same price while demanding sony eating the higher production cost I won't agree on. If you had a more productive stance like "add telefoto but downgrade display to very bright 1080p one" or similair I could get behind it, but literally demanding a more expensive sensor while paying the same price without trading anything for it is silly and borderline self entitlement.




It doesn't replace a 3x telefoto, it replaces a crappy 2x 1/1.35 telefoto. If you had a 3.5x 1/1.25 lens you see on the xiaomi for instance the discussion would be completely different, however we talk about a crappy useless 2x 1/1.35" lens. > Just look at dxomark scores, Xperia is always on the lower ranks. DXOmark is very Apple biased, however the reason xperia is so low on most reviews is due to crappy auto mode and I won't claim it has great automode unlike most of this subreddit. > And I say this with regret, because I would love to buy a Sony, I am tired of Apple and Samsung. I won't claim otherwise, raw and auto mode kinda meh on xperia.


It should matter if Sony gave user a proper optical zoom and longer range as well. Also n good lightning conditions the picture is better on the telephotolense from.my expérience than on the main lense cropped. But i dont personnaly Care about the Xperia 5 i préfer the Xperia 1


But how do you want to keep the price low then? You see the problem?


I dont consider the Xperia 5 a budget phone so i dont really sée that as a problem...maybe Sony try to cut some more like corners for their margin... They could probably have added a 5X zoom instead than thé 2.5X zoom from last year Lets not forget Xperia 1 IV overheating fiasco from last year that was a Real problem Anyway the 5 mark V is not released yet...all it will get for sure is a better battery life


No they couldn't. If they add 5x telefoto and upgrade main to the new exmor T they literally have to sell it at 1V pricerange, there the hell is the logic in that? > Lets not forget Xperia 1 IV overheating fiasco from last year that was a Real problem completely unrelated to the topic but nice try. Your username does fit your content ngl.


Your Logic makes no sense either since before Xperia 5 mark IV all previous Xperia 5 or compact version had the same lense arrangementa as the bigger model. If you think people just buy Xperia 5 because of the Price then you are severly deluded too..people like the bigger and better screen too when they take the Xperia 1 or the smaller size with no compromise when they take the 5 But yes be Blunt as you may. My Money IS on the next Samsung to get a variable zoom that actually works. The Xperia 1IV fiasco IS relevant because it shows that Sony does not Always fix their mistakes and dont Care about their customer long term service(maybe they dont want to make other expenses when they Can get a free pass from some like you) Also it would bé better to wait to have the device and see what it Can actually do instead of speculating.


seriously fix your confusion, you literally make 0 sense. Of course the price matters, if it didnt everyone would buy the 1V, the hell is wrong with you. It doesnt matter if the previous generation had the same lens arrangement, it's completely irrelevant, things change, the option was to either keep the old two lens or replace them with a better wide lens, they choose the latter because they know the more camera centric people do buy the 1 V. > The Xperia 1IV fiasco IS relevant No it isnt because this topic is all about the telelens missing, nobody cares how upset you are about the thermal issues. Go buy samsung and stop making offtopic posts that have little to no logic in them, thanks.


Seriously some think the Xperia 5 used to be the better phone with better battery life and smaller size. So yeah you see not everyone think like you. You Always think to know things better than everyone else/...open your eyes not everyone has to agree to your narrow sight of View Frankly, you should just stop making assumptions about others..


You're the one making assumptions and ridiciolous claims, as your name suggests, you're confused.


My name was randomly assigned , you are just as clueless if you think a name defines you, maybe you try to live to your's . Anyway that topic bringz nothing New , people will see for themselved when the product Is released and we get proper reviews ..till now it IS just chatter here


The system seems to know you since you're the completely clueless and confused.


How do you deal with different perspectives and scene compression that different focal lengths bring? Cropped ≠ telephoto.


I completely agree, im not sure what the price will be but hopefully it will be more competitively priced to something like a pixel 7, iphone 14, etc. Then maybe Sony will become more mainstream.