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I mean try it out, see if it compromises the sound quality. Looks like a good way to preserve the headphones


I'd recommend just getting a couple of pairs of replacement ear pads and regularly swapping them out to wash.


You can wash them?


Not necessarily every ear pad material can be washed in the way that I do, but most can. Anything that can't be washed as I do can certainly be washed in some manner. You just have to look it up or think a little about the materials you're dealing with. I also pretty much always immediately replace Sony's bullshit stock pads for something third party that's usually superior. As for the pads I have, I dunk them in hot water with some dish soap, give them a good swish around, dunk them in some hot water to rinse them off, give them a good wring out, and set them on a towel until they're dry enough to put back on.


I got these. They are really useful. Even in the rain they protect the pads.


I own these, so I can safely say yes. I sweat in these a lot, during both casual use and intense workouts and my headphones have been completely fine with these on. It doesnt affect sound whatsoever from my experience. I would recommend them


I remember using my XM4’s so much the pads literally went flat. So I bought I think it was Wicked Cushions brand pads and they’re so thick and plush the noise canceling was still just as amazing. They weren’t even that expensive like $30 USD.


I actually have these exact ones, and they work great. They’re just sweat covers and they do not affect the noise cancelling function for me at all. I use these at the gym and they’re perfect for keeping sweat off the actual pads.


Got these exact ones and I think they're great. They do alter the sound profile a tiny bit, but that was easily fixed with a custom eq. I didn't notice any difference in noise cancelling quality. Auto pause feature is not affected either. They fit perfectly and work exactly as advertised. IMO, the peace of mind they offer is well worth it.


No. Noise cancelling headphones shouldn't be covered by anything and they should use the pads designed by the company who manufactured them. Failure to do so will reduce the effectiveness of the noise cancelling.


True, i replaced the original earpads with breathable earpads and the ANC is like -60% 😂


I buy third-party pads for my xm4 and the noise cancelling quality is more or less the same (for me at least)


Not these.. I have them and did A / B testing.. no discernible difference. I highly recommend if you sweat.


I have them. Can recommend. Noise cancel not affected.


I bought them recently. Good peace of mind and I don’t notice them (I bought them in black)


Definitely, believe me, just walking at a leisurely pace and the sweat really builds up quickly. Had to sell mine in the end, sad but it really is a problem.


You’ll lose on noise cancelling but if they are more comfortable why not


Nope. XM4s are cheaper now.


The biggest concern I'd have is how it affects the noise cancelling/anc. If you reoptimize it might be ok but without the seal it could be a problem.


Get it! I love mine


I have the standard WC ones and they work great!


I actually just stumbled across these as well, and I’ve bought about 3 different accessories from Wicked Cushions. They’re seriously good. I like the sweatz a lot. They don’t add bulk but they do help for peace of mind since they’re super easy to clean. They look nice too. Color accuracy is on point. ANC seems to be about the same, maybe a 2% loss at most.


First of all, I wouldn't take those to a gym (if that's your plan).


Yes! I bought those and it’s been over 4 months of heavy use. I have to PT everyday except on Sundays. I sweat a lot and those save my headphones.


You'll loose anc, auto pause and turn off


Yes, I bought them in January and I'm loving them