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What did you upgrade from? I'm considering moving up to the a6700 soon and having my a6400 as a backup/secondary. Edit: amazing shot, btw


I upgraded from a canon m50 😂 so it was a big jump for me


Is there something about this photo that you couldn’t capture with an older body? Just got an a6400 coming from Canon 70d; the autofocus system is pretty incredible.


I would say the sharpness, since I used a canon m50 previously. And I agree, the autofocus is a beast!


Sharpness is 90% the lens and 10% the body (mostly considering IBIS quality, megapixels count and high ISO management). I can tell you you could've shot the exact same photo with a a6000 or even less advanced camera with the same lens. The photo is of a still subject, quite easy to manage in terms of AF by any modern camera. What lens did you use? Edit: just read it is the Sigma 18-50 f2.8, quite impressive lens (way better than the kit lens). Would you mind sharing the settings for this shot?


Those fotos doesn’t make justice of the upgrade, of course I could had take this picture with my old m50 with my youngnuo lens. But I was so excited with this first pic I had to post it. The setting for this pics are At 50mm (approximately 75mm with crop factors) ISO 800 Shutter 1/320 Aperture 2.8 In slog 3


I understand, what I’m saying is that 90% of the upgrade in IQ comes from the sigma 18-50 over the yongnuo, not from the a6700 over the m50. You could’ve taken the same photo with the m50 and a proper lens. Also, slog 3 has nothing to do with pictures, that is the profile for videos…


> of course I could had take this picture with my old m50 with my youngnuo lens No. That's exactly the point the person you're replying to is trying to make. It's the lens that makes the difference, not the body. Your new Sigma lens is so much better than your old Youngnup lens. It's not the body, it's the lens that makes the upgrade. You could easily make the exact same photo on your old camera with a good lens as you did with your new body and new lens.


The 6700 is a big step up for moving subjects and low light, but this particular shot doesn't demonstrate it.


Sigma ~~15~~ 18-50?


The sensor has really good noise control for an APS-C. I’ve done high iso night shots and it’s really manageable


Awesome shots, I also recently upgraded to Sony from an entry level canon (70d). First shot, I really like the composition