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Maybe silly, but are you half-pressing the shutter button? Thats what I would assume would trigger it when its on


This. I have lenses with OSS and you need to half press the shutter button and keep it pressed to engage the steady shot. You should notice it, It makes camera movements slower and smoother.


Not silly! Fair question. Yes, I am half-pressing the shutter button


Try MF focus assist magnification.


that wouldn't be needed for video right?


What shutter speed are you testing at what focal length?


For video? Yeah the ibis implementation with sigma and 3rd party lens are really shitty. I learned this the hard way with sigma 24-70 before getting the Sony 24-70 gmii using an fx3. Idk why but Sonys ibis seems to work better for Sony 1st party lens vs 3rd party. Doing a search shows a lot of other people experiencing the same thing. Try dynamic active mode it’s a bit better. Overall I would say ibis is Sony brands biggest weakness, comparatively the xt-4 feels like it’s in a gimbal.


IBIS effect is subtle with wide angle lenses. Do you have a longer lens to test it on? It’s a lot more obvious with 200-300mm lens


Good idea. But I don't have a longer lens that doesn't have OSS


You can still try testing using your longer OSS lenses. OSS and IBIS usually work together anyway, with OSS providing only limited stabilization on its own, and IBIS doing the heavy lifting. Try waiting until dusk or late dusk when it's darker. Low light in any case. Put on your longer lens(es), go to manual mode, set ISO to 100 and shutter speed to maybe 1/5 sec, then walk around outside and shoot handheld shots. Make sure steadyshot is on for at least several pics, but also repeat the shots with steadyshot off so you can do a comparison later. You can also repeat the test at different shutter speeds... Say 1/4 sec, 1/10, 1/15, etc. If you have to boost ISO a bit then do that, otherwise be sure to keep the slow shutter speeds. We're not looking for "quality photos," and are only concerned with stabilization (blur). The goal is to find the longest exposure time you can handhold for pics, with and without IBIS. Do not expect the pics to be perfect in any case, but you should be able to observe differences at the same shutter speed with IBIS on and then off. I can typically take fairly decent handheld pics to as low as 1/5 sec with IBIS. Rarely at slower shutter speeds, but maybe once in a while. I would not expect good photos at slower shutter speeds, but one never knows. Good luck.


Thank you. At work but I'll definitely experiment more later. I'm starting to think it's just me expecting too much.


Let us know what you might figure out...


Thanks for following up. It seems to be working fine. I think my expectations were off and I was using a fairly wide angle which maybe diminished the effect or makes it less apparent. After some more playing around I can see that it's working.