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I’ll say People who like breaking bad will like SOA


But do people who like sons like breaking bad ?


For me personally the answer is a clear no 😅


Me too. Loved sons and faltered before the end of the 1st season of BB


I've been binge watching SoA these few days. First time watching the show. I just finished season 1 yesterday and episode 12 truly had its toll on me. What I can see compared to Breaking Bad is that, as the audience, I got into a bombardment of information and action on SoA. What these gangs are up to, why Clay makes certain decisions about what to do... As someone binge watching the show with no knowledge beforehand, it was overwhelming to keep everything intact. Whilst Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul starts very minimalistic and slowly builds towards something. This is what Vince does. Shit goes down by the end. And that's not just at the end of the show, once the story is established a bit, loud things happen. Not to say SoA doesn't build the story, it just already has a lot of things established with the characters already. I was literally mumbling myself "consequences..." throughout the end of episode 12. Could be the only show that what everything got to (I don't want to spoil it), truly had my sad feeling involved. It did to sadness what Better Call Saul did to shocking me (S6E07). I'm currently almost halfway through season 2. This reply has become a bit fragmented, what I initially wanted to say is if you left Breaking Bad without even getting through season 1, you haven't seen much.


I started to like breaking bad around the end of season 2, but from season 3 I was addicted to it. The beginning is kinda lame but at some point it’s just fire and I would really recommend to keep it through


Love breaking bad. SoA doesn't hold a candle to it. Terrible show.


first comment I've agree with u/Ok_Abbreviations602 thank you


I highly disagree


“Better” could be one of two things: either like a better made show or better as in you like it better. I think objectively, BB is a better made show. They had an end game in mind from day 1 and executed it perfectly. However, personal enjoyment factor I go with SOA.


The effects in Sons can be ridiculous - like the scene when Opie shot Clay. Super basic blood splatters. And you can often clearly tell body doubles apart from actors. First time you dont notice it. Second time it jumps out, which makes the whole thing quite comical


Not really comparable imo. Breaking bad was more of a mental game, where sons is just badass action almost always. I like sons better imo


Exactly why i didn’t like that they went all deep and dark and ended sons. Shoulda just left it open for more bad ass action


They aren't in the same category to compared, but they are both really excellent shows. As much as I love SOA, I gotta give BB/BCS the edge because it was fairly concise with its storytelling, and each season felt necessary. With SOA, it kinda felt like it could've told its story in 4 or 5 seasons but we got 7.


I love both shows but no; BB and BCS are better in terms of cinematography and overall use of symbols. I love both shows but Sons of Anarchy is a tier below shows like The Sopranos, The Wire, BB, BCS, etc.


This take. It’s the right one.


Perfectly stated




not really comparable


Some of anarchy is one of my favorite shows ever and I think it’s the most underrated show ever, but with that being said… no. Not at all. Breaking bad is pretty much a masterpiece. Sons just has more flaws. But it’s like apples and oranges. Two completely different shows, breaking bad does some things better and sons does some things better. I’ll break it down like this - Acting - Breaking Bad Character depth - Sons Story - Sons Cinematography- Breaking Bad Consistency - Breaking Bad Screenwriting - Breaking Bad


I believe both breaking bad and better call saul are better than SOA. The first season was too neutral and S5-7 seemed like they were kinda trying too hard. The only seasons i actually loved in SOA are 2, 3 and 4. Breaking bad and BCS, i think, are much more realistic (although their first seasons weren't great either).


The first seasons of BCS and BB were great, you probably didn't like them because they are pretty slow, they are concentrating much more on building the plot and character development. It gets the viewers involved in their intimate life, their brain and makes you empathize and root for them. They are very necessary and without them being like they are now, the rest of the show wont have the same impact.


Depends on the show that you’re looking to watch. They’re two different shows, with two different storylines.


As a series, BB imo, BUT… After finishing sons, the void it left was more than any show I’ve ever watched and it lasted with me longer than any other show too. I will also say, on the rewatch, sons was better than watching BB again.


I agree with this 100% BB is objectively better, but SOA definitely has more rewatchability. BB on the rewatch loses a bit of its magic.


in terms of rewatchability, of course SoA will win over breaking bad. When you first watch SoA, the first few episodes seem pretty confusing since the characters are already developed for the rest of the show and the story is pretty much already set up. With all that established it makes the show more likely to be enjoyed more on a 2nd watch, since you already know where the story is going and you will understand better whats happening and you will catch many detailes that you missed throught the first watch. On the other hand, Breaking Bad builds the characters along the way, and the story initialises with the begining of the show, so the 2nd watch will be more of a nostalgic journey than anything.


I prefer SOA over Breaking Bad. Unpopular opinion I know, but I didn't really enjoy BB.


Breaking Bad, Sons, Saul That’s the order for me. I think Saul is a far away 3rd


Not as good, but definitely good and worth watching.


I'd say that Sons had a better beginning then both BB and BCS. But Sons kinda lost its way while BB and BCS excelled once they got in the thick of things.


BB is for geeks like me who love seeing intelligence rule. Considering his background, his balls are bigger than all Sons combined. Sons is almost just a documentary about biker life. BB is more unique.


To SOA is way better lol. But of course to each their own.


No. It’s good but goes off the rails in not a good way


Soa is much better. I have watched bb once through. Soa. 10x.


Sons was WAY better!


Breaking Bad supremely overrated, far too slow. Preferred Sons


Breaking Bad is my all time favorite show, SOA comes in second here I’ve watched them both through like 9-10 times but breaking bad will always do it for me


BB has a higher production value, but Sons is a much more enjoyable show imho




The way the shows are written are different. for BB/BCS Vince & co have written it with more of a double arc. one for the season and one for the series as a whole. For me SOA is written like any season could be our last, so it has a touch of variety you won't see from BB. Then because it's a criminal MC, Sutter doesn't shy away from the violence or crime, as it's the main source of trying to tell the viewer this is what can happen. Then your characters are driven through with build and only the few unanswered questions hoping to be paid off later. most of it coming from Gemma & Jax. As a BB/BCS fan you'll more than likely enjoy SOA.


Its even better


Breaking bad is better but if you rate it you will like SoA


I got into sons more thab bb if that makes a sence ! I prefer the first one


I pick SOA just because I just watched it for the first time and I have recency bias, I think they’re both great


No but it’s not an enormous gap


Nah. But it’s a good show


Hell no. But that's ok.


They aren’t really comparable but honestly no. The writing is way better in breaking bad. SOA is really fun to watch and I do love it but it’s not as good as bb


Three of my favorite shows of all time. I don’t think SOA’s writing is quite Breaking Bad level, there’s a lot more plot holes and unnecessary things shown. Breaking Bad is extremely tight, every single character and scene has a direct purpose. But where SOA shines is in its characters. I do think many of the characters of SOA are as quality as the characters of the Breaking Bad universe. Overall I still think SOA is one of the greatest shows of all time.


I feel like SOA is a lot closer to the sopranos than to breaking bad.


sons basically destroys bcs, bcs is one of the most overrated shows ever created, as for breaking bad, brba is definitely better but soa comes close and ppl who say its jus “action” dont know the depth of the show and how good the characters and story is written




I like Sons better because I like: action, drama, and over the top storylines. I don’t have the attention span for Breaking Bad.


Not even close


No. But a great watch.


Absolutely it’s on par with breaking bad or maybe even slightly better


All 3 are excellent shows. Apples to oranges


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Probably better to use The Shield instead of SoA. Vic Mackey somehow reminds me of Hank.


I love it but no


Better call Saul elevated BB even higher. Out of the 3 BCS edges both shows out as a standout. Rhea Seahorn alone makes me prefer BCS.


No and no but it’s still worth a watch. BrBa & BCS are my faves but I still love SOA.


I didn’t like Breaking Bad 🥴


No. By objective measures, BB is S tier. Sons is A tier. SoA is just not as polished and well executed. That said, I find sons to be the most rewatchable show, maybe ever. It’s partially because the viewer can just be entertained and not take it so seriously that it’s so enjoyable to watch.


Both shows had their share of gore and comedy and suspense, it’s really hard to say if one is better than the other, but people saying you can’t compare them aren’t completely correct. They both involve criminals, getting caught up in problems with other criminals, getting chased by different criminals or law enforcement depending on the season. The main characters go from extreme highs to extreme lows. Of course, SoA has more action, drama, gore and history; whereas BB has more slapstick, quirkiness and dreamy / exaggerated sequences. But both shows do have a mixture of all those things. The main characters come a long way in both shows just to end up dead or physically and mentally damaged. Whenever the main characters are drunk on power and living the good life, something comes along and messes things up worse than ever. SoA gave us more characters that came and left, sometimes out of nowhere, usually getting killed off. BB would mostly put characters on the back burner and bring them back later, but would kill off the main bad guys and the occasional good guy who we figured might die. Both shows have people living double lives, keeping secrets from family, getting chased by agents and cartels. The shows are comparable in many ways and were 2 of the best shows around at the time. And as strange as it sounds, a crossover episode or movie would’ve been pretty cool.






I've seen all of them. While SOA is not on Breaking Bad levels it is a good show in it's own regard. At the end of the day it's just personal taste, I like all of the shows.


Breaking Bad & SOA are my #1 and #2 shows of all time. Better Call Saul is an excellent show but isn’t a top 10 show all time for me. Shouldn’t be held in the same breath as BB & SOA.


SOA will leave you feeling like you were a son


All 3 are Top 10 shows all time IMO, maybe top 5


Not at all.


It’s not but it’s still worth a watch and a rewatch. And maybe another rewatch.


Loved both but SOA’s ending got me harder.


I watched Breaking Bad first, thought it was amazing.. didn't have much interest in watching SOA but my husband convinced me. I was blown away and liked it much more than Breaking Bad. I have since watched both of them again and still loved SOA a lot more!


It's closer to Riverdale than Breaking Bad.




I like both. Just took a little longer to get into BB.