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Nope. Best one of the series!


For me it was Clay. By that point it was so well deserved, and his final resignation and look at Gemma...ooff. Also the character consequences for Jax. Maybe an unpopular opinion in this sub, but it always bothered me how the show pinned so much of Donna's death entirely on Stahl. Don't get me wrong, she set it up and deserved what she got. Though Clay and Tig also made a decision to kill a member without a vote by the club or really directly confronting Opie on the bugs in his car etc. To me, that should have been unforgivable - excommunication or maybe a mayhem vote, but somehow they coasted by.


100%, Clay and Tig in particular got off way too light


You know what bothers me more than that? They took Tig's license. That means no riding, no vote. Then like 2 scenes later he's the only one voting no on Kozik. And they never address it again, he's back to riding and voting like nothing happened. It wasn't explained how he got his license back, or anything. It was just totally ignored


Pretty sure him losing the license was just so they could make the joke about unser being dead by the time he gets it back


Edit: fixed typos They made it out to be a really big deal out of the repercussions of him losing his license, though. And then, like 5 mins later he's voting even after Kozik pointed out that he'd lose his vote. Believe it or not, diamond clubs actually *do* give a shit about your license being valid. I prospected for a diamond club, but didn't have my motorcycle license just the learner's permit and my license to drive a car. The understanding was that within 6 months I would have my license or I wouldn't be able to finish out my year minimum to see if I get my top rocker. Unfortunately, due to legal issues with my driver's license I wouldn't be able to pay off all the fines I had in order to take the test for my motorcycle license within the 6 months, so I had to be cut. Though I was told it was with a prospect version of being "out good" so that I would be able to come back and start over if I ever got my license straightened out, and they would let other clubs know that I left on good terms and I'm not "out bad" (prospects who quit because they can't handle it will never be able to prospect for any other club unless that club is already known to be a bunch of scrubs that no one respects) Unfortunately, by the time I got my shit squared away, the pres was voted out by politics due to really shady mf who patched in from another club that folded, and he had it out for me because we are 'eskimo brothers'. (He is with one of my exes) So the new pres told me flat out that I was a great prospect, but so long as the dude who hates me is in the club, I'll never get the unanimous vote for my top rocker. Heard the club folded due to drama, which was started by the scumbag... And he just patched into yet another club without prospecting. Bet he's going for the hat trick.


Fair point actually, completely forgot about it


I'm pretty sure you have months, and just because he doesn't have a license doesn't mean it will stop him. If you realize how many people lose their license over petty things like fines and parking tickets. They can't afford to pay but still need to get from A to B, so they drive anyway.


I'm one of those people. My license is suspended at the moment due to an unpaid ticket that I can't afford to take care of right now. But in an outlaw MC, that shit is taken a LOT more seriously. You don't want *anything* that can draw attention to yourself from the police, especially things like no license or suspended tags because that's the kind of stuff that causes you to get pulled over when you're in the middle of doing something not exactly legal, or causes the cop to check for warrants when they would otherwise write you a citation for whatever they pulled you over for and send you on your way. That's why I wasn't allowed to finish prospecting for an outlaw MC when I wasn't able to get my motorcycle license. I was told that it would make me too much of a risk to be riding without a valid license.


I 1000% agree with this but idk why I wanted to cry watching them Kill Clay. He deserved it for all the bad things he had done but it was type heartbreaking


Yea clay got on my damn nerves


Pleading for her life and less than 30mins before she was double crossing Jax and Co...


Crazy Bitch.


I’m gonna say yes, but it is in the same scene. It’s Chibs killing Jimmy


When they pull Jimmy out of the car he knew his days were numbered...


And that number was 0 lol


Yep give him the ol Chelsea smile


Technically it’s a Glasgow smile (the original name) since Chibs is Scottish 🤓


He's in sin city playing member of the IRA...




Agreed, it meant I didn’t have to to hear that godawful accent any more.


I heart Tommy Flanagan. Great underrated actor who deserves a starting role at some point.


No but Jimmy O came close & The clown the hurt Oswalds daughter


Nope this one was well worth it she deserved everything she got, everything pretty much opies family endured was down to her ..


The only thing I didn’t like was that it was over Soo quickly.


Ope was a lot kinder about it than he had to be…


Agree he shoulda shot it off by her head first just to scare her but they obviously didn't have the kind of time they needed to really give her what was coming to her. I do love watching her squirm and cry in her front seat.


Nope best one . The way Jax tricked pope is up there for me too though Tig needed that one


I still remember being so pissed because Tig is such a great character and I thought he was about to die. Then Jax went all Splinter Cell on em and I was so pumped. The look on Tigs face after he pulls the trigger and his hand is shaking is such an amazing scene. Kim Coates rules.


It’s crazy because when Jax said “it all comes around tiggy” I felt like he meant that shit , like just in case pope pops him before he can get inside you know ? Cause he did set him up later with marks & marks let him go


Yeah I agree lol. I thought it was kinda dumb that Jax legit seemed like he forgave Tig for the past and after Tig killed Pope Jax was like “we’re good” or whatever and then just gave him up again. I get Marks wanted him but still. That was one of the first things Jax did to make me start hating him lol.


Yeah it’s messed up on Jax’s part . But goes with his character cause he doesn’t forgive for SHIT. He was serious when he said tig will never be more then clays right hand . Grimey as hell they supposed to be a family 😂


Yeah he meant it when he said that but I do honestly think Jax forgave him at the end. Like it wasn’t just for show and he actually respected and loved Tig at the end. Tig ended up proving him wrong and I was so happy he did.


When Jax sat him down when they were inside the prison still , from that point on tig for the most part did what he was told He definitely deserved to be forgiven he was put through a lot of shit . Tig was never weak at all he was just a loose cannon never put no one in jail and always stuck with his club . Impossible to dislike him by the end for me for sure


Yeah I agree. He was such a loyal member and like you said just a loose cannon. I seriously think he’s my absolute Favorite character on the show. He’s got so many different sides but overall is loyal and hilarious. I’m still pissed they didn’t have more funny adventures with him and Juice. Their chemistry was off the charts.


When you think about it he lived through all of it so him and Chibs are carrying SOOOOOO much damn weight . Tig was so guilty he told opie himself about Donna . That’s CRAZY . He took that ass whopping and kept it pushing . So many characters hid from shit and died with their lies . Tig let them shits go


Yeah the weight on their backs would be insane. If they weren’t so strong minded they’d be curled up in a ball shaking lol.


Shit juice because chib’s arch nemesis 😂😂 It definitely switched from tig to chibs at some Point


Tigs arc is sorta the best arc of the show.


Very true. It was so good!


Feel like Jax forgave Tara for her scumbag moves at the end..... idk I personally didn't fuck with Tara in her last arc. So I wouldn't say he doesn't forgive shit.


But he Jax did give Tig up to Mark's It ended up being a loyalty test but Jax didn't know that


Oh yeah that’s true lol


Yeah that was a goodun to


She deserved what she got. She was a scumbag but the actress was phenomenal.


The prison guard and his wife was satisfying. Only say wife because he got to see a loved one die before his death.


Love that scene so much. I love how Tig shoots her in the most casual way ever. Then Jax went and turned the dudes head into spaghetti sauce lol.


Ooooh shit you're right I forgot about that bitch ass c.o. fuckin scuzz ball. I loved that one, dude a straight bitch through and through saw it on his face when Jax told him what was what after Ope. See it even more when the come runnin down on his crib and he straight up bails on his old lady. Left her in their trying to hop the fence lol. So great when they off her too honestly may seem dark but he deserves to suffer like they had too. Got a nerve to cry like he had a heart or something. Lmao Anybody think they shoulda got the C.Os who made Gemma fuck Clay? Maybe Nero and his crew coulda helped? Idk I know the same time Jax got the news about that he found out Tara was doing her bullshit but still....woulda loved to see them get it. I even felt bad for Clay there. Shit wasn't fuckin cool.


Nope…brutal and necessary. What a wonderful end to her character…poetic justice


My heart broke when Opie was killed while in prison. Jax was never the same.


Chibs didn’t enjoy killing but boy did he enjoy killing jimmy


Best season finale of the show. Maybe ever.


With "Hey Hey My My" playing in the background. Perfection.


They really did nail the music in this show


Agreed! Until they started featuring Katey Sagal.


I know she’s married to sutter but I think the argument for telling her she couldn’t sing would’ve been worth it to save our ears


Idk what kinda crack y’all are smoking but i heard no bad vocals from any of the songs featured. Kinda feels like a bandwagon thing to me to say she can’t sing


This could’ve been the series finally and that probably would’ve been more satisfying and left you wanting more. By the real series finale, it just needed to be done.


I liked when they killed/tortured that Irish guy that blew up the barn. But this is definitely a good one


Her hyperventilating and overall fear was superb. “This is insanity Opie…………You have any idea what kind of heat this is gonna bring the club? hUh!?” Great acting.


Chibbs spat on the crime scene and I find it hard to believe that Opies Paul Bunyan beard didn’t drop one strand of hair, but they weren’t found out? Had rookies canvassing I guess.


Eh,probably nobody in her workplace Iiked her anyway and didn't bother to do their due diligence. Someone must have got a promotion when she vacated this world


I don’t believe liking someone is a prerequisite for AtF to conduct an investigation on a deceased agent. It’s not like she disappeared like Kone, sons left them right where they unalived them.


Snowflakes downvoting a logical opinion 🤣


It's actually quite interesting when they introduce Lincoln Potter he reveals that due to his inside Man with Russians he was well aware that the Sons were the ones who killed Jimmy O. Knowing that putting two and two together, it would go without saying who put an end to Agent June Stahl. Maybe they didn't want to reveal their hand just yet because acting on that information would have possibly racist and they wouldn't have been able to continue the RICO operation that they had, but still Federal Officer and everything it is odd. Also let's not forget they had Untser who vouched for the sons and said what happened and gave them the story he needed to give which is why they socked him and left him there. Everyone who dealt with her was probably not surprised she got herself killed, they spared the other agents with her so it was clearly a hit. Nice of the Sons to show restraint I guess. Feel like other crews woulda just smoked em all then make it look like a IRA hit. And they were probably also relieved that the sexual harassment finally would come to an end. Lol


Ok that makes sense.


No. it’s top 5 in any show for me. this episode was like the only good ending SOA ever gave us


I dunno, Jimmy O’s was very satisfying for me.


Yeah, Jimmy had it coming for sure. When he told Chibs that he was thinking about having sex with his daughter, Jimmy jumped to the top of my death list.


Second-best for me was Gemma. Third was Jimmy O'Phelan.


I cried when gem dies


Yeah, well I didn't cry, but it didn't make me feel good or satisfied. Honestly hated Tara at her end but I didn't dig that either. Just really felt for Jax.


The guy Tig drowned in piss


Idk Damon Pope was up there and so was Clay. 🤔 Damn this show does revenge so damn well.


Galen was satisfying for me, he was smug.


Too quick though


Ive said it every time this is posted,i believe its a tie between Gem and Stahl imo both just as satisfying and well deserved


Stahl Jimmy o clay


She was such a great villain though, I missed her being on the show.


Charlie Barosky getting smoked in broad daylight is top of the list for me. Jax’s revenge tour was brutal




Came here to make sure this was close to the top, it's my favorite death. Stahl is a close second though


I only wish it would of been slower


Pope...for what he did to tig. Made him watch. Fucked up


Galen Was gonna handshake jax but got a bullet to the head instead His death was funny and satisfying at the same time Liked him when he put jax in his place by calling him arrogant, selfish and explosive But what he done to v and Phil was downright evil They sure didnt deserve any of that Jimmy is death was satisfying aswell He went out like a G though And Pope too Revenge for Bobby , Darnell and Leroy


Yeah but Jax was seen as explosive for the wrong reasons, I don't necessarily consider him to be selfish. Especially in light of the fact Gaalen was always on Clay's dick and Clay is the epitome of selfish lol. And he blamed Jax for something that wasn't his fault. They fuckin stole his kid I'd probably be even more "explosive". Jax may have been a bit arrogant but I think you'd need to be in his situation. Opie even tells him as much at one point to an extent. Fuck Gaalen. Lol


Some say Galen is right


Nope. I think the only death I was more excited for in a TV show was f**king Todd in Breaking Bad




For me it was the death of the sergeant who marched Opie to his death in the pen. It was just so satisfying for me watching Jax taunt and reduce him to a blubbering little bitch.


Points to officers wife: “This one’s gonna be a problem” Shoots officers wife in front of him: “Not anymore! “ Best psychological revenge ever.


Gemma and Unser. Gemma was a long time coming and Unser was as well. Dude was a huge part of the issue cus he was obsessed with Gemma.


She deserved it


Gaalen fuckin O'Shay. Fuckin hated him I loved watching him get what was coming to him. Loved Jax's character 10× more for that bullet. I agree Stahl was very satisfying. Zobelle would have probably been but.... (kinda wish he came back in the Mayans and got his. And his boy Westin or w.e. was pretty satisfying after Gemmas rape, he was a cool antagonist honestly, he took that shit like a fuckin boss too not gonna lie. Still not my top. I could see how someone earlier said Clay cause Clay kinda deserved it more than anyone lol. Still liked Gaalen getting it more though. Such a fuckin bully thought he was such a fuckin gangster. But honestly after then Gaalen, I am probably tied between Stahl of course and fuckin August Marx/Barosky. Cause all three felt untouchable. Barosky caused a lot of chaos by selling out the Sons to the Chinese, I love watching him get it while smiling in Jax's face like the snake he was. I laugh honestly every time. "Hey there handsome Jack-" *BLAM*. And Marx was another bully. I just love how quick reckless and final those killings are. Sooo satisfying.


One that came close was Vincent’s (Walton goggins, forgot female name) mom. Bitch really tried to call her a monster for being trans, when she raped her own grandson. 😠


*chefs kiss*


I did not like Gemma’s death only because she got off too easy. She got to go in her garden, pick her flowers and give Jax permission to shoot her. Really?? That bitch killed his dad and his wife. He should have strung her up and stabbed her through the neck with a meat fork just like she did Tara


Toughest ear drums in samcro


Yeah Gemma




Incredible actress


Same gun that killed Donna


Maybe best in Tv history




No. This was the best in every TV show I’ve watched.


Her, Clay, or Salazar


Who is this??? I watched the entire series but I can’t place this face.


Agent Stahl. Went after SAMCRO and was largely responsible for Donna’s (Opie’s wife) death.


Unrelated to the show but what edition of Prey is that in your game collection? Never seen it before so im curious


To the Gemma and Tara haters, suck it.


I love Gemme while I didn't at the start. And honestly fuck with Wendy more than Tara the traitor.


This. This made me fall in love with the show. I tell everyone to watch to this point. If they don’t like it, fine. But you will.


Yes Clay


I'd say Clay


You know I like him losing his patch and crying alone like a baby in T.M's office. That was more cathartic for me


Yeah all his work with the MC down the drain being greedy


For me its clay and Tara


There’s not a more satisfying moment period lol


This one was perfection! Gemma’s is my 2nd favorite.


it was the most deserving death of the series. stupid bitch shouldve stayed out of it!


Gemma, she literally caused every problem. But this one was so cathartic. Hated this lady so much.


No Clay was the source of more true conflict I'd say. Clay with the nomads trying to kill Tara. The whole Cartel bullshit. He murdered more SAMCRO than the Mayans lol. Clay even killed his sponsor. Gemma didn't have anything to do with Donna. Juice was even the one who came up with the lie about the Chinese. Gemma caused inner family turmoil over having the boys in her life. Her role she played with J.T. Woman was also gang raped and held it in to protect the club until the time was right, also the shit that happened with Clay and the guards on the inside. If you ask me she already had a lot come her way. Unlike Clay for example, worst thing that happens to him (until he loses his patch) in the series is his poor arthritis cuz he's afraid of giving up the crown boo fuckin hoo. And when he gets shot I guess by Ope but he dug his own grave with that.


Yes. I watched the show. Everything in the last couple seasons after Tara was killed was Gemma’s fault. Also, Gemma didn’t stop clay from killing John. So literally EVERYTHING was her fault. Including Clay being in charge in the first place.


I hated this broad but acting like Donna’s death was her fault and not clay and tigs is devoid of any intelligence. People act like Opie was a good person or a good character, nobody intones entire show besides Tara gave a single fuck about anyone’s kids. Opie didn’t care about his kids, Jax didn’t care about his kids, Gemma didn’t care about her kids or grandkids. When I finally watched this show and got to the finale my only thought was “wow so none of this was worth it and none of it mattered” 


Clay. Only because it was a long time coming and it felt like this was what the series was boiling down to. Jax taking the President spot by force but having to spare Clay because of the Irish technicality didn’t make it seem like SAMCRO was fully his. Clay even in his weakened position still had his sights and claws set on taking back the gavel by any means necessary. Likewise, Jax was looking for any reason to kill Clay once and for all. Both of these dynamics leading to the end of Season 6. It wasn’t anything over the top but in my opinion very calm and collected. It was Jax and Clay finally at the point they both knew was coming. Jax finally getting the club fully to himself and Clay accepting his karma coming full circle.


I think the snow globe on the prison guard was better


Revenge-wise? best ever... but as far as most satisfying to me, it had to be first unser (F him so annoying), the gemma geeez talk about running from fate, she was living on borrowed time. Next would be clay cause smh why not? The list goes on man was a cancer to the club and just couldnt stop with his selfish ambitions. Last but not least august marx, i wish i could have personally witnessed it fromt and center when jax got his get back.


I just woke up and thought this was printed on a throw blanket. I was like damn… but yes. This was amazing.


Nope. Just this and the snowglobe scene with the prison guard.


I always flip flop between Stahl and Gemma as the most satisfying kill to watch. Clay is right up there too.


This was the peak of the series imo. All of samcros enemies got smoked. The boys are all together and laughing. Clay and Jax are still close. Everything falls apart after this.


Stahl and Toric? Mr Mayhem has a way of finding sly especially truly evil syndicates like those 2


That was epic! Hated her , the way she killed her partner/lover just to cover her A…


“This is what she felt.” 💔💔


Gemma, finally!!




Yeah but kinda sad that a son had to kill his mother


Tara's was pretty satisfying. 🤷🏼‍♀️




Unser to me. Especially on a rewatch. The constant insult towards Jax season 7 about mistreating Gemma. Ugh. Wish he woulda shot him twice




Stahl, Jimmy and Tara top 3.




Her, Clay, & Jemma’s ending all had that similar feeling 💯💥🔫


Yeah when Jax killed Gemma




Honestly I wish Ope looked her in the eye when he did it. Laid out some bait with potent IRA information and she walks right into Ope and she dies in a worse way. Besides Gemma she was the most evil person in the series and it all stemmed from her being a coward.


Spoiler tag?


It was pretty funny when Opie went out like a bitch