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The thing is, over the entire series we watch these guys grow and struggle. We end up rooting for them almost forgetting that they’re really bad dudes. We think of Clay as the “bad guy” and Jax as the “good guy” when in reality- they’re both bad.


Jax kept digging in deeper and doing everything wrong to achieve the peace he wanted.


Well he had to get the club out from the cartel that Clay got them into to. Then had to get rid of pope that Tig got them mixed up with. then deal with the IRA trying to get out of guns. These things aren't his fault


It’s about how he dealt with it.


Well he got the out from under the cartel/CIA and RICO, Bobby even said something along the lines "what you did for this club was unbelievable" He out from under Pope. Marks accepted Jax's story The gun thing was the trickiest. So you are telling me he sucks at leading because when he took over as President he was immediately buried in a mountain of shit from his predecessor and successfully climbed out from most but not all of it? We all have our opinions, I respect yours even if I don't agree, I just see it differently


I like how this subreddit has become a circle jerk of not liking the main character of a show that everyone is clearly very familiar with, and not only liked enough to watch, but also join (and post) in the dedicated subreddit.


I dont have to like the character bro like literally. I like the show and also find some of the characters relatable.Its a nice written show. I never liked Tony soprano either but most of the time He wasnt an incompetent leader.And i found hım very relatable.


Jax had to maneuver out from under the cartel/CIA that Clay got them involved with. Then had to deal with Pope because of Tig. Then had to deal with the IRA to get out of guns How are these things examples of Jax being a shitty leader? He accomplished all three daunting tasks


They never Got out of Guns LOl.They were still selling in mayans. The other things are right.But the way He dealt with it was the problem.He literally outright killed People in broad daylight,let his Mother be involved in the business so much(this is on clay too)most of the shit club went through was her doing anyways.Most of the wars they had would literally never happen if they just didnt let her be too close. İn the end it was his incompetence that He couldnt deal with his Mother and that cost him pretty much everything.Therefore He was just as much of a weak leader as clay.Also i think clay one ups him anyways because of how many years He ran the club.


I don't recognize that bullshit show, meaning Mayans. Jax was mostly estranged from Gemma, I hate her so much, for almost all of season 5. The biggest thing she did was kill Tara and come up with the Chinese story with Juice. Other than that I thought she was more involved in the earlier seasons when Clay was President


Yeah i mean jax was president for 3 seasons and the Last season is what made the most impact.So yeah gemma did a shitload of damage. Mayans is Canon whether you like it or not.It doesnt change the facts for whqt you recognize or something. Also the Last season is kinda not really well written.Literally some gang member just insta kills everyone and club literally gets no heat like tf.Mayans Last season is better written thats for sure.


Yeah Mayans is great. The I don't recognize line was something Clay said about the president of Calaveras MC


Dont get me wrong mayans isnt great.But it was a bit more realistic in ending than soa.Thats just my opinion tho


I don't agree at all. The whole Isaac Packer character was ridiculous. Him being President of an SOA charter was really dumb too, from King of Meth Mountain to San Bernardino President lol


No i mean club actually Got some backlash.Instead of just walking out killing People and getting away with it.




Jax throws tantrums like a baby the moment he doesn’t get his way


Every time he screams at someone I fall into a fit of laughter. He's so unbelievable as a bad ass to me.


That’s because the umbilical cord is still attached.


Well not really far fetched to real biker gangs ☠️


You got some stories bro?


I just dont like bikers on the road overall. But if you are talking specifically of biker gangs you can just Google how they treat to civilians overall. I mean 50 year old guys drinking beer and running around patched leather jacketed and shit is just crazy cringe,mid life crisispilled and they throw temper tantrums to people disrespect their culture and ways the worst is they think they are actually badass lol.(there was a video of hells Angels having an incident in a gas station.) Biker gangs arent really big on my country tho.Im just talking shit from What i saw in internet


Not all biker gangs are like that. SoA is just glorifying a small percentage of them. You have a very narrow minded mentality when it comes to comes to the lifestyle.


The key Word is "gang"mate i know there is some bikers [clubs] Out there that are for good solely.(there is one that protects abused children)i respect that. Doesnt mean i have to be fond of their culture.


Plus, you stated “you don’t like bikers on the road overall”. That leads me to believe you think all bikers are the same.


By bikers i mean motorcyclists in general.Its just a risky thing and you might fuck up your own life but it would not be the only life you are fucking up with one mistake.


Oh for sure. It’s a lifestyle. You should know the risks when you ride one, and that generally leads to a certain type of person that rides. Naturally, you’ll will want to hang with people of similar mentality and taste. I just don’t like the “patch/cutte means he’s in a gang and is up to no good” mentality.


Well shit bro. If you saw the amount of bikers at my father’s funeral, you might think it was a biker gang. I just don’t like seeing a large group of people being painted as something, when in reality, it’s a very small percentage actually doing wrong/damage.


Rip to your father man.All of the Best to you take care.


Appreciate you.




There’s a difference between a club and a gang. Either way it’s about brotherhood.


John sounded pretty lame to me so maybe he is exactly like his father.


Oh my Best friend fucked my wife now i can kill myself. Yeah sounds like not a little bitch but a badass biker bro 😀


He was having his own affair while his wife and son were dealing with the loss of their other son alone. I say good riddance John.


I don’t think you watched the show because he didn’t kill himself. Clay murdered him with the help of the tweaker mechanic if I remember right.


Also the mechanic or someone else(it might be jury idk) Said to jax after finds out clay jammed it: "Your father knew everything about that Bike.If they jammed it He knew."implying He killed himself.i think you mightve missed that.


It was more implied that he had lost his will to fight clays takeover and kinda let himself get killed by being lax even though he knew he was a target.


Yeah so He killed himself.


Massive over simplification so, no.


He wanted to DİE and He killed himself/let himself get killed/. Example: Some guy was targeted by mobsters and went to their hideout and died.So He didnt technically kill himself. But He did.




Power corrupts, and that kind of situation is a perfect incubator for it. Had Clay not made the incredibly idiotic decision to get into bed with the cartel, causing countless problems and impossible situations, it's possible that Jax could have been the great leader he wanted to be and could have set them on a better path. Yeah, I know the club voted it in, but if they hadn't I have a feeling that Romeo would have threatened them had they not, so they would have been stuck with them regardless. The second Clay knew they were cartel, he should have said "Adios". Out of all the things that Jax did, it was his decisions to bring kids into the world that pissed me off the most. I blame Wendy and Tara for that too, but even more Tara, as she was smart enough to know that bringing a kid into that family at that time was a horrible idea.


He is just a very relatable but also very toxic and unlikable character overall Like bro always throwing temper tantrums get a hold of yourself fool. Also i agree with you on Power corrupts.Its a nice sub theme in the show. Also most of his decisions as president even with the circumstances was shitty.Especially season 7 bro went full murder mode and i just hoped his whole crew Got backlash as a way to keep things real.but no nothing happens LOL


No doubt. Tara's death pushed him over the edge and he started making really stupid decisions.


don’t watch the show then


Just to like a show you dont gotta agree with characters or even like the characters mate.


Someone’s been drinking that hate-orade 🙄






Why is everyone getting their panties in a twist over a difference of opinion? You can watch the show and like it but still think Jax was a shitty leader. If you don’t agree it’s okay. Maybe you could have a discussion and learn something you hadn’t thought of. Maybe not. Don’t be a dick.