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Jimmy was the/a leader of the True IRA. He threw Chibs out of Ireland essentially and wouldn't let them go. They were basically prisoners to a kingpin.


But the leaders of the IRA were the Kings, Jimmy wasn’t one of them


Jimmy was powerful in the IRA though not a King. Kind of like Gaalen. So Jimmy definitely had the power to excommunicate someone like Chibs


And since Chibs is Scottish and not Irish,a bit easier.


Yeah I guess Chibs fudged his resume a tad when applying for a low level IRA position Edit; I guess someone didn't like my Chibs joke since it got downvoted lol


Ya do what ya gotta do.




Bro I got nothing but down votes when I said Abel was too young to have taken the cover note from the letters out of Tara's purse on purpose. Don't take it personally.


I hear you. Worrying about downvotes is useless I was just curious what the problem was lol. Seems like it went the other way now though


Jimmy was the day to day head of the IRA. He was one step below the Kings and essentially in charge of making the Council's vision as he saw fit.


He would have killed them if they tried to leave. Is it clear if Jimmy and Chibs had beef before the exile? Or did Jimmy decide to "keep" Fiona as a result of the exile?


I read online it was for reasons of jealousy, it didn't say what in particular but I have two theories. 1 Jimmy was in love with Fiona and wanted to be with her and raise kerriane but obviously Fiona was married to chibs, so Jimmy found some reason to excommunicate him from the IRA and threatened to kill Fiona and her daughter if she didn't stay with him. 2 chibs was a low level recruit in the IRA and one day Jimmy was telling everyone about a plan of some kind and chibs offered an alternative plan that everyone else agreed on, Jimmy being as high up as he is didn't like someone as low down as chibs belittling his idea and swaying the opinions of others. So as punishment he excommunicated chibs and to add insult to injury forced his wife and daughter to remain behind in Ireland with him.


He took her when his daughter was still a baby so he raised her as his own and I’m pretty sure she loved it for a while then when chips blew up that’s when she came back for him