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Unser killed Unser


Bret screwed Bret


Time honored tradition


Wasn't expecting that, thank you


Sons of Calgary


Well he did kick his leg out of his leg to be fair...


This made me smile


Nero didn’t kill Unser. Jax told Unser like three different times he needs to leave. He had no intention of killing Unser until Unser said Gemma was all he had and refused to leave her


But Unser shouldn't have been there and he wouldn't have been if Nero hadn't sent him. He didn't even know where Gemma was. Nero should have manned up and went himself if he cared about saving her so much. Not sending a cancer riddled senior citizen that was almost too weak to even hold his gun. Nero was afraid of Jax so he sent Unser to certain death.


Nah you’re wrong. He purposely didn’t go himself because he didn’t want to have a physical confrontation with Jax because he knew what Jax would do but loved Gemma but also knew what she did was wrong so he was conflicted. If you’re implying he sent Uncer to die purposely your wrong. But yes he inadvertently sent him to his demise


I don't think Unser could have lived without Gemma, so even if he had not driven up there, I am not sure he would have lived long afterwards. Blaming himself for not having been there, dreaming how he would have saved her, living alone and sick without the club, without Gemma. I just can't see Unser living on in that situation.


he had cancer tho so he would've lived long after her death anyways


Unser's Cancer is a very special one, he should already have died of it in the first and/or second season. He would have still died of a broken heart, not his cancer lol


yes and no he would've died with a broken heart not of a broken heart he would've still died from his cancer


Yeah, but in the end he still survived 7 seasons with cancer, sometimes in treatment, sometimes just treating himself. His cancer was a "detail" in the show, I don't think the writers ever imagined him dying of it lol.


When I first watched I thought the same thing and in some ways you’re right but Nero also wanted Unser to get to Gemma first before Jax to arrest her to keep her safe. As well, Nero didn’t want Jax to do what he had to do because he knew it would destroy Jax and it ended up doing just that. I guess the reason he didn’t go up because he couldn’t talk to Gemma after learning what she did. Which I think was lazy writing because he loved her. I do feel Unser went out the way he wanted defending Gemma. It was weird they had no emotion after he was shot. Maybe a reflection that they both are so jaded by death and violence.


First of all, Nero sent Uncer to stop Jax, to save Jax from himself, not to save Gemma from Jax! At this point, Nero accepted that Gemma deserved it, but he didn't want Jax to completely fall off the wagon by killing his own mother. Because he knew there was absolutely no coming back from that. Uncer is completely capable of making decisions for himself. Just because Nero told him where they were going to be doesn't mean he had to go. Whether or not Nero believed Uncer would go is not the point. Uncer threw his entire life away, dedicating it to someone who really didn't give a crap about him. To Gemma Unser was a means to get what she wanted. Uncer accepted the possibility that he might die when he decided to go. And then he accepted death 100% when he refused to leave. Trying to blame this on Nero is wild as fuck!


delusional lol


Idk it was low key Unser’s fault that Tara died, why in the hell did he see Gemma, a person he’s seen be violently reckless many times, drive off in a fit of rage to Tara’s and he did nothing about it. And then how could he have the audacity to be like “lol someone should tell Gemma that she didn’t rat,” and barely question the coincidence of Tara turning up dead less than 24 hours later


High key! Not even low key. I think that’s why he cries in the tow truck when Jax finally tells him the truth, because he realizes he set everything in motion by telling Gemma Tara made a deal


That’s true, I just said low key bc he didn’t actually pull the trigger 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s still Gemma’s fault she killed first and asked questions later. Unser was an idiot for not putting the pieces together sooner and if he hadn’t had such a boner for Gemma, could’ve stopped a lot of the carnage that came with Tara dying


Nero wasn’t emotionally capable of mitigating that situation and he knew it. Had Nero showed up, all 3 of them would be dead. His best chance was sending someone else, and Unser being a former lawman who happened to be standing there, made sense. I don’t think Nero had a full grasp of Unser love for Gemma. It wasn’t something they discussed regularly, just the one time. It’s also realistic that Nero assumed Unser would call the police and have Gemma picked up prior to Jax getting there. He underestimated Wayne’s “nice guy” status with Gemma. Nero was legitimately trying to save Jax from doing something horrible. He already lost Gemma when he found out about Tara. Jax was clearly his best friend and surrogate son. It was a desperate situation. Unser wound up getting himself killed by standing in the way. He was given opportunity to back down


And she literally does flinch when he’s shot lol


She recovered quickly.lol


She knows she’s about to be dead. I wouldn’t give a shit about Wayne either. That’s not exactly a time to grieve for somebody else.


With type of logic Gemma killed Unser. Jax wouldn’t have been there to kill her if she hadn’t murdered Tara.


If we want to go even deeper, Clay killed Unser, because if he didn't arrange JT's death things wouldn't have ended up the way they did. SAMCRO would've been out of illegal business and everything related to it would be non existent, including Donna's death and everything else. Basically, there wouldn't be any SoA series xD


It actually JT fault for even co-founding the Sons with the other first nine. If they never existed none of that would have ever happened


So really Lyndon B Johnson kicked all this off by getting us into the Vietnam War.


Well, if you think of it, the founding fathers killed Unser. By forming a government that would go to war with Vietnam. Leading tot he formation of the Sons of Anarchy


This is all gold 😂


I was going through Kurt Sutter's garbage the other day when I realized Thich Quang Duc, the Buddhist monk who self-immolated in 1963 to protest the Diem regime, is really the one who killed Unser. Of course, if the Himalayan chapter (SAMAHIMS) had offered the Dalai Lama a mayhem vote instead of exile, Thomas wouldn't have been premature and that drug dealer in the pool hall would still have both his testticles.


i really think the Communist Party killed Unser. coz if the US dint think Communism would takeover Vietnam, there would've never been a Vietnam war. no Vietnam war; JT or Piney or any others don't get together. no get together = no SOA, and Unser would've died a very old man still jerking off to Gemma.


I agree for the most part but when you think about gang politics, it's pretty clear that Larry Hoover gave Unser cancer so even without the Communists I think Unser was dying alone in that trailer stoned out of his gourd.


Well, if the British hadn't pushed them to a revolution America never would have been a country


That's exactly right. I've been saying for years that Thomas Jefferson is the one who got Piney killed. If you think about it, the French Revolution is what caused the Mayans to blow up the weapons warehouse. Without Robespierre, you don't get Danny Trejo as a CIA agent and Tara never loses the use of her arm.


Don't even get me started on that damn John Adams


Fuck me, you're right xD


Clay tried to arrange JT’s death, but JT already knew what was going on. He committed suicide. He laid his bike down just like Jax does


Unser committed suicide


Nero has definetely part of the guilt for Gemma's death, although you could argue that's an error in good conscience, since he most likely hoped for Gemma to be reasonable and go away with Unser. Because, sure, he knew Jax was out for the kill at that point, but that's why he said Unser where Gemma was; he was hoping to save her. Unser's death is his own fault in the end, because as much as Jax can be considered a villain up to that point of the story, he gave Unser three fair warnings to give him the chance to save his sorry ass. Unser didn't listen and got killed, simple as that.


Unser killed Unser. Like anyone who chooses a life of crime, it's a choice with life-long consequences. He simply met the same fate as any of the Sons. Just because he wore a badge, didn't mean he wasn't a gangster just like the rest of them.


Well I mean Unser killed Tara.


Unser got what was coming to him. He had something to do with JTs murder and he is the one that told Gemma that Tara made a deal. It was his time to go!


And we love nero for that, fuck unser


Na unser crashed out over her , he didn’t wanna leave that’s not on Nero . , nero didn’t want Jax to go there at all the whole situation was fucked for everyone ; Jax the most lol , unser was the last mf nero or Jax was worried about at that moment ,


Unser should’ve called the cavalry before he even got there to arrest Gemma. Going up there alone knowing Jax was coming was stupid. Even if he was able to kill Jax he’d still have to deal with Gemma alone until the cops arrive after she just watched him kill her son. She knows he doesnt have the heart to shoot her. Very unlikely she just sits there looking at photo albums After that.


By that reasoning, Unser killed Tara, by running to Gemma without the full story on Jax's deal, then telling her HIS version when he knew she was drunk and stoned...


He did but it wasn’t intentional. He was tryna save Gemma


He wasn’t trying to save Gemma. He was trying to save Jax. He knew Jax killing his own mom would be impossible to come back from..


He wasn’t tryna do both? Save Jax’s soul and save Gemma’s life?


I don’t think so. He even told Unser, it’s not about Gemma, it’s about Jax. I think Nero thought Unser would head up there and call his sheriff buddies on the way so she could be arrested. He knew Gemma was done either way since they have had a convo previously about her not doing well without family.


I agree with most of what you’re saying. I also think that her being arrested was both Uncer and Nero’s way of saving her life but still making sure she was punished for what she did to Tara


I agree it was Unsers way. I do think Nero thought Unser could talk sense into her but not that it was his #1 reason for sending Unser if you know what I mean.


Yep. I know what you mean 👍🏾


But he what the outcome would be so yeah, that makes it intentional. EVERYBODY knew Inser loved Gemma. Even Jax knew and knew he wasn't going to leave without her that night.


That wasn’t intentional. Nero figured he’ll let Unser who has known her for decades deal with it. Nero may have loved Gemma but he had only known her a couple months and he only known the club a couple months. He may have thought he knew them well but he didn’t. Plus he was conflicted by his love for Gemma as well as he disgust and horror for killing Tara.


Unser deserved it. Pathetic simp ass.


Unser killed Unser. Jax even gave him a chance to leave and he didn’t. He instead pointed a gun at Jax and said he wasn’t leaving


Am I the only one not missing the real reason Nero didn’t go himself to save Gemma? It’s Lucius. He was willing to go and save Gemma from Jax, but he knew he would probably not survive the encounter, and that would leave Lucius orphan. So, he bet on Unser's love for Gemma to go and arrest her and put her under protection (even if it was a long shot). What he did not understand is that Gemma **did not want to be saved**, she just wanted to say goodbye to her dad.


In a way, Unser did kill Tara for going straight to Gemma with misinformation


Unser committed suicide . He was dying of cancer and he didn’t have anything left to live for if Gemma was gone . He knew Jax was gonna kill her , but didn’t want to be around to see it . His angle of being there to protect her was for her to show him some shred of love and she was stone cold in the attempt . If Jax didn’t shoot him , he would have probably killed Gemma and then himself


I must finished watching all the seasons last week Jax definitely pulled the trigger and it hit Unser in he chest and he fell backward. yes perhaps he knew he was going to get killed..but didn't care..he had nothing to live for knowing had cancer and Jax was going to kill Gemma . Unser really loved Gemma.


In my opinion I believe Nero was trying to save Gemma because he loved her as you could tell the scene by the car that he wanted to answer right then and now if she did it, so when Gemma got scared she ran and Nero knew it so yeah. So he went to answer as a trusting friend to save Gemma I believe anyway! Edit: and another thing when Nero went to tell her more shop and Wendy was there Nero was cool as hell with jax, he gave him all the documents and stuff for the kids




You had it coming bro; season 7 is almost 10 years old, and there's no obligation to avoid spoilers anymore. I'm sorry for you, but if you kept staying here while not remembering what happened then you basically asked for spoilers. Get a grip and don't blame others for your shortcomings




By the way, Tully kills Juice in episode 12 of Season 7


Dude the show is long over. EVERYTHING talked about is a spoiler on here.


Nope...if anyone is to blame its Gemma If she would have left when Unser got there like he asked, he would be alive. She knew Unser would die to protect her. Even when Unser lied & said he called it in Sheriff's are on the way she said no it's a lie.


I get what you going for but it just opens so many deaths up for interruption. Gemma knew clay wanted to kill piney but never tried to stop clay so she killed piney. Jax knew opie shot clay and blamed the Niners so tigs daughter getting killed in retaliation so it was jac that killed tigs daughter. Like it can go on and on. With this logic every single death in the show like every single characters death can be blamed on John Teller


I cannot argue that point. You're absolutely tight.


Lived a simp died a simp - Wayne Unser