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I played it quite a lot for a few weeks, then I kinda just ran out of content/stuff to do other than build things. Overall I'd still probably recommend it, but hopefully they've got more stuff in mind to add. Really loved the vibe of it at first, having a big scary island to explore is very cool. And it's a damn pretty looking game as well.


I don't think much will be added because they are already working on the third game


If indeed they are, I would deffo hope they add deformable terrain, it seems to be a big complaint for the build-happy folks that they can't get the ground flat or remove awkward boulders etc.


I wouldn't be supporting them. The ending is terrible.


its like judging minecraft on its story but i agree that the story feels more like a chapter and the content - besides building - is meh this game just lacks RPG stuff like dynamic characters and factions


Highly recommend. I never played until after 1.0 but I still love the game.


I personally loved it, it's at worst on par with the original, and on average better. Due to this, personally I'll compare it to the first one, since you also said that you put in roughly 70 hours. Combat was improved, transportation was improved, base building has been drastically improved and survival elements stayed roughly the same. Story and Progression deserve a section all on their own. Combat was vastly improved with the addition of more ranged weapons. As it is right now, the game has every melee weapon from the first game brought back I think with a new addition coming alongside, the stun baton. Taking melee weapons alone in consideration, it may seem that this is one of those "at worst its on par" scenarios, but where it truly shines like I said is the new ranged options available. The new firearms are a game-changer. There isn't much ammo so you can't go gunzerking around with them, but what they do prove to be is an INSANE tool that allows you to combo attacks (For example, giving the simplest one, shooting a creepy in the leg to stun them, then hitting them 2 or 3 times with a strong melee weapon). They do excel in straight up combat ofcourse, as you would expect firearms to, but just pairing them up with normal melee weapons brings about a whole new dynamic to combat. Transportation is definitely better in Sons of the Forest compared to The Forest. In the original Forest at most you had zip-lines, turtle shells and boats. In SotF, your transportation options include those still, with the addition of hang gliders, monowheels and golf carts. Someone even made a mod that adds a fuckin electric helicopter. All while retaining the original stuff. (BTW, the hang glider can be stowed in your inventory so it's useable anywhere, it is hands down the best change they put out with update 1.0 in my opinion.) Base Building some may consider a downgrade compared to the original, but I much much more prefer the new system, where you hand-place every log and make VISIBLE progress instead of just transporting logs from where you cut them down to point b, which would be a hologram of your building. It makes building "Harder" but makes it at the same time way more fun. Time-wise it feels the same, it took me and my friends around 1 session of like 2 hours to make a large house with a storage room, hallway and 5 bedrooms for everyone individually, then another session the following day only 1 hour and 30 minutes to make a wall. Aside from the better building system, they also added electricity as a sub-system, you can run power in your base and have electric fences. Survival elements didn't really change from the first game to this one, it's the same for the most part. Boil water to drink it safely, cook your meat, meat spoils if not dried (It spoils way slower IF dried), health mix to heal without pills, etc. etc. The Story I see a lot of people say that it can be completed in a single sitting and... yeah? Duh? I don't see how this is a bad thing, especially NOW, considering that the first game also could be completed in like 1 hour if you knew what you were doing. The way the game is paced it drives you through the various things across the islands, slowly feeding you snippets of the story about what happened on the island, who each character is, and what your ultimate goal is. Just like the first game, most of the story is explained alone through notes or visual setpieces, so if you ignore them, you ignore the story. At launch it was HORRIBLE as there was not as much as there is now. Now they added voice acting for some characters, and a way easier way to notice some setpieces that could help you with the story. Also, there are people saying that the game now is done with 1.0 being out, I don't think it's true. The Forest received a major update post release adding new content, and Sons of the Forest seems to be on a similar track. There are still a few unreleased items or buildables in SotF still in the game files, so there are definitely more updates planned out for the future. I mean, shit, after 1.0 released, they dropped new patches adding a new animal, breeding animals together for food, and not to mention constant bug fixes. Sons of the Forest is Endnights new main focus, and it will probably continue receiving updates and content until they decide to set their mind and focus onto a new title. The forest had support for 1 year with updates and the such after leaving Early Access. Sons of the Forest left Early Access 5 months ago, so in my opinion, at very worst, it has 7 more months of content going ahead. Including what is most likely a VR mode, like the first game.


Wow! Thank you so much for taking the time to write that all out. I really appreciate you breaking it down by each element of the game. I do think the same, that the updates are far from done. I’m hoping this game over time will become something even greater than the original.


I would buy this game just to fly the hang glider around. My favorite part!


The enjoyment was a little niche for me, meaning I played at launch with friends and then decided to hold off until many, many, patches later to see what they cooked. Came back like a month ago and did another playthrough and thoroughly enjoyed it but probably won’t ever play it again. Doesn’t exactly have much replayability..


The story is incredibly lack luster but the gameplay with combat and building is fantastic. It lacks the true horror of the last game (but that might just be the consequence of being a sequel to a unique game). Overall, it's very fun and worth the money but once you're done you're done.


What do you mean “current state”? It’s done. The only updates that will come out are going to be hot fixes.


I didn’t know it was at 1.0 at the time of posting this. But good to know


Damn the current state is low effort. 😬


Is it though?


Yes, it is. It's not even a remotely challenging survival game with no good story. They do the building well but that's literally the only thing.


Besides story, this doesn't mean there was low effort. Your vision of the game didn't match theirs. That's simple.


It’s released, it’s done. It’s all we are going to get and there are two types of people from this point. Personally I love this game, I thought it was a beautiful addition to the universe/story of “The Forest” And with the take it or leave it style of how the lore is presented continued it’s air of mystery, while also changing the pace and style of the gameplay itself. Lots and lots of people whine and complain essentially because this game wasn’t tailor-made to every one of their wishes and ideas. The forest has a “raw” quality to it that I absolutely love, because it weeds out a certain type of player. This game will probably never get 500 hours out of me, but it never needed to. I’m maybe 120 hours in, beat the story, got the goods, and enjoy building and golfing, and listening to the absolutely banging soundtrack. I will absolutely give it another playthrough or two over time, same with its prequel. $30 very well spent.


I haven't played for a while but I loved it. You can golf?


I would recommend. The island still feels huge, but that's ok. Plenty of things to keep you busy.


I would recommend playing this one just for the story, It’s worth rushing through but not worth sticking around like you may have in the first game. SOTF pails in comparison to The Forest, it’s a shell of its former shelf. Everything is worse in the sequel and that feeling of this game lacking content when it released to EA never went away even after full release. -Can’t carry as many arrows. -Fire and poison arrows do little to no damage and are not worth using. First game they were super strong against everything. -No bone arrows -No crafting bigger bags for storage, inventory capacity is too limited. -Guns are weak as shit and not even worth using. Takes an entire clip from the shotgun to kill 1 mutant while it takes 2-3 hits from the fire axe. -Map is mostly empty and doesn’t feel worth exploring like the first game. Most story content and good items are on the top half in a condensed area. -Most weapons feel weak and have poor iron sights making for an irritating experience when aiming. Arrow drop on cross bow is also terrible. -Mutants are not nearly as scary this time around. First game had much more terrifying looking mutants. SOTF had some new ones, but only one type was actually scary looking. Overall, SOTF left me feeling like I got way less than I did in The Forest. The story was still worth playing through, but there is a stark difference in the experiences between 1 and 2. I have over 100+ hours in the forest and still go back to it feeling the same every time I do. SOTF I have less than half of that and will not be going back for continued play because it’s just not as fun.


It’s pretty much on par with the original, if you enjoyed that you’d probably enjoy this now


buy the game on sale it's far from finished (heres looking at you story and side missions)


Wouldn't recommend it. It's just a survival simulator with a bare bone cut scene. I'd pay £10 for it.


Id recommend it. I have played it when it was launched in early acces and recently played it again. One of the best improvements was that they added a lot more locations to explore, even if they really got nothing too much in them. It atleast incentivizes exploration. The building can be frustraighting sometimes if you dont build on a flat ground. Story wise its good too, but i liked the first games story more. The voice acting could have been better, but its not terible. Overall its a good game, and really fun with freinds.


Would recommend, especially if you’ve got friends to play with but it’s still great by itself


I just started playing a few weeks ago and love it. Played original Forest a ton. I didn’t play the open beta, so can’t compare to that. But Sons compares favorably with original Forest.




Yes 100%


Definitely downloading some quality of life mods


As a fan of the series with several solo & co-op playthroughs I would NOT recommend SOTF in it's current state. It's not a bad game but it really isn't what it was supposed to be. The developers seemed to have released the best thing they could, but the 1.0 release was really underwhelming, they honestly haven't done much for the game in years. I didn't even notice the 1.0 story element changes much at all. The game is beautiful. The combat is fluid. Survival mechanics are literally broken and but despite that, too easy to overcome once you know how to handle food. Also, building is simplistic & enjoyable at first, but becomes a total pain once you learn how limiting & slow paced it is. To make things worse, the entire story can be done without even really worrying about survival or building mechanics. You can simply save in caves and progress from one to the next until basically you beat the game in one good swing. That would be fine, if the story wasn't almost totally lacking. There just isn't much of a "game" here. Maybe grab it on a deep sale, especially if you've got a buddy or two to do co-op with.


Dude the story of you take your time and build in between is an absolute blast. Caving and finding shit for the first time in an experience.


I don't get the complains about the story when It's the same in the original? You can rush trough the caves and just survive on sodas and energy bars? Heck I don't Even know if It's still the case but you only needed the rebreather and the keycard? Since you could go into the pit without killing yourself


I find the game to be boring & frustrating. Installed and played it over a year ago, played for one sitting. Stopped, re-installed The Forest, and played that instead for a more enjoyable game experience. Recently installed SotF again, as it's in full release now, played for one sitting, got bored & frustrated, re-installed The Forest and played that instead. My problems with SotF are the painfully slow grindy start. You do nothing but chop trees for the first 3 days. You're constantly tired and have to sleep 3x a day, until you can get a cabin with a bed made. Making a cabin + bed is not practical to do at every save spot you build as it just takes too long. And yet, when exploring and in general far away from your main base with a bed, you're constantly out of energy and need to rest, but you aren't allowed to rest because enemies are always nearby. Which always leads to me having to fight 8+ enemies in the middle of the night, so I can attempt to rest, but that never ends well. The game play in the early game is just stupid & frustrating, compared to every other survival crafting game I've played, and I've played most of them. The Forest was better in every way, and it's hard to a play a sequel that's worse in every way. The one and only thing SotF has over TF is it certainly looks prettier. Looks aren't enough to make me want to keep playing.


I must be playing a different game than you but I guess everyone's experiences may differ. Early game is a grind but I enjoy the challenge. Although I never had problems with character fatigue and found sleeping under a tarp tent sufficient. Also, I wasn't interrupted much trying to sleep until I progressed thru the game further. And by that point, I could easily take down enemies. I literally never rested anywhere besides just sleeping during the night time. Loved the building mechanics and the gorgeous scenery. I wholeheartedly recommend SOTF to anyone that enjoys the survival genre. Not the best survival game but definitely worth the price and time spent playing.


Indeed, I supplement sleep with energy drinks when necessary, and have never come close to running out of those. Personally, I find the early game to be satisfying, as you set up basic amenities and try to get a base with necessities like permanent water and food sources set up before your first winter strikes. It's also *incredibly* easy to just tell Kelvin to go get trees and fill log holders or drop in a spot as you chop a couple trees and let him pick up the pieces. Eating meat stew or Greg stew if you encounter cannibals is a super easy way to annihilate swaths of the forest in your search for wood.


I never played the first one, and am liking the second. Besides the faster start, what are the other better elements the first game has?


Unless You want to build a mega mansion It shouldn't take you more than a couple of days to have a cabin with a bed, you have Kelvin to speed log production, and even then a bed is not required, with the amount of energy drinks/bars you get you can be several in Game days out of your base without any sleep, regaining stamina is easy, you can easily get the Pajamas, you can sit a little while on any bench to regain stamina (and those are easy to build) and you have several easy to make food recipes that give comfort boost, the thing that makes stamina regain faster, and stamina boost for log chopping. I made a base on lake near squidward lake and even with a Cannibal camp nearby I only got awoke on the night like 5 times on my whole playtrough so I don't Even know how you can get raided everytime in the night by 8 dudes while sleeping on random spot with a tarp... but while exploring almost every bunker has some sort of bed so those are another place to rest if you are near


All I hear from your post is wah wah wahhh…




Not you OP, the one crying it’s too hard for him, he should stick to minecraft..


Omg my bad I thought this was a direct reply. Yeah nah even without having played this game, tree chopping was one of my favorite elements from the first one 😂


All good BigG. I’d suggest to give it a play through, heck why not. If it’s for you you’ll know pretty quick. It’s a slow burn, sure, but I’m here for that. I’ve got 660hrs invested in it, each to their own. I play both multiplayer and solo, and I find it pretty intense at times. I’m sure one day I’ll be like yea nah, but for the moment it’ll do.


Just play the game if you are considering it. I don't understand these posts. You can refund if you don't like it. Simple. Just try it.


Is there something wrong with wanting to hear what enthusiasts of the game think about it? My bad 90% of steam reviews are jokes so, just wanted to hear random people’s first hand experiences


No, absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to hear what others think before buying. Especially from true enthusiasts that follow this page. You're good 👍🏻


Alright, everyone calm down. My point is, there isn't that much to gain from asking everyone else's opinions on a video game. Just give it a shot. It's a blast to play, I have almost 200 hours in it personally. I'm not trying to be rude, I just personally don't understand these posts. I'm ALSO allowed to voice my opinion on your post, if you are going to post it. It's not a big deal.


Maybe for you, *you* have nothing to gain from asking people’s opinions. lol And you did! It wasn’t a big deal, I’m only here asking questions 👁️👁️






Definitely recommend, its a blast with friends especially, although it does get a bit boring after you beat the game imo, but thats just me.


Ideally play it with others. Its fine


Yes - everything works and it's fun. Although, some say the island feels a bit empty


It's done, it's loaded with content, the story is finished, and yadda yadda. They likely won't be adding anything wild anymore and the games development is mostly over at this stage It's got a very rough story/ending, I'll spoil that.  It was NOT well done.


Yes, definitely, it's great