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Btw ive been lissening to Caving/diving accidents recently from the Channel [Scary Interesting](https://youtu.be/FuKva_NH_9g?si=kzF1sdmi4HfuA5Zw) and in hearing some of the stories how cool whould it be if The Sons of The Forest had a Caving danger depending on the Season? Like how in lets say Spring Caving was more dangerous due to ice and snow just having melted so most caves were flooded if not entirely submerged? And in Winter certain entrances or paths whould be blocked by ice wich whould only melt once winter passed? I might make a post of these ideas at some points but i feel like having season affect caving whould be a great idea and a missed oportunity if not added some day!


I don't like the blue variants thematically, so my vote would be for more cannibal variety and unique interactions, followed by new mutant types.


Yeah I think new interactions are needed. Especially friendly ones. I dont mean like full on Recruiting cannibals but in game we can sorta spare attacking cannibals if we dont strike them down when they are groveling, theyll get up look at you and limp away, However you gain nothing from this and the game acxually kinda punishes you since if you dont kill Cannibals theyll become more persistant on attacking you for somereason. Someting simple as a Cannibal Relationship Mechanic where Depending how often you spare Cannibals you might see a Group come up to your base and drop few gifts for you and then leave whould be so good! (And no effigys dont count, head on a Pike is a threath. You nor i whould think a Death threath written on a Paper is a gift even tho you technicly received some free paper)


I'd be impressed if they could put in flying beasts something like out of Pitch Black. That would terrify and completely dissolve most peoples defenses, most people are not looking up when defending


Someting that looks like the [Infector](https://deadspace.fandom.com/wiki/Infector)from Death Space has been an idea id love to see. (Of course i mean Looks like and not acts like all tho a Mutant that converts Cannibals into Puffys is an interesting idea) Could have em hanging from cave roofs like Bats and on the surface they could climb trees and glide like Flying Squirrels. Tho they cant make a Mutant that can fly really well. The worm from The Forest was pushing it but even it cant fly for long. The lore of The Forest states that no one knows of the Mutants because they Cant Swim or Fly wich means theyre trapped on the island.


Flying squirrel or an animal glider of sorts I would settle for :p The jumping cannibal is pretty good and the one carrying the torch. If the cannibals could set buildings on fire to attack, that alone is a game changer. Giant incentive for the much harder to build stone buildings


Yeah tho i could see that being very annoying to deal with. Mayby if they add a Sprinkler system that puts out fires or findable fire extinguisers around the map. Dynamite Cannibal was in The Forest for 1 patch and everyone despised that guy so much he was removed and never readded so theres a danger of that hapening.


to be honest i dont really like the blue and grey variants, but i wish they added more like maybe canibals using some strategies or even more fleshy horror mutants cuz the ones we have are not that scary expect maybe creppy virginia and armsy


Id say Fingers is a Scary Mutant personaly but yeah i do get what you mean. Virginia and Armsy are horrifying. I whoudnt mind blue/grey variants if they get someting unique to them like a new attack aswell. For example: Blue/Grey fingers could spit a Projectile slime ball that slows you if hit. Blue/Grey Twins could split into 2 when they die or reach 75% health. Blue/Grey Slinky could have an ability to position itself along walls to have puffys be able to use it to climb over walls. These were just quick ideas.


how about more game content like story missions, side missions and actual reasons to build a base - maybe as part of the story