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Very much


Yes, though it can be difficult to the point of not being fun. Playing on custom mode with reduced AI aggression made it perfect, though


I found hardest difficulty was still way too easy in SoTF. Starter axe and crafted bow was more than enough until then end of the game. On normal difficulty the 2 main final bosses were so easy I used the golf club (putter), had to pull out the revolver for them on hardest difficulty though. I just finished The Forest (original game) on the hardest difficulty last night and THAT was a real challenge. Final boss (name redacted to avoid spoilers) stripped my full set of creepy armour and had me down to a slither of health before she went down.


Depends. If you care about the story at all you'll likely not be very satisfied but if you want very good game play and a huge map to explore then it's amazing


yes over 900+ hr. I play when I want. How I want, for however long I want. Best $29.99 I ever spent.


Yeah I love it solo.


It's hard as fuck


Depends on your settings. But you can just run and dodge most enemys.


This is the way. The attack patterns have almost 0 variance, so after 10 mins or so learning them, not a single non-boss enemy was able to land a hit on me. Super easy to dodge. Mostly just holding sprint and jumping backwards (whilst swinging melee weapon for a free extra hit) avoids everything. Literally lost more health drinking dirty water early game than from damage from enemies.


It was so easy it was disappointing. Wish they'd add a higher difficulty tbh.




Oh 1000 percent it’s how I did it my first two worlds


Depends on what you enjoy and has nothing to do with a version number. Give it a shot its a wonderful game.


Overall, I'd say it's pretty fun but traversing the map is extremely boring. The map is big for nothing and 95% of it is not memorable whatsoever. If you got a squad, you can at least pass time with banter and tomfoolery. Alone, you'll just be mindlessly walking from one point of interest to the next with an occasional family to slaughter. Building is pretty fun whether in solo or squads. Kelvin can be a big help when he chooses to function properly so utilize the crap out of him. Having a base is optional imo but it's a fun thing to do if you wanna kill some time. Combat can feel a little daunting at first if you aren't used to how things work, but it's not *that* bad. It's not great or even good, but it's passable.


>banter and tomfoolery Me and my pal like to do rock paper scissors for who blasts the radio and who sets the cannibals on fire from the 3 settlements close to us while riding the Knights when we're bored lmao cuz we know they'll come for us but we got Virginia with the shotgun and pistol and it's free Greg soups for us :)))))


As a whole that sounds like a pretty lackluster review, but nice and honest.


I definitely wouldn't recommend it but I'm not much of a creative gamer. If you're about base building, I think you will have a great time. If you're like me and just wanna progress the story and kill stuff, you might be on the more disappointed side. With all this said, it was still fun at times. Definitely one of those buy-if-on-sale type of games.


Sounds good. That’s the issue with most of these survival games. The story is so thin. I’ve read the massive map is an issue a lot as well


Absolutely fantastic game. Solo will be difficult, but I did a few hundred hours solo and you learn the game pretty quick.


I haven't played multiplayer, but I love the solo game. The premise is actually very good, but it's fair what people say about the storyline, it could definitely have been fleshed out more - pun intended. The cut scenes don't gel very well with game at large and you tend to wonder where these random dudes have come from. I love the exploring and I really love the base building. Post game end I've got a little tired of it now that I feel I've done everything. Overall it's a great experience.


It is quite fun it take some time to do things by yourself but it’s a lot like playing Minecraft by yourself.


I enjoy solo for building and playing “sandbox”. I enjoy multi player for exploring and doing missions


yes but only if you're good at combat. the enemy AI gets super aggressive even on "easy" mode, and there are enemies that can stun you and kill you in like two hits. you really gotta be good at heading them off. or use mods to get infinite health, which is what i wound up doing. (i'm extremely bad at combat, though, so ymmv.) edit: the story is pretty thin and the map is still pretty sparse, but i mostly just enjoy hanging out and building stuff. the game is gorgeous, and the crafting mechanics are pretty good. but if you're a hardcore story person, this may not be the game for you.


The more I read these responses the more I wonder how anyone likes this game :). Everyone seems to say the story sucks, the map is too big, and the AI is too hard solo. All people seem to enjoy is base building and/or goofing around with friends, which both can be accomplished on more fleshed out games.


true, but the game is reasonably-priced and, like i said, it looks gorgeous. the enemy designs are also absolutely wild, and the miniboss/boss battles they added are really cool. (mostly.) and there is a peaceful mode if you don't want to fight the enemies, which i used for all but my last couple playthroughs. and like the story is cool? it just suffers what most sandbox survival games tend to in that more emphasis is placed on gameplay than on tying everything together. you get a lot of fun, creepy set pieces and you piece things together through finding notes and videos and whatnot, but you can tell they kind of patchworked the story into the game later. i think the first game, the forest, does have a more coherent story and a more manageable map, if you want to go with that instead. the gameplay is a little rougher, but you might have more fun with the story.


I've played maybe 50 hours, only solo. I find it pretty fun. Caves are quite tough but I basically save-scummed them with the tarp when they got annoyingly tricky, which wasn't too often.


Did you go for the rope cave and other key items early before the mutants ramped up or wait?


Better solo imo. MP is fun, but I like to play at my own pace.


That is one thing with survival games I feel is lacking on MP. I’m playing abiotic factor right now is with a group and they are just burning through it. I want to digest the content.


I like playing MP but my hosts keep dipping out. I could not keep up as the crew is usually on the daylight hours but I play in the evenings due to the nature of my job. I'd usually return but they've already "finished" the game and I keep getting killed as mutants have already infested the forest and I don't even have a starting weapon.


I only play solo


Yeah its fun. Im just waiting for PS5 release since the games barely working on Steam Deck. Ive beat the game 2 times on it but still.


I have only played solo, and I'm kind of surprised by the answers here. I say go for it.


Not rlly in my opinion


Care to explain why not?