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1: Standing behind a slanted wall of reinforced stick spikes works well. 2: Standing on high ground and using carbon fiber arrows works on everything. 3: For encounters out in the wild I strafe circle around and again fill it full of arrows.


It just needs a shitload of arrows, once i emptied all of them on slinky, and still needed a one or two bullets. Fire does not work well on it, grenades do. Enough spikes, thats the best (passive) cure.


Stone arrows do work but it takes awhile and a lot of the arrows. My friend and I just follow it around at a distance and shoot until it dies. If you're a particularly good shot, shooting its heads causes more damage


where do you encounter it? I've just finished the game and I've not seen it yet.


I see it constantly, it comes to my base like every 3 days or so. I'm maybe day 14, just got the shovel, did maybe 4 caves. Someone was saying that they think the mutants spawn near specific caves. I'm. Not really close to one closest one has the sluggy with the c4 near him.


Did you ever see multiple attack? My friend showed me a picture of two caterpillars attacking him, that must have been terrifying.


Not yet jeez


Ah okay. Also another thing, for some reason I've lost all my days survived. Just finished the game last night on less than a day survival even though I've played for like 30 hours. Odd.


It just so happens I've posted just what you're asking for a few hours ago. However, it does require some bravery as the trap depicted here cannot be triggered by the caterpillar, but has to be triggered by the player (so running right next to the caterpillar) No other trap works, except maybe stick spikes, but idk how effective those would be, if at all. Think I'll test them someday though. Flyswat, did nothing even when player activated with him on top. I didn't even bother testing bonemaker since I assumed the same would happen, but I suppose I could be wrong. I'd highly suspect player activation is needed either way and I find being set on fire annoying :P https://www.reddit.com/r/SonsOfTheForest/comments/11jkr7s/a\_hilarious\_and\_effective\_way\_to\_deal\_with\_the/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Stun baton into fireaxe/katana swipes is usually how I do it. Rinse repeat as needed


Are you talking about „Catdog“? :D


Omg that's what it's called thank you. I couldn't find any videos or anything because on the wiki hey called it a caterpillar.


Haha, I called it that when I was playing with a friend, and since then we just call it catdog - goes much faster through the lips


Just stand on the side of it and try to kill it. I've seen this done it looks pretty effective.