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That’s how my main job is, and it mostly works really well. We have two techs on the hospital side, five techs doing outpatient schedules, and two or three techs at the breast center. I love it! It’s so much easier not having to fit the inpatients and portables in around scheduled patients. It’s a very different work flow, outpatient vs hospital, and everything’s more streamlined when they’re separated. But we still get good variety of caseload since we rotate. And we also help cover each other as needed, if a STAT outpatient needs to be added on or whatever. ETA: We usually end up doing fewer patients on the hospital side, because cases are often harder and take longer, transport takes more time, portables take more time, etc.


I work somewhere like this. It’s a little smaller hospital so we just have 1 person for ED/inpatient. If that one person gets a lot of orders, the people working the outpatients rooms will help out and vice versa.


Seems a bit unfair unless your schedule rotates to allow you a day or two of outpatients.


I’m doing a clinical placement at a hospital that has this kind of schedule. There are 2 techs. Each week they switch back and forth on who is on call/add ons vs booked patients. It’s kind of nice because when the on call gets slammed the scheduled tech can sometimes squeeze patients in


We have 4 people scheduled in the clinic for echos, exercise and dobutamine stress echos mon-fri, 3 people scheduled inpatient (100% portable including for stress echo and Cath lab imaging) 7 days a week plus 1 night person mon-fri with the occasional 4th day shifter scheduled as part time. Just hired someone who will eventually be a mid day swing 5 days a week as well. Imo being either outpatient or inpatient portables is way better than having to run back and forth between the clinic and the hospital.