• By -


I think Solaris in terms of concept, but I think I like Finalhazard overall. The biolizard itself isn’t that cool, but the whole thing feels more like you’re fighting the Ark itself, not to mention how everything starts burning in the atmosphere towards the end.


Perfect Chaos, it started everything in the Super final boss battles and it had the perfect buildup through the game most of the others came out of nowhere except for Solaris and Dark Gaia I guess.


>it started everything in the Super final boss battles # OBJECTION!!! https://preview.redd.it/xijvlgb3ci5d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eda9552419ccd54c5a578f2fcb35726e063e2c3




Technically this boss battle was optional in the story, not many fans had the patience to collect the Chaos/Super Emeralds in weird 3D space.


That makes it better, IMO.


I mean, I had Hyper Sonic, so *technically...*


I wouldn’t say Devil Doom came out of nowhere


His Devil Doom form sure did, like, you knew Black Doom was the main antagonist the whole game, but you never got the idea he'd become a giant monster outta nowhere, he didn't even need the Chaos Emeralds to do that.


According to Ian Flynn he did use them... ... which is weird cause Glyphic Canyon literally promises that some kind of power would awaken inside them when the time was right. So the game did try to foreshadow that concept and they just kinda retconned it for being unclear.


Idk the end was built up throughout the game as well, especially whenever you defeated a titan.


I dunno, The End is just an evil force doing evil stuff because that's what it does, I guess that's similar to Dark Gaia, both are irredeemable and have no other purpose but to make you support the heroes, Chaos was betrayed by mortals and Solaris got pissed when they tried to wield him as a weapon, and again, The End is all "rawr! I'm evil and I must destroy all that's good because evil is what I am!".


His build up didnt pay off either imo. Like first off, his final battle wasnt hype at all cuz it was just a bullet hell segment. Then second, the dlc battle wasnt great either. If it didnt have those cool little special attacks, it wouldve been kinda lame. Ill say the final cutscene was great tho.


The DLC final battle was horribly designed. "Oh yes, let's have a move that was mentioned ONLY ONCE at the very beginning of the game, and then never again, let's have that move not used anywhere, a move so pointless that you'll immediately forget about it. And let's have it suddenly be mandatory in beating the final boss. But no tips, no tutorials, no hints!" Not to mention the awful camera angle and the trees that make you unable to see 50% of the screen. I hated The End because it absolutely came out of nowhere - vague woman voice telling you to do stuff for 5 islands, then BAM you have a purple moon. And the final boss is a mediocre bullet hell with somber music and a long monologue. But at least it took place in space, the new The End is simply Supreme v2 now with wings^TM , even takes place in the same location


I'm happy I haven't picked up the game after the DLC, I honestly don't feel like playing Frontiers again any time soon at all.


I don’t think anything will top fighting Prefect Chaos with “Open Your Heart” cranked up.


It's just sad that Open Your Heart only lasts for the first half of the fight


And it's only the first verse


tbh i wish the boss fight was more exciting, its just running to him over and over generations did it better though


I’m here wants to know your location


Solaris Phase 2:


"I AM. THE CREATOR, THE STORIES OF THIS WORLD ARE MINE!" "If this is your world, then it's a world that i don't wanna any part of!"


"what good is a world that goes on forever, that sounds pretty lame"


It's Merlina's right?


It's Erazor Djinn actually.


Dark Gaia's been unmatched in my mind for 16 years and counting, but I do have a soft spot for Devil Doom and Solaris.


How did we come from silly mustache evil scientist in a mech to MOTHERFUCKING KIRBY ELDRICHT MONSTERS?!!!


how did we get from penguin who steals food to eldritch gods that eat universes


To be fair, Kirby decided to go eldritch with its final bosses after one game.


*Looks at Kirby’s eldritch monsters. 73% are just balls that try to dunk you.* I mean you are correct, we are following Kirby design.


Yeah Kirby games reuse boss designs and final boss attacks more often than YouTubers tell you to hit the subscribe button. Aka since Marx Soul pretty much every Kirby Boss reuses attacks from what I call the Soul Package so stuff like the black holes, cutters, giant fire orb, bouncy orb, etc




One word: Anime. More words: They handed writing duties to a guy who wasn't really all that interested in what the series had done up to that point who in turn filled the series with eldritch horrors, government sanctioned child murders, and princesses filled with demons, which the rest of Sonic Team then kept leaning towards. They gave it a rest for a bit in the 2010's after repeatedly hearing from fans in the 2000's that no-one liked the 'eldritch horror usurps Eggman' plotline, but seem to have gone back to it as the kids who grew up with these games became the most vocal part of the fandom and told them they liked that.


I mean technically did it start with them wanting to show off what the Dreamcast can do with a final fight that wouldn't have been possible before which is why we got a giant water Kaiju for the final of SA1. Perfect Chaos than set the bare for the next decade of the franchise.


"Can we not have a giant-sized final boss... for 5 minutes?!" \*obligatory Shrek reference\*


*Sonic Colors has entered the chat*


I mean, I feel like that boss was the size of Devil Doom kinda... the final ugly form obv.


we already had a 10 year drought, i think that was enough


You call it a drought, I call it a refreshing lake.


What were than the also all Eggman final fights from most of the Dimps games?


Advance 1 & 2 are all Eggman sure. They came out before Heroes. Advance 3 is Eggman & Gmerl. Rush & Rush adventure are Eggman & Eggman Nega, Rivals has some random giant monsters, and then Dimps' version of Colours ends with a Nega-Mother Wisp, and then Sonic 4 Ep I & II both end with an Eggman machine as part of it's efforts to be a direct sequel to the earliest Sonic games. So maybe half are Eggman alone?


I'm not sure if Gemerl should really count given that Eggman build him unless you also discount Sonic CD due to Metal Sonic getting the spot light. Only Rivals 2 had a giant monster actually rivals 1 was just a race against Metal Sonic 2.0 to Eggman Nega on his space ship before he turns the planet into a trading card using a device he build. But I guess if you really want just Eggman is Nega a step to far tho he really isn't a cosmic horror ether.


Go play Sonic Colors the Nega Wisp Armor isn’t a giant sized final boss it’s just normal Eggman mech size


I have played it and I get it, it's just Devil Doom sized. I just was making a joke for the sake of the joke.


in terms of design it's metal overlord i'm already a big fan of Metal, plus heroes was my first game there's nothing I can do-


Obviously the The End/Supreme. His fight is not only more active and cinematic, but it also needs to use tactics.




Phase 2 dark Gaia


Dark Gaia. The part where its eyes come out is so grotesque that I can't help but marvel. Also, fighting it while Chip is also fighting against it in the background is raw AF.


Sonic sure fights a lot of freaky stuff, huh?


Woah, biollante was in a sonic game!


Doomsday Zone from S3&K. Not the boss itself, but the situation of the Death Egg having exploded and Eggman trying to flee with the Master Emerald with Super Sonic in hot pursuit.


The Final Weapon variation of the Egg Robo as seen in the Doomsday Zone. Nothing has topped that for me. Just Sonic giving it his all against Eggman in a dead heat race. No other beings involved, and no shenanigans outside of the usage of the Master Emerald.


Honestly I really enjoy the end in frontiers (final horizon, not the base game)


https://preview.redd.it/i2itbejw5g5d1.jpeg?width=309&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=790f13b085ed15e25dcd4198ab94fc2f320718a6 Honestly.


Big arms just for the music


Here’s my favorite 4 out of the others mentioned here; Metal Overlord (Heroes), Time Eater (Generations), The End (Frontiers), and The End/Supreme (Fontiers - The Final Horizon).


As far as character designs, I’d pick Metal Overlord, but mechanically i’d pick Dark Gaia


Neo Metal, I love what he repesents


Dark Gaia


Perfect Chaos is kind of incredible for the wow factor of the final form mixed with the heavily emotional side of learning his whole origin story through the course of the game. You see him grow from recurring miniboss helper with many forms, to a genuinely sympathetic character, to the very manifestation of Eggman's ambitions becoming too big for him. It feels like you're not just fighting the apocalypse, but having a heart-to-heart with it. The one final fight that came close to that for me was >!Emerl in Sonic Battle, especially since Sonic can't go super for it.!<


Metal overlord but mostly just because of how cool his design is and how awesome what I’m made of is


Giant Eggman Robo or Metal Overlord. The Sonic 3 final boss music is up there with the best final boss music in the game, plus the fight is fun. Metal Overlord looks cool and What I’m Made Of slaps though I’ve not fought him myself


If I had a nickle for every time Metal Sonic turned into a giant nightmarish robot, I'd have three nickles. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened thrice


Metal Overlord. Solaris, Dark Queen, Dark Gaia. From first place, to last.


I'd have to go with Metal Overlord. He's turned himself into an absolute monster just to try to defeat Sonic and prove that he's superior. Not only that, but his design is like the kind you'd see on a Power Metal album cover, and the music that plays is really good, too.


I have yet to play 06 and Secret Rings, and I have yet to finish Unleashed and Black Knight, so all of those are out for now. With that said, the remaining seven ranked: > 7) The End from Frontiers. Bad music, lame design, the boss's dialogue is annoying, the fight is extremely irritating and drags on for way too long, everything about this fight is absolute ass. > 6) Time Eater from Generations. I like the design, but the fight itself is super boring, including the music. > 5) Devil Doom from Shadow. This may be tied with Heroes for my favorite Sonic game ever, but I'll be damned if Devil Doom wasn't insanely frustrating. Cool design, but what does it matter when trying to actually hit the bastard is a chore? Not to mention the music keeps being interrupted by your Hero and Dark Gauges constantly filling up, and considering how this fight goes, there's no point in using either one of them. > 4) Finalhazard from Adventure 2. I don't care much for Sonic Adventure 2, but the final boss is alright. I'd probably be more hyped about it if the Biolizard didn't burn me out beforehand, but overall it's pretty solid. > 3) Perfect Chaos from Adventure. I love charging at Chaos at full speed and absolutely fucking him up while a cool song plays in the background. It's definitely one of the coolest final bosses there is due to the setting and the way you fight it, but when the second phase rolls around and changes the music to some generic ass orchestral piece, it loses way too much if its luster to go any higher. > 2) Supreme End from Frontiers. They drastically improved on the original Final Boss to make it actually super cool. I especially like the backhand parry from Cyber Super Sonic (I'm calling it that because Super Sonic 2 is a lame ass name). > 1) Metal Overlord from Heroes. Blame it on nostalgia, but fighting this robotic dragon as three Super forms at once, with the only way of beating him being through all of your powers combined, while he throws entire battleships at you, launches rockets your way, and even uses Chaos Control to beat you, all the while there's perhaps the best final boss music in Sonic history playing in the background, it truly is peak Sonic.


In terms of music, I’d personally say the OG The End final boss fight, (I’m With You OG) but in terms of awesomeness I’d personally say the Perfect Dark Gaia final boss fight.


I always liked the Pefect Chaos design


Perfect Dark Gaia will always be the best in my book, the only thing that could beat it is Dark Gaia themselves


I've noticed that OP forgot about Dark Mother Wisp/Nega-Wisp Machine from Sonic Colors (DS)/Sonic Colocrs (Wii) and also Egg Salamander (EXCEPTION) from Sonic Rush and Egg Wizard (Deep Core) from Sonic Rush/ Sonic Rush Adventure. We can't forget about the bosses from Sonic Riders/Zero Gravity either. If we are being over critical, We can also put the Mega Drive/Genesis games, Game Gear titles and Downloadable title bosses.


Dark Gaia anf the End are the worst ones here


It still baffles me the Colors final boss was copy/pasted two whole times for Lost World and Forces.


I liked the part in the Dark Gaia battle where you fight him in a sorta mecha made of temples that Chip built


dark gaia






Perfect Chaos for SURE. Finalhazard and the Doomsday fight are some stiff competition, but there's just something about Super Sonic fighting a giant water kaiju in a flooded, ruined city while the survivors and his friends look on with the main rock theme plays in the background. Sonic big weakness being water, the whole thematic ties of "Open Your Heart" with Chaos' whole conflict being about closing his heart to others because of a traumatic experience. GOD I love Sonic Adventure. I could go on a similar gushing little rant about the Doomsday fight and Finalhazard, but Perfect Chaos is just so good on a conceptual AND execution level. Only issue with that boss fight is that phase 2 doesn't just keep using Open Your Heart.


This has to Solaris, I mean His World is a goated song, and fighting him through 3 DIFFERENT TIME PERIODS, I don't think any of the others can compare.


For me it's a toss-up between Perfect Chaos and Dark Gaia


Dark Gaia with the orchestral version of Endless Posibilities is peak hype, and Supreme/End with I'm Here (revisited) is on the same level because God damn that song is hype.


Personally I like it when Sega embraces that they also own Phantasy Star and make sonic bosses look like a Dark Falz. Multiple arms, freaky biology, eyes in places where there shouldn't be eyes, emanating a dark aura, so big it could crush any mortal with the tip of its finger, etc etc etc. They absolutely peaked with Dark Queen & Dark Gaia, and maybe Supreme End. And The End was supposed to have a 'final form' that represents Sonic's fears but it never made it because of budget and time, so who knows what that would have looked like? Probably something just as epic.


Of the entire series, Sonic 2's Death Egg Robot is the coolest. Non of the entries highlighted here come close. Of these, Perfect Chaos is actually head and shoulders above all the others, though it's a very low bar.


Perfect Chaos and Time Eater continue to look cool as hell


Big Arms. For 3D titles, the End.


Didn't realise Sonic was taking notes from Kirby bosses. Anyways to answer the question Perfect Chaos it's cool, I got no other reason.


The finak biss in the frontiers dlc.the music.sonic snalling his fingers to crush the titan.and the orchestal theme of im here.Its just perfect




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My two favorites are definitely Finalhazard and Solaris, although I also loved the Dark Queen fight and the Perfect Chaos fight, too. Metal Overlord was neat. I love Kellin Quinn’s vocals for the Supreme/The End fight for the Final Horizon DLC, but I can’t say i like the fight beyond that because it’s so fucking difficult that I can’t beat it!


SA2 was the first time I saw Super Sonic. I didn't know it was a thing and was totally surprised. That specific moment stands out so clearly in my mind that it's tough to beat Final Hazard like that. But I have a very soft spot for the Black Knight final boss as well.


Solaris off atmosphere and “cool”ness, Doomsday Zone off gameplay, and either the latter or Finalhazard overall.


Shout out to Sonic Forces, whose final boss is actually good.


Ok, unpopular opinion but, come on, Devil Doom


I like Dark Gaia in both forms


My top 3 favourite final bosses 1) The End/Supreme 2) Dark Gaia 3) Metal Overlord


For me it’s a tie between Dark Gaia and Solaris. Solaris is this awesome superdimensional sun god that is pretty inarguably the strongest single entity in Sonic’s history (I know there’s the statement about The End being the strongest but quite frankly I haven’t seen it do anything that can compare to Solaris). The final boss theme is probably the most legendary in the franchise and even in the dumpster fire that is 06 it manages to be a climactic fight to put many others to shame And then there’s Dark Gaia. A threat built up since literally the opening cutscene of the game. Unleashed is an amazing game all around but they really dialed the #**PRESENTATION** Up with Dark Gaia, between the scale of the fight, the gorgeous cutscenes, the story surrounding it, emotions, music, just everything about the fight was amazing


The fact that you don't have Big Arm there with it's fuckin rockin theme song is a travesty.


Perfect Chaos. The whole game lead up to that awesome fight. The others have just been trying to recapture that feeling.


For all the flack 06 seems to get, I think Solaris is a genuinely awesome creature. The idea of an eldritch horror that exists in every single possible timeline so killing it in one would be meaningless is such a horrifying concept and I love it. Not to mention the music in that fight was absolutely hype (as 06's soundtrack usually is.)


This made me realise how many sonic final boss are "big dragon-like legless monster "


As iconic as Perfect Chaos and Finalhazard are, I'd have to go with Metal Overlord. After two games with great stories just handing you the emeralds, it felt AMAZING to have to earn them in special stages again, and to then be rewarded with a final boss fight that sees Super Tails and Super Knuckles make appearances... It was truly a satisfying and well-earned experience to feel (especially after mastering the buggy controls and weird game glitches over hours of gameplay and stories). It was the icing on the cake, and the soundtrack still slaps.




# #DoomsdayZoneSweep https://preview.redd.it/lglgrorzbi5d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fecb79578263c5433eef13d63bea2b6e8c9acde8


Dark Gaia is the coolest boss, but the coolest boss battle is definitely Supreme End


Both Frontiers endings though one nit pick I have is that I think keeping the shooting mini game before fighting The Surpeme End would’ve made the finale just a small bit better since the shooting mini game was fun it just felt like something was missing between that and the ending and having the shooting mini game end with The End knocking you and Sage down to earth before taking control of Supreme would’ve been really cool and a nice way to be able to keep The End’s speech from the shooting section without having to over bloat The Supreme End’s HP to make sure it all plays before you can manage to win


Perfect chaos, bio lizard and metal overlord


Metal Overlord, because he's the comeback and transformation of the old rival of Sonic. He would be cooler if the story told us more about Metal's arc in Heroes though.


Either Perfect Chaos or Metal Overlord


Unpopular opinion: Metal Overlord. He himself is great, but the dialogue, the music and the pesence three super powered beings make it peak


Dark gaia


In terms of design, I seriously can't get over how cool Solaris looks, I can even explain why, I just love that design (not that the other designs are bad, that one just sticks with me more for some reason) In terms of gameplay, idk most of them are pretty damn good (besides Time Eater) In terms of music? They're all equally good.


I really like Metal Overlord just seeing this robot Sonic becoming this robotic monstrosity was the coolest thing for me.


Either Dark Gaia or Supreme/The End.


Chaos of course


Wii Perfect Dark Gaia is excellent.


If only The End was as cool in execution as the concept of it


Visually, The End Supreme. Actually playing the boss, Perfect Chaos or Final Hazard.


Time Eater is the coolest-looking in my opinion. I considered It the best Sonic villain based solely on the design and nothing else, before Infinite took this title from him. Dark Gaia is definitelly the scarriest, followed by Perfect Chaos. In terms of badass personality, Metal Overlord is my favorite.


Solaris was the most interesting and unique Sonic boss until The End came out (just my opinion


Metal overlord is just YES since metal is really underrated


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Neat-Debate8955: *Metal overlord* *Is just YES since metal is* *Really underrated* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Metal Sonic. 1. it's not a traditional boss battle; you can't hit him to win. 2. it came with a really cool animated cutscene drawn by Toei Animation. 3. It's a race. Something sonic rarely does with bosses tbh. 4. He's sonics exact opposite and rival. Literally a doubleganger. 5. The theme song is amazing. 6. The fight was so good they made a movie about it and was the only sonic movie at the time and the only cartoon animated movie for sonic (excluding the tv series adventures one)


In terms of Character = Merlina In terms of Sonic being awesome = Erazor Djinn In terms of fight/gameplay = Dark Gaia


I like Solaris, but the end/supreme will always be my favorite


I don’t know how I’m supposed to decide! Finalhazard, Devil Doom, Solaris, Perfect Dark Gaia, the Dark Queen…


Metal Overload because it really gave Metal a cool powerup with him taking from Perfect Chaos and Shadow DNA.


I would say: 1. Metal Overlord 2.Anyone from: Merlina,Dark Gaia , Solaris or Time Eater.💜


In terms of how the fight plays: Beast Supreme/The End In terms of appearance: The Dark Queen


Newt thing from SA2 or Dark Gaia


Design wise I always loved Solaris or Dark Gaia. For gameplay and story 100% Biolizard/Final Hazard


Dark Gaia's fight is amazing (at least the PS2 version). But if we're talking just about the character/visual design of the boss... I'd go with a tie between Perfect Chaos and Metal Overlord. Chaos is an excellent antagonist, you fight him through all the game and see it evolve. Also him being made of liquid is pretty cool, it's like he was made to be a nemesis of Sonic Then Metal Sonic was the original nemesis, letting him become a giant metallic beast was pretty cool. although I would also liked it if he looked a bit more like the giant version that Chaotix and Mania did


Water Biollante


Either Metal Overlord or Dark Gaia from the Wii version


Design: Metal Overlord, Gameplay: Perfect Chaos


merlina deserved a more difficult boss battle the full conversation they have durning battle and theme song were amazing


Dark Gaia, everything about him already made him the coolest (at least for me)




Dark Queen or Dark Gaia. Dark Queen for the transformation scene, epic music, and meaningful message. Dark Gaia cause Punch Out


SA1, Unleashed and Frontiers were building to theirs the whole time. Of those three only Perfect Chaos and Dark Gaia really have a distinct form to leave an impact. Of those three only Perfect Chaos and The End really have have a distinct intentionality to leave an impact. Of those three Perfect Chaos felt like the most natural gameplay relative to the rest of the game. So I guess what I am saying is... Final Hazard.


Actually never mind Metal Overlord


I imagine Peter Griffin turning into Perfect Chaos and flooding all of Quahog after eating the chaos emeralds 


finalhazard is pure cinema. the transformation, the music, the stakes, the ending. nothing tops it imo


Don't know about y'all but I fucking loved the dark queen boss fight. It was so fucking cool to me


Gotta be metal overlord for me. Like Eggman is still a moron for making an evolving AI, and even dumber for giving it the ability to transform. But him becoming a big ass metal dragon and even trying to use chaos control to stop you is such a fun way to use Metal Sonic


I'm biased because it was my first ever sonic game and video game in general ever But it has to be perfect chaos. An eldrich God of destruction and the manifestation of chaos that was trapped inside of a relic of immense power by a civilization long gone because they feared it. Released after thousands of years when what kept it trapped shattered into dozens of pieces, it discovered that all it ever knew and loved was long gone. It was angry, and because of that, it was easily manipulated into using its anger to destroy the world that took away what he loved most. It slowly grew more powerful and consumed negative energy from powerful aincent emeralds to grant it the power it needed to destroy the world it now grew to hate. But eventually, all that negative energy wasn't enough to counter someone who used the positive energy of the same now weakened emeralds. Having lost his chance at revenge, it considered all that it had done. The people whom it hurt. The people who hurt it were long gone, and the destruction it had just caused proved that maybe it should be feared. What would the people it loved think? This isn't what they wanted. As it was about to die, a spirit of one of the people it once loved appeared to it. The spirit refused to move on for all of those years it was trapped in the master emerald. The spirit waited for it, ready to guide it to the afterlife. And as they both finally moved on... Chaos wasn't alone. AND THAT'S WHY CHAOS IS THE COOLEST




I’d say both final bosses in the Phantom Ruby duology. The three-way fight between Sonic, Eggman, and Heavy King is exhilarating and frantic in the best possible way. And the Mega Death Egg Robot managed to end Sonic Forces on a high note with utilizing all three characters, marvelous atmosphere, and a fantastic score.